Chapter 339
After stepping into that passage, Jiang Shang felt that he had come to another world, where the barren air was billowing, and there were terrifying black shadows covering the sky in the distance, and there were also terrifying wild beasts on the ground, fighting and killing each other, exuding terror. The breath made him uncontrollably startled, and quickly hid himself!
He had no doubts that if he was discovered by those monsters, he would most likely die!

Damn it, it's indeed a secret realm for Soul Altar students, this place is really scary!

"Proceed with caution!" Jiang Shang murmured in a low voice, the divine pattern in his body turned, first he restrained his breath, then looked for a direction, stepped out, and moved forward cautiously.

Next, in the process of marching, Jiang Shang saw all kinds of strange wild beasts, crescent bats the size of huge boulders, skeleton dragons with dry bones like fossils, eagles that obscured the sky and could not see the whole picture, long It is about tens of feet long, with a yellow flying centipede with thin long wings on its back...

They all have terrifying strength, and some have even reached the level of Zhou Tian, ​​which is shocking!

And after seeing this, Jiang Shang's whole heart was suspended for no other reason than because this place was too dangerous, far beyond his previous imagination!
"That is, White Jade Vermilion Fruit?" However, at this moment, Jiang Shang's eyes suddenly froze, and they gathered on a mountain in the distance!On the cliff of the mountain peak, there was a crystal-clear spiritual plant hanging slantingly, with a fruit condensed on it, the size of a fist, crystal clear like jade, mouth-watering, exuding an extremely strong and rich spiritual energy.

This turned out to be the legendary white jade vermilion fruit, a variant of the ten-thousand-year vermilion fruit, so precious that it made Jiang Shang's breathing short of breath.

"Wait, there must be fierce beasts guarding such peerless spiritual fruit treasures!" Jiang Shang murmured cautiously, his spiritual sense came out, and he began to search everywhere. The next moment, his expression changed slightly, a little ugly!
In the gap of the cliff, there is a faint white light, about ten feet wide, and a white dragon hovering in it, the breath is terrifying, which makes people tremble with fear!
Looking at the scales on the dragon's body, they are palm-sized, very dense, like pieces of cold white jade, crystal clear, and there are no horns on its head, only two hillock-like protrusions, and its appearance is normal Jiaolong is different, with violent eyes and four sharp long teeth sticking out of his mouth, which looks very fierce.

"The aura of this beast is so strong!" Jiang Shang stared at the dragon and desolate beast, but he was calculating the winning rate in his heart.

If he wanted to get that white jade vermilion fruit, he would definitely not be able to get around that Flood Dragon Desolate Beast. Judging from his aura, the other party had at least a strength comparable to that of a third-level soul altar. Although he was very strong, he still had the strength to fight!

"That's the way to go, first repel this beast, and then grab the spiritual fruit!" Jiang Shang made up his mind immediately, and quietly moved towards the gap in the cliff, touched it, and the divine pattern in his body followed!


"Human? You are courting death!"

However, when Jiang Shang quietly approached, the other party seemed to react. The ferocious dragon's eyes suddenly opened as big as copper bells, and then he spit out words, and the terrible barren air rolled towards Jiang Shang. , The imposing manner is frightening, shakes the world!

"Damn it, I was discovered!" Jiang Shang had to retreat immediately, but there was a look of surprise in his eyes. The other party was able to speak out, which he never expected.

You know, under normal circumstances, due to the interference of the violent barren energy, the desolate beast's mind is generally low, or even chaotic, and this white jade dragon can speak human words, which proves that it is sober, and also proves that it is sober. , this guy is definitely not simple!
But until now, he has no choice but to do so, unless he is willing to give up Bai Yu Zhu Guo, but that is obviously impossible!

"Kill!" The word "kill" filled his ears, and Jiang Shang exuded rolling power from within his body, and instantly displayed his bone body, transforming into a nine-foot-tall giant. The opponent's barbaric spirit went away, and they collided head-on, Ling Ran was not afraid!

"Boom..." Immediately, there was a piercing roar in the void, and the two converged terrifying forces collided suddenly, sending out shocking waves in all directions.
"Human, it seems that if you want to snatch my spiritual fruit, the great dragon clan will not forgive you. Today, I will definitely tear you into pieces!" The white jade dragon seemed to have seen through Jiang Shang's intentions, roaring, The billowing ice sprayed out from the mouth, freezing the world, the cold air was threatening, and it splashed towards Jiang Shang in a terrifying way, which was extremely amazing!

"Stop talking nonsense, why is this peerless spiritual fruit yours? As long as I defeat you today, that white jade and vermilion fruit will be mine!" Jiang Shang knew he was wrong, so he avoided the seriousness and said coldly.

The next moment, his huge arm burned into a flaming long sword, and he swung forward suddenly. The sword light exploded, and this sword directly cut through the rolling ice. Boom to kill, immediately made the opponent show a look of shock and anger!

"Defeat me? You're dreaming!" The white jade dragon exuded dragon aura, and his whole body released a tyrannical aura. , he is really angry!


Suddenly a terrible impact appeared, the dragon energy broke Jiang Shang's sword energy, the white jade dragon roared fiercely, its body was agitated, and it rushed towards Jiang Shang, intending to kill him!

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang showed a hint of shock, and couldn't help but retreat quickly. He felt the horror of the dragon aura, and he was absolutely invincible!
"Want to escape? Can you escape?" After seeing Jiang Shang backing away in panic, the white jade dragon became extremely rampant. It was seen that its whole body was filled with aura, and a dragon soul was gathered in vain. It was fierce and incomparable. Ferociously, he rushed towards Jiang Shang's crazy impact. The speed was extremely fast, and there was no way to dodge it!
Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang couldn't help feeling angry, and said violently, "Too much bullying!"

"Tomb Suppressor Demon God Hand, kill me!" A big hand covering the sky and the sun appeared, and it collided with the dragon soul. There was a loud bang, the void trembled, and the space trembled. The two disappeared into the sky at the same time. , both lose-lose!
"Pfft!" Jiang Shang spurted out a mouthful of blood, and couldn't stop it!

Looking at the white jade flood dragon again, he also looked very miserable, his body was covered in blood, his skin was torn to pieces, it seemed that the collapse of the dragon soul caused him a great backlash!

But at this time, Jiang Shang suddenly seized this opportunity, rushed towards Zhu Guo in vain, stretched out his hand to grab, Bai Yu Zhu Guo was caught in his hand, his body turned into a ray of light, and galloped towards the sky wall!

"Human, you... are despicable and shameless!" The seven orifices of the white jade dragon were filled with smoke, and his body was trembling, but he had already missed the best time to pursue him. In addition, he was still injured at this moment, so he was even more helpless. He could only watch helplessly. Jiang Shang left, hate it!Shameless!
(End of this chapter)

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