Chapter 340 Water Candle Demon

"The spirit fruit is finally in hand!" Looking at Jiang Shang who had already escaped, he was galloping in the sky at the moment, with a look of rejoicing, and his eyes revealed light joy.It is a great joy to get the white jade vermilion fruit!

But that beast is really powerful, it was able to blast through his tomb-suppressing demon god's hand, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing, it is shocking.

And the strength of the white jade flood dragon is estimated to have reached at least the peak of the third-layer soul altar, only inferior to Zhou Tian's powerhouse.But fortunately, his goal has already been achieved. Once he got the White Jade and Vermilion Fruit, there was no need to entangle with it any more. It is better to stay away, so as not to be troublesome if he is found again.

The next moment, there was a glimmer of light under Jiang Shang's feet, and he spotted a direction and galloped!
It just flew forward for nearly a hundred miles, and there were many wild beasts attacking head-on.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Seeing the desolate beasts that kept attacking him, Jiang Shang's eyes wrinkled slightly, and he unceasingly unleashed a powerful attack, killing everything, causing all the desolate beasts that attacked him to be instantly beaten into flying ash, or She was scared and fled in embarrassment, not daring to get close!
Although most of the desolate beasts are very low-spirited and even chaotic, they are still intelligent after all, knowing how to avoid the strong and knowing not to die in vain!

Following that, Jiang Shang moved at an astonishing speed. Under the powerful force, he fled away like a shooting star, and his momentum was like a broken bamboo!However, his aura also became low-key.Although his strength is not bad, he is no match for those terrifying wild beasts, so it's better to keep a low profile!
In this way, he galloped forward for another half a day, as if he had entered the depths of a secret realm, the number of desolate beasts became very dense, all kinds of powerful desolate beasts, like the autumn wind sweeping across the world, covering the The sky covered the sun, it was extremely terrifying!
Fortunately, he was prepared and activated the concealment technique to the extreme in advance, so that those terrifying wild beasts did not find him, so he escaped a catastrophe and did not fall into a dangerous situation.

Otherwise, if he is really discovered by those terrifying guys, then his situation will be in danger!

"Hey, what's the matter with that place?" However, at this moment, Jiang Shang's gaze swept to the scenery in front of him, he suddenly froze, and murmured in surprise.

In the mountains not far from him, there is a circular lake area, but the lake has been evacuated, exposing the silt and white sand at the bottom, and the air is filled with fresh moisture. Obviously, this kind of The situation has just emerged!

"There's something wrong with this ghostly place! The water aura in this entire area has been sucked out. Could it be some kind of terrifying desolate beast?" Jiang Shang murmured solemnly.

If this is the case, then he must leave here as soon as possible, because he is absolutely irresistible to a desolate beast that has the ability to do this!So this place is very dangerous, hurry up!

"What is that? Someone?" However, just as he was about to leave, his eyes flicked to a certain direction, and he froze in vain, because in that direction, a figure in white robes was rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed. , the breath made him restless!
Wait, this person's aura doesn't seem to be a human's aura? !

Feeling the breath radiating from the other party, Jiang Shang suddenly had such a thought in his heart, and then his body trembled suddenly, and his expression changed suddenly!

Damn it, it's a desolate beast!


Almost at the same time, a strange howling sound suddenly sounded, and the face of the white-robed figure suddenly changed, extremely ferocious, and the aura on his body also surged crazily, which was horrifying!

However, at the next moment, his body suddenly changed, soaring to ten feet, his limbs began to melt, his facial features were blurred, his head was pointed, and his whole body was twisted non-stop. From a distance, it looked like a pile of mud , white sludge!
"This the legendary water candle demon?" Jiang Shang took a rare breath, because he seemed to know the origin of this ghost thing!
In the inheritance memory of the Demon Ancestor, he had seen a similar existence before. It was called the Water Candle Demon, and it was a strange species among wild beasts. It looked like mud, but it was an existence of the same level that could not be killed at all. It was very difficult to deal with. , is also very scary!
Even in the Demon Realm, there is a terrifying existence whose main body is the Water Candle Demon, and even the Demon Ancestor is unwilling to provoke it easily, which shows it!
Damn it!How did you come across such a ghost?

"Hiss!" There was another strange scream next to his ear, the muddy body of the water candle monster rushed forward, galloped crazily, and shot straight at Jiang Shang, and the terrifying power of the rolling water system overwhelmed Jiang Shang. He showed a look of horror!
"The strength of this ghost thing is so terrifying!" Can't help but yell, the bone god pattern in Jiang Shang's body spins wildly, and the power of the three absolutes also comes out through the body, condensing into a momentum, and the big hand that covers the sky with a terrifying aura appears, It is the hand of the Tomb Slayer Demon God!

Although the water candle demon's defense is perverted, he still has a great weakness, that is, he is afraid of a head-on collision with powerful power.

It seems that Jiang Shang wants to have a try, can his strongest supernatural power knock back the opponent?

"Boom..." There was a terrifying vibration in the void, and the water candle demon was violently bombarded by the Tomb Slayer Demon God, its body exploded, and it violently flew backwards!

"Dead... No, damn it!" Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang was about to be happy, but his expression suddenly changed at the next moment, because that ghost, the water candle demon, didn't seem to have suffered much loss, with a muddy body. The body recovered again, and with a sharp roar, he rushed towards him again. The power of the billowing water system was extremely terrifying!
The tomb-suppressing devil's hand is his most powerful supernatural power, but it can't cause serious damage to the opponent. This is simply unbelievable. The body of this ghost is too terrifying, right?
"Run!" A layer of helplessness floated in Jiang Shang's eyes, without hesitation, he turned around and ran away!He didn't even use the hands of the Tomb Suppressing Demon God, so what else could he do?It's better to run quickly, it will be dangerous if you are caught up!

Like a shooting star piercing the sky, Jiang Shang fled extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he had already fled a hundred miles away, the water candle demon roared from behind, rolling after him, but he couldn't catch up, making Jiang Shang secretly loose in one breath.

It seems that speed is its real weakness!

"This damn thing is really bad luck, don't run into it again next time!" Jiang Shang couldn't help cursing until the crisis in the rear was lifted after flying a long distance.It is indeed unlucky and depressing to meet something more perverted than him.

"Whoosh!" However, at this moment, a ray of light galloped from the distant sky at an extremely fast speed, and then fell into Jiang Shang's hands. It was a messenger talisman, which made him stunned.

Jiang Shang opened it suspiciously, his consciousness entered it, and suddenly a familiar voice sounded, it turned out to be Black Eagle. It turned out that he was the one who sent the communication talisman, and he was actually in this Red Desolation Secret Realm?
(End of this chapter)

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