Chapter 352 The Bridge of the Holy Seal
The three members of the Yang family were the first to step into the fairy tomb. It stands to reason that they should immediately go to the place of the final inheritance, get the treasure, and get the inheritance!
However, they didn't do that because it looked like they were lost!
"Damn it, the marking on the map is wrong!"

Among the three members of the Yang family, the man at the second level of the soul altar was holding a golden map, but his expression was not very good-looking, and he was out of breath.The golden map in his hand was originally a map marking the interior of the fairy tomb, but at this moment, they found something wrong, the route marked on the map was wrong, which naturally made them frustrated and irritable.

"The ancestors of the past were chased and killed by the peerless powerful demon ancestors. They had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. In the end, they had no choice but to leave blood for descendants, and sealed this map in the memory of the ancestors of my Yang family. In addition, there is another The supreme supernatural power method "Shengyin Golden Light Sutra", in order to make a comeback!

"But it's a pity that the ancestor's cultivation base was not strong at that time, and he couldn't bear that memory. As a result, there were only remnants of the exercises. Dominating one side! It’s amazing! But the ancestors never forgot their ancestors, set up the ancestor’s precepts, and searched for this immortal tomb for generations. They must obtain the complete Holy Seal Golden Light Sutra. Only in this way, our Yang family will become stronger , dominate the ancient city of Beiming, and give birth to an immortal!"

The other woman said slowly, her heart was surging and the waves were ups and downs.

If they Yang family can really give birth to immortals, then it must be a real rise!

"But this map is wrong, what should we do now? Look for it separately?" The last man said, now is the time to make a decision as soon as possible, so as not to be preempted by others!

"The soldiers are divided into two ways!"

The man in the second-level soul altar pondered for a moment, and then quickly said: "We are divided into two groups. You two find a direction, and I find a direction. Remember, our goal is the Holy Seal Golden Light Sutra, which is the ninth-level immortal. Cultivation techniques are extremely precious, and other treasures can be discarded, but only this sutra must be obtained, at all costs!"

Immortal King Figure,

This is a saying that has been widely circulated in the heavens and the world.

It means that only the top of the ninth-level immortal kung fu is eligible to be suffixed with the name scripture, and only the top-level of the tenth-level king-level kung fu is eligible to be suffixed with the name map!
Just like Jiang Shang’s Bone Nine Heavens Picture, it is the top of the king-level kung fu, so it was named the picture, and since the Holy Seal Golden Light Sutra is called the scripture, it must be the leader of the fairy-level kung fu !Extremely precious!

Therefore, if they Yang family can obtain the Holy Seal Golden Light Sutra, they will definitely dominate the ancient city of Beiming, look down upon the world of Xuanyuan, and restore the glory of their ancestors in the past!

"it is good!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The three of them did not hesitate, and the next moment, they quickly divided into two groups to act!

Look at the other side!
After the other people stepped into the fairy tomb, they glanced around, and they were all shocked, because the inside of the fairy tomb was not as majestic as imagined, but a ruin, extremely decayed.

How is this going?

You know, this is the tomb of an ancestor, why is the interior in such a ruined state?
"There was a big war here?" Everyone couldn't help guessing that there was no other explanation for the destruction here except for the big war!
However, Jiang Shang, who was among the crowd, had a strange look in his eyes at this moment: "There are traces of demonic energy here. It's strange. Could it be that the great war that happened here has something to do with the demons?"

He is the descendant of the Demon Ancestor, so he is no stranger to Demon Qi, and is even very familiar with it!
"Look, what is that?" At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed, and everyone's eyes turned to the distance, and after a while, everyone's expressions were shocked!

I saw that at the place leading to the depths of the fairy tomb, there was a bridge of golden light, surrounded by holy seals, and the momentum was amazing. It was paved into a river of holy seals. The breath was palpitating. It will be torn apart by an instant huge force, which is very terrifying!
And if you want to reach the other side, you may have to pass the bridge of the holy seal, but this bridge is also terrifying, full of amazing aura of the holy seal, blocking people coming, roaring and howling, shaking the sky!
Above the bridge, there is a chaotic space storm, and the power of various holy seals is so powerful that it makes people feel terrifying!
"It's the bridge leading to the immortal's tomb! Let's go, let's step over it quickly!" Someone stepped forward on the billowing air waves. It was a first-level soul altar powerhouse. It seemed that he was very confident in his own strength!He wants to pass through this holy seal bridge to reach the real fairy tomb!
"Ah, no, it's impossible..." But just a moment later, his body twisted in vain, a majestic pressure squeezed, and with a scream, his body exploded and died.

This scene immediately made everyone tremble, and their expressions were a little ugly. Damn, is this another dead end?
However, at this moment, another tyrannical aura rose into the sky, the dead wood was dead silent, and its power was billowing, it turned out that the dead wood stepped out!I saw that he stepped directly onto the bridge of the holy seal, and the power of the holy seal was terrifying, but he resisted it, moved forward slowly, and finally reached the opposite bank, which made everyone startled for a moment, and then quickly moved , Aura burst!
It seems that the bridge of the Holy Seal is not a dead end, so there is nothing to be afraid of!
"Du Junru!" Just as everyone started to act, Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he softly said in vain: "Here, I'm afraid I can't take you there, you should find a place to hide yourself, this level is no longer You can participate."

"Yes..." Du Junru said disappointedly.She only has the initial stage of Golden Core cultivation, which is indeed too low here.

"Black Eagle, let's go!" Jiang Shang immediately said to Black Eagle, who nodded, and the two of them turned into two streaks of light, one white and one yellow, and flew directly to the bridge of the Holy Seal. The power of the seal came, but they resisted it and moved forward slowly. It seemed that they should be able to walk over!

Looking at the real fairy tomb, it is a vast and endless palace, full of bright stars, full of aura, and the last chance is hidden in it!
And at this moment, there are two people confronting each other there!

One is Feng Wuya from Yingtang, and the other is the double soul altar of the Yang family!
"Yangxuan, I didn't expect that rumor to be true. The tomb of the immortal ancestor of your Yang family is actually hidden here!" Feng Wuya squinted his eyes and said softly.It seems that he has already guessed this matter!
Yang Feng said coldly: "So what?"

He didn't expect that at this last step, he would be stopped by the other party. This is really troublesome!
(End of this chapter)

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