Chapter 353 Three Scary Statues!

"I have a suggestion, Yangxuan, would you like to listen to it?" Facing Yangxuan's indifferent attitude, Feng Wuya didn't mind, but said with a smile!Since he encountered this kind of thing, he must have a share of it!
Yang Xuan suddenly said coldly: "If you have something to say, just say it!" His attitude was not good, obviously, he had already guessed what the other party was going to say.

"Then I, then I'll just say it straight!" Feng Wuya's eyes narrowed, and he said slowly, "Since we're all here to hunt for treasure, it's impossible to let your Yang family get it for nothing! It's not as good as both of us How about teaming up? Thinking about it, I should not be the only one to guess the secret."

"Yes!" Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan agreed very simply, but he followed suit: "However, I have one condition!"

"Say it!" Feng Wuya said calmly.He wanted a piece of the pie, so the other party had a request, which was normal, and it didn't surprise him.

"Among the many treasures, there is a skill that our Yang family must acquire. It cannot be compromised. If you can agree, we can join hands, but if you can't agree, then I'm sorry... This alliance cannot be achieved!"

Yangxuan naturally refers to the Holy Seal Golden Light Sutra, which is what their Yang family must obtain, and they will never compromise!

"Cultivation method?" Feng Wuya's eyes flickered, hesitant.To be so valued by the Yang family, there is no doubt that this skill must be extremely precious, eighth level, or even ninth level is possible!Such a peerless skill, let him give up, it is indeed a bit unwilling!
However, Yang Xuan's attitude was too firm to compromise. It seemed that he had to make a choice!

"Okay, I promise you! I, Feng Wuya, hereby make an oath that I will never snatch that skill from you, or the world will be destroyed, brother Yang, so you are satisfied?" Feng Wuya finally made a choice, Abandoning that technique, decisive moment!
In fact, he does not lack cultivation skills, because no matter whether it is eighth-level or ninth-level skills, his sect has them all!
Therefore, the temptation of exercises to him is not that great, what he cares more about are those treasures!

"Okay, refreshing!" Yang Feng nodded slightly, glanced at the door behind them, and said slowly: "Wait to call the other two from my Yang family. Only when the three of us get together can I be sure." Open this door!"

Just behind them, there is a huge door of the holy seal, the spiritual light is flickering, the holy seal is rolling, and a few clear words are engraved on it, Golden Light Palace!

The name of the immortal patriarch of the Yang family back then was Jin Guang, Patriarch Jin Guang!

And just behind the gate of the holy seal is the real resting place of Patriarch Jin Guang!The tomb of the immortal Jin Guang Patriarch is right there!
"Okay, Brother Yangxuan, please go ahead!" Feng Wuya nodded calmly.He knows that at least [-]% of what the other party said is false, but these are not important, it doesn't matter, as long as the tomb of the fairy can be opened, he has the water cloud spirit cover in his hand, enough to overcome all changes with the same !

Yang Feng's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he silently began to summon his companions. For a moment, the aura flickered, but it was a mysterious secret technique!
In fact, he did lie. He could open this door by himself, but he said that three people are needed. This is because he wanted to gather his own people first.Compared with Feng Wuya, he naturally believed in his companions more.

At the same time, Jiang Shang and others stepped across the bridge of the holy seal, and they finally came to the final palace!

They only need to advance a certain distance, and they can come straight to the Golden Light Palace!However, they did not choose to move forward immediately, but they were all shocked by the scenery in front of them.

There was only one palace called Xiantu, and there were three lifelike statues erected. The momentum was astonishing. With a 'buzz' sound, everyone's minds seemed to be shocked, and the terrifying power descended. The boundless majesty made people tremble!
"It's scary, these three statues are scary!" Di Bingling murmured softly.

Even for someone as arrogant as him to say that, it is obvious that these statues are really scary!
"These should be statues of immortals, but there are three of them..." Jiang Shang looked at those statues, and suddenly, those statues seemed to come alive, a terrible will was projected, and the momentum was overwhelming, making his breathing difficult and his body trembling. Amazing!
The first statue I saw was an old man with a slightly hunched back, with a kind smile on his face, like an old man in the world, but no one dared to underestimate him, because his breath was too terrifying , suffocating!
"Old Xuanwu, the Great Elder of Beiming Immortal Palace, one of the top powerhouses of our time, is the pillar of our Beiming Realm!"

It was just this small introduction, but it made everyone's eyes narrow and their breaths heavy!The Great Elder of Beiming Immortal Palace, one of the top powerhouses of the contemporary era, this is simply an existence that they can only hope for!Only look up!

The second statue is a man. His statue is depicted with rolling thunder, which is very terrifying, just like the supreme god of judgment. However, his face made Jiang Shang startled!
"It's him, Beidou Qingtian..." It turned out that this statue portrayed the immortal and strong man he had seen, Beidou Qingtian!It seems that Fitz is with him now, and he doesn't know what's going on. With his terrifying recovery speed, he should be back to his peak state, right?
After thinking about it, his eyes immediately swept towards the introduction.

"Beidou Qingtian, this person has the talent to reach the heavens and the earth, ghosts and gods are unpredictable, he entered the Tao with the thunder of the heavens and the universe, and created a terrible skill, the Thunder Yujing, the power is unimaginable! At the third level of Zhoutian realm, he killed a strong immortal before he became an immortal! It can be said to be against the sky!"

All of a sudden, there was a sound of gasping for cold air. He didn't become a fairy, but he was able to kill a strong person in the realm of a fairy. This person is really against the sky!
You must know that Zhoutian Realm and Immortal Realm are two absolutely different realms, the gap is like a gap, and this Big Dipper Qingtian can do such a heaven-defying move, it is simply unbelievable!

Look at the last statue again, it is a sword holder, his sword seems to pierce the sky and the earth, the sword energy soars to the sky, it is daunting, this is a terrifying swordsman!
"Blood Sword Ducheng, this person rose up among casual cultivators. He is addicted to swords like blood. Just like its title, Blood Sword, his path was forcibly killed. He is a taboo of an era, and almost the entire Beiming The top forces all have a deep blood feud with him, but revenge? They dare not! The blood sword Ducheng has forcibly killed a bloody path, and no one dares to seek revenge from him!"

This is another terrifying powerhouse!
The blood sword Du Cheng abruptly killed a bloody path, and no one dared to seek revenge from him!
It is impossible to imagine how terrifying and powerful he was in the era when he rose, and how terrified and miserable his enemies were?
(End of this chapter)

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