Chapter 354 Stepping into the Realm of Will!

"These three people are the strongest in my Beiming, they are all over the world, and they are the only ones who have truly reached the pinnacle! I put their statues here, soaked in their brilliance, appreciate their majesty, and spur myself, Help me ask!"

In the end, this was a concluding sentence that caused waves in everyone's hearts, as if a huge wave had been set off!
Across the world!Eternal dominance!
These three people are the strongest in my Beiming, and they have truly reached the pinnacle of existence!

"Old Xuanwu, Beidou Qingtian, Xuejian Ducheng, these three peak powerhouses, their statues are really terrifying. Just looking at them, I feel uncontrollable, my aura is restless, as if the supreme majesty descended , It's amazing!" Hei Ying murmured in a low voice, full of exclamation, the power of these three immortal statues is too terrifying!

"This is just a statue. If we see their real existence, maybe we won't be able to look straight at all, and we will be overwhelmed by that terrifying power!" Jiang Shang also whispered.

It's just statues, their power is so terrifying, it's hard to imagine how terrifying their power would be if they were real people, perhaps, destroying the world and shaking the sky, it's nothing more than that.

Thinking about it further, the owner of this palace is an immortal, but he put these three statues here to spur and strengthen himself. From this, we can see that these three are absolutely terrifying existences!

At least he must be much stronger than the owner of the palace, otherwise, there is no need for him to do this.

"It would be great if I, Black Eagle, could reach that level one day!" Black Eagle murmured again, with a bit of longing in his voice!

Become a fairy, which cultivator does not want to achieve it?That is everyone's dream!none of them!

"There will be a chance!"

Jiang Shang's eyes were clear, but his tone was quite agitated: "No matter which peak-level strong man, he cultivated from the weak step by step! They can do it, and we can do it too. One day, we Will surely become a fairy!"

"One day, we will surely become immortals!"

Hei Ying repeated these words, suddenly clenched his fists tightly, his eyes shot out a sky-like brilliance, that's right, one day, we will become immortals!

"You go to the front first to prevent them from getting the final inheritance. I want to study these statues here. I have a feeling that my power of Tao seems to be breaking through!" Jiang Shang said slowly.His power of Tao has been stuck in the triple realm for a long time. Now, there are finally signs of loosening, and it is time to break through and step into the realm of will!
"Yes!" Hei Ying immediately obeyed the order and galloped forward quickly, preventing them from getting the inheritance!
Although, he also wanted to stay and comprehend the statue of the old man Xuanwu, but since Jiang Shang had already given the order, he would not violate it. In his eyes, the order of the palace lord is above all else and will never be violated!

This is loyalty, absolute loyalty as a subordinate!
After watching the black eagle leave, Jiang Shang stopped talking, sat cross-legged, and began to comprehend the three statues!And the first thing he chose was the statue of the Blood Sword Du City!His life experience was immersed in it, and a terrifying sword energy suddenly attacked him, blood was all over the sky!
It was a heart-shattering picture, the immortal blood sword Ducheng, lawless, killing the sky and the earth, killing a bloody path, the sword qi is vertical and horizontal, as if it wants to pierce the sky!

"Is this the way of the sword of blood? It's terrifying!" Jiang Shang was startled secretly while trying to comprehend the terrifying way of the sword. The sky was full of blood, and the sky was full of sword energy, as if the only sword in the world was the sword. Existence, his kendo, is really terrifying!
"What a terrifying comprehension!" Some students who stayed behind to comprehend these statues couldn't help being shocked and shocked when they saw this scene!This evildoer's comprehension ability is actually so strong, and he actually immersed himself in it in just such a period of time?It's really scary, you god-defying guy!
But they didn't know that the reason why Jiang Shang comprehended so quickly was because he had such an experience before!

I still remember that when he was in the Pole Star Sword Palace, he had comprehended the statue of the immortal, so he seemed so familiar with it at this moment, the speed of comprehension was extremely fast, and in just a moment, his aura had reached its peak, as if, It's about to break through!


At the next moment, a terrifying sword intent soared into the sky, lawless and rebellious against the sky, and even faintly forced back the bloody sword way. It was shocking. They had already seen that Jiang Shang's Dao realm had broken through !

This is the way of the sword, the way of the sword has entered the realm of will!

"It's not enough, give me a breakthrough!"

But this is just a breakthrough in the way of swordsmanship, not enough, Jiang Shang is not satisfied, the way of bones, the way of thunder, he wants to break through all the ways he has!Step into the realm of will!

"Roar! Roar! Roar..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The terrifying thunder roared, the power of bones paved the ground of bones, and surrounded it into a mysterious scene. The way of the sword that had already broken through began to assume the role of guiding, the way of bones began to impact, and the thunder also began to impact!
At the next moment, as if the realm shattered, the thunder began to become more violent, and the bones radiated terrifying aura!
"Breakthrough, all three skills have been broken through!" Everyone's hearts trembled. This guy, with the help of the blood sword statue of Ducheng, first broke through the way of the sword, and then made two other breakthroughs, stepping into the realm of will. This time, his strength Even more terrifying!

Looking at Jiang Shang again, he slowly opened his eyes, and the terrifying Qi of the Three Absolutes bloomed from it, with majesty of will, very terrifying!
"Is this the realm of will? It's really powerful!" Jiang Shang clenched his fists, his eyes shot out a brilliant light, powerful!The realm of Dao's power and will is a completely different level. With his current strength, he may be able to instantly kill an ordinary double soul altar powerhouse!

Defeating and instant killing are completely different concepts, very terrifying!

"Thank you!" Jiang Shang then bowed towards the statue. The other party helped him reach the state of will, and he deserves to be worshipped!
The next moment, Jiang Shang, who had broken through the power of Tao, went straight to the passage ahead, at a very fast speed!He could already feel that in the depths of the passage, there seemed to be a big battle happening at the moment, the aura was surging, and the agitation was astonishing!
Come to think of it, this should be the start of the final battle!

He has to rush over there quickly!

Looking at the depths of the passage, in the vast area in front of the gate of the Golden Light Hall, there are three parties confronting each other!

One of them is the combination of the Yang family and Yingtang, Feng Wuya, Yang Feng, and the Yang family's two first-level soul altar powerhouses. They have the largest number of people, and they are all very strong.

Then there is the other party, there are only two people, they are Dead Wood and Di Bingling, they did not know when they joined forces, with the strength of the two of them, they must be very powerful together!Not to be underestimated!
In addition to their two forces, there is a last party that seems to be quite weak. There is only one person, and that is Black Eagle!

His situation seems to be a bit bad, because of his isolation and helplessness, he seems to be targeted by people from the other two parties!
(End of this chapter)

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