Chapter 355
"Di Bingling, and this friend, I have a proposal, I wonder if the two of you are willing to accept it?" Just as they were confronting each other, Feng Wuya suddenly said, his voice was indifferent, full of murderous intent, as if he was going towards I went with the Black Hawk.

"Proposal?" Deadwood looked at the other party with a smile on his old face and said softly, "Tell me, what proposal!"

"Everyone is here to hunt for treasure. We have reached the last step, so we naturally don't need to face each other. However, there is an irrelevant person here. How about we join hands and kill him? As for the treasure, we will talk about it later! "Feng Wuya said fiercely, his murderous intent was pressing towards Hei Ying, obviously, he wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Hei Ying!

"That's a good idea!" Di Bingling smiled coldly and agreed.

Heiying is Jiang Shang's man, so it's a good thing to get rid of that evildoer's right-hand man first!

After all, to him, Jiang Shang can already be regarded as an enemy, because he knows very well that after the previous incident, the two sides have turned against each other and belonged to hostility, and since they are enemies, there is nothing to say and must be eliminated to avoid endless troubles!
"Do you want to move him?" Only Deadwood frowned, his eyes flickered, as if he was a bit reluctant!

Moving the Black Eagle is tantamount to moving Jiang Shang. As far as his inner thoughts are concerned, he still doesn't want to be hostile to Jiang Shang!After all, he is still very afraid of Jiang Shang's monster!
"Do it!" But just as he was hesitating, the others had already started to do it. The aura roared, the holy seal spun, and the killings rolled in. They all blasted and killed Heiying alone. The color, the look is extremely ugly!
Facing the siege of so many strong men, there is no doubt that he is at a very disadvantage!
"Want to kill me? It's not that easy!" However, he is not easy to bully. He roared, and his eyes suddenly showed a terrifying and thick earth, his blood trembled, and the ancient clock rang, but it was the Yuangu clock that vibrated out. , The terrifying breath of the earth roared, making one's heart tremble!
Hei Ying possesses the protection of the heavenly magic weapon Yuan Gu Zhong, so it must not be so easy to kill him!

"Di Bingling, this person is protected by a heavenly magic weapon, so he is not easy to kill, so don't hide it, take out your mysterious ice chain!" Yang Xuan said coldly to Di Bingling.He knew that the other party possessed a heavenly magic weapon, the Xuanbing Chain, which was the best treasure to use to kill someone!
"Where's your holy seal orb? Although it's not a heavenly magic weapon, it's not too far away. Don't hide it, take it out!" Di Bingling said lightly.

He knew that the other party wanted him to take the lead and take on the most dangerous role, but he was not an idiot, it was impossible for the other party to get what he wanted!Since the two sides are joining forces, let's go together!

After seeing through the trick, Yangxuan snorted coldly, with a cold expression on his face, and took out a fist-sized holy seal orb, which was very powerful!
"Let's do it, kill!" Yangxuan roared, and the terrifying aura of the holy seal emerged from his body, roaring, melting into the orb in his hand, and the light bloomed, it turned into a terrifying beam of light, invincible, towards the black eagle Bombing away, very scary!
But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"You are looking for death!" An icy voice pierced the sky, thunder rolled, sword energy howled, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, containing the terrifying power of the three absolutes, and slashed straight towards the sacred pillar of light, the next moment , It was cut off!
The beam of light transformed from the holy seal orb was cut off by this sword!
"What, this is impossible!" Everyone's eyes trembled suddenly, their faces were full of disbelief, and they were even shocked. You must know that this holy seal orb is a top-level magic weapon, but it was cut off by this sword. How is this possible? !


The severed holy seal light beam quickly returned to Yangxuan's hand, and with a click, the holy seal orb split in two, and the latter froze in place, leaving some blood on the corner of his mouth!
"It's broken, it's really broken!" Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being shocked again, and with a single sword, they cut off the top magic weapon of the earth level. The strength of this evildoer is even more terrifying!

The next moment, an imposing figure stepped out from the passage not far away. He was holding the Thunder Tribulation Sword, and the power of the Three Absolutes emerged. It was Jiang Shang!I saw his eyes swept over everyone, followed by a voice that was as cold as ice and said: "Those who dare to touch me, you are so courageous!"

"Arrogance! You are too arrogant to be so arrogant at a mere Golden Core early stage!" Di Bingling stepped out and said coldly, with a terrifying aura emerging from his whole body!
"Arrogance?" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered coldly, he glanced at the others, and then said coldly, "What about you? Do you want to fight too?"

"Stop talking nonsense, how dare you destroy my orb, today, I will definitely kill you here!" Angrily Yangxuan roared, and the terrifying power of the holy seal was stirred up in his body, rolling and roaring, towards Jiang Shang Culled the past and it was amazing!

And after seeing Yang Xuan's attack, the remaining two members of the Yang family did not hesitate to kill Jiang Shang, the holy seal emerged, and the aura roared!
"It's only in the early stage of Jindan, but you dare to be so arrogant. You really want to die. Today, let's save your life!" Feng Wuya sneered and shot, and suddenly, the terrifying power of wind gathered and condensed into a terrifying The storm blasted towards Jiang Shang, its power was terrifying, and he didn't hold back at all!

He has formed a deadly feud with Jiang Shang, so he naturally wants Jiang Shang to die!
"Three Absolute Physiques? No matter how monstrous a genius he is, if he doesn't know how to hide, if he is arrogant, there is only one way to die. Today, you can't escape!" Di Bingling shot coldly, and the mysterious ice chain in his hand turned into terrifying ice, freezing The entire void of the world was blown, and he blasted at Jiang Shang, showing no mercy, intending to kill him!

Now, the combination of many of their top talents is the best time to kill this evildoer!
"My lord..." Hei Ying's face immediately changed when he saw this, and he was extremely anxious and wanted to rescue him, but at this moment, an indifferent voice rang next to his ears: "Go and stop Yang There are three people in the family, and the rest, leave it to me!"

"What?" Hei Ying was startled when he heard the words, what did Jiang Shang mean by this, could it be that he wanted to face Feng Wuya, Di Bingling, and dead wood alone?
But at this moment, Dead Wood suddenly stepped out of the battle area with a flash. The next moment, he said softly, "I won't participate in this battle. You can do whatever you want!" It seems that he still doesn't want to I wish to offend Jiang Shang, so I chose to be neutral.

"Even if he doesn't participate in this battle, you don't want to escape today!" Feng Wuya's face was ferocious, his strength crushed towards Jiang Shang, and the storm raged, destroying everything!
(End of this chapter)

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