Chapter 364 Gambling against the sky-level magic weapon!

"Junior, are you telling the truth? Is this really the legendary Thunderbolt Phoenix Tree?" Even the strong alien couldn't sit still, stood up, and shouted coldly at Jiang Shang.If this thing is really the Thunder Phoenix Wood, then he will be at a big loss, and his heart is bleeding!
Such a treasure, the value contained in it has already surpassed his entire net worth!How can it be……

Jiang Shang didn't answer his question, but glanced at Weng Chengxian, and said with a sneer, "You should be very clear about what I said, you want me to take it out as a bet, fine, as long as you can take it out, and Luolei Phoenix If you don't have a treasure of the same level, I promise to bet against you, how about it?"

Naturally, Weng Chengxian's expression was extremely ugly. How could it be possible for him to take out a treasure of the same level as the Luolei Phoenix Wood... He didn't have it at all, so how could he take it out?
"Why, can't you take it out?"

Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Then I will give you another chance! 5000 million yuan, as long as you can come up with 5000 million yuan, I will agree to bet with you, how about it?"

"Hiss! 5000 million yuan liquid?" In the main hall, the sound of gasping for cold air sounded again, and everyone's eyes were incomparably shocked. 5000 million yuan liquid, this is simply an astronomical figure!Even most of the Zhou Tian powerhouses present, who went bankrupt, couldn't come up with this number!
"Are you making fun of me?" Weng Chengxian's expression was gloomy, and his voice was full of coldness. How could he get out 5000 million yuan?

"Can't get it out? Then you are talking nonsense!" Jiang Shang shouted coldly in vain.

"You, you..." Weng Chengxian became angry suddenly, trembling all over, and said to Jiang Shang: "Very well, you are really courageous, if this is the case, don't blame me for being ruthless after a while of fighting! "

"Give it a try if you have the ability!" After leaving a cold sentence, Jiang Shang turned around and headed towards the arena outside the hall!

Seeing this scene, Weng Chengxian didn't hesitate, and walked towards the ring with a vicious look!
"Lightning Phoenix Tree? Is that really Phoenix Lightning Tree? Impossible, it's impossible..."

Others who wanted to watch the excitement, or those who had evil intentions, also rushed towards the ring, but the strong man of the foreign race did not move, his face was dull, and his flesh was extremely painful. The spirit tree turned out to be the legendary Luolei Phoenix wood, his heart is bleeding, how is this possible...


"Golden core mid-stage? What an idiot! Do you think that with your mid-Golden core cultivation, it's possible for me, Weng Chengxian, to be my opponent?

The two of Jiang Shang walked out of the Taobao Pavilion and stepped onto the arena to compete. After seeing his cultivation level clearly, Weng Chengxian immediately sneered with disdain.A mere mid-Golden Core, who dares to oppose his first-level soul altar cultivation, is an idiot, courting death!

At this point, he showed arrogance again, and said contemptuously to Jiang Shang: "Don't say I didn't give you a chance, you regret it now, it's still too late! Hand over the Thunder Phoenix Wood, and I can spare you, otherwise, I will It will knock down your cultivation base and make your life worse than death! You will be like a useless person!"

"Have you said enough? Or are you afraid of me, a middle-stage Jindan cultivator like me?" Jiang Shang sneered disdainfully.

To knock down his cultivation base, this guy is simply dreaming!

"Smart teeth! Turning black and white!" Weng Chengxian was furious immediately, releasing a terrible breath, with murderous intent rolling, chills rising, and his voice was vicious: "How dare you offend me, Weng Chengxian, very good, very good, I will let you know , what is regret!"

"All ready? Let's start!" At this moment, outside the arena, an old man with a stooped beard said coldly.

He is the Seven Star Pavilion, a Zhou Tian expert specially sent to guard here, in case anyone makes trouble here!

"and many more!"

Jiang Shang and Weng Chengxian spoke at the same time, but Jiang Shang said wait, which made the latter stunned, and then saw that he showed a serious expression, and sneered: "Why, are you afraid? I said, you are now It's too late to regret..."

"Stupid!" Jiang Shang just uttered two words, which made Weng Chengxian's face stiffen, his eyes bursting with coldness, and his expression became furious: "What did you say?"

"I said you are an idiot!" Jiang Shang said it again, not afraid of the other party's threat at all, and the next moment, he respectfully said to the old man: "Senior, I want to ask something, can you use the sky to deal with this matter?" High-level magic weapon?"

"Heaven-level magic weapon?" The old man narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "This is your business, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Really?" Jiang Shang pondered for a while after hearing the words, then suddenly turned around, and sneered at the furious Weng Chengxian: "Have you heard what I said, let you decide, can you use the magic weapon of heaven?"

"Heaven-level magic weapon?" Weng Chengxian's heart trembled for no reason when he heard the words, and he felt ominous, and then he pretended to be calm and said: "You are a mere mid-stage Golden Core, how can you let me use it?" Heaven-ranked magic weapon, wouldn’t that bully you too much?”

"Then according to what you mean, it means that you can't use the magic weapon of heaven rank?"

Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes and smiled. Suddenly, he threw out another sentence, which made the other party startled: "If that's the case, I'll give you another chance. Let's bet on the magic weapon of heaven, how about it?"

Jiang Shang took out the Sword of Thunder Tribulation, and smiled coldly at the opponent: "As long as you can defeat me, this sword will be yours. How about it, do you dare to bet with me?"


"A heavenly treasure, is it really a heavenly treasure?"

"A mere person in the middle stage of the golden core actually possesses such a treasure. Could it be that this person has some great background?"

"That's not the point. The point is to bet against heaven-level magic weapons. Will Weng Chengxian agree? I seem to remember that he doesn't have any sky-level magic weapons! Or did he refuse just now because he couldn't get them out at all? "


The monks watching were almost boiling, betting against the magic weapon of the sky rank, how big is this?

It has been a long time since such a scene has appeared in the ancient city of Beiming!

But at this moment, Weng Chengxian had a strong sense of foreboding in his heart. How could it be possible that the other party dared to bet with him with a heavenly magic weapon? Was it really uncertain?
He seems to have been caught in a trap!

"Why, my cultivation base is only in the mid-stage Golden Core, but you are a first-level soul altar powerhouse, don't you dare to bet with me? Or are you saying that you can't get a heavenly magic weapon at all?" While hesitating, Jiang Shang suddenly mocked with disdain.

You were so arrogant just now, but now you can't show it?What a shame!

"Don't dare? What a joke, someone gave me a treasure for no reason, how could I not accept it?" Stimulated by Jiang Shang's words, coupled with the influence of the surroundings, Weng Chengxian gritted his teeth and sneered!
The next moment, the palm of his hand suddenly shone with inspiration, a dazzling silver light flashed, and a shining silver wheel emerged, the size of a palm, full of astonishing aura!

"This wheel is called Silver Lightning, a low-grade magic weapon of the heavenly rank, do you see it clearly? I'll bet it with you!" Weng Chengxian said gloomyly while looking at Jiang Shang.Putting aside all the worries in his heart, he is full of confidence in himself at this moment, he must win this contest and win the bet with the heavenly magic weapon!
(End of this chapter)

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