Chapter 365 A crushing victory!

"Very good!" Jiang Shang nodded, and rolled the Sword of Thunder Tribulation directly out of the ring. In front of the old man Zhou Tian, ​​he said softly: "Please, senior, be a witness and keep it for us for a while. Let's wait, whoever wins will be qualified to take these two heavenly treasures!"

Seeing this scene, Weng Chengxian was stunned for a moment, and then he was furious in his heart, and the murderous intent that was already boiling suddenly increased a little.

Jiang Shang's move was completely cutting off his back path. If he really took out Yin Guanglao and handed it over to the old man Zhou Tian, ​​and he lost in the end, then even if he wanted to go back on his word, he would not be able to. Possible things!
This move is really ruthless!

"What are you dawdling about? You don't dare to gamble anymore, do you?" Seeing Weng Chengxian's hesitation, Jiang Shang immediately sneered and mocked.

He found that this person seemed to be particularly intolerant of stimulation, easily bossed, and acted impulsively.

"Don't dare? You're dreaming!"

Sure enough, Weng Chengxian became angry when he heard the words, his eyes burst out with a cold light, and the next moment, he waved his hand and threw a silver light, the latter flew out of the field automatically, and landed in front of the old man Zhou Tian, ​​he said viciously : "Don't use your tongue, let's go to war!"

Jiang Shang sneered, and glanced at Zhou Tian who was outside the arena. The latter immediately understood, and said coldly: "Listen well, there is no limit to fighting between spirits, except for life, any other consequences are fine. And no matter what the consequences are, our Seven Star Pavilion will not be responsible, if there is no objection, I will announce the start!"

On the ring, Jiang Shang and Weng Chengxian looked at each other coldly, neither said a word nor objected!Seeing this scene, the old man Zhou Tian's eyes turned cold, and he spit out the word 'begin'.

"A mere mid-stage Golden Core dares to act presumptuously in front of me, Weng Chengxian. I really don't know what it means! Today, I will let you know what is the gap between the two of us. In front of me, you are just an ant!" Void There was a cold snort, but Weng Chengxian said indifferently.

In the area where his body was located, a layer of terrifying waves emerged, golden light shone like a golden storm, filled with terrifying power of the golden system, which was horrifying.

This person is worthy of being a genius of Leng Yu Academy, such strength is indeed shocking!

"Ants?" However, at this moment, Jiang Shang, who was in the terrible storm, smiled in vain, which was so strange that many people felt a chill behind them, and their eyes flickered.

"Since you say I'm an ant, well, let's see who is the real ant, one move, if I can't defeat you with one move, then I will lose! How about it?" The next moment, Jiang Shang said to the other party seriously , The terrifying aura swept out crazily at this moment, shaking the world and making everyone tremble!

"Oh my god, this is the power of the Three Absolutes, it's impossible, it's impossible, he is actually an evildoer of the Three Absolutes?" A burst of exclamation erupted from the audience.

The three monsters, for their level, they are completely legendary existences, unimaginable!

"The power of the Three Absolutes, the Three Absolute Physiques? No, how is this possible? How could you be that kind of monster?" Weng Chengxian's face had already changed at this moment, his expression was pale, and a shock spread from the depths of his heart.Three extremists?How can this be?

"Why, are you scared now? Didn't you just think I'm just an ant?" The terrifying aura surrounded Jiang Shang, his long hair fluttering and his long robe hunting around, like a terrifying demon god, shocking the world!
The next moment, I saw him sneering and saying: "But it's a pity, it's too late for you to be afraid now, you either take my trick, or you go to die!"

"Boom..." A terrifying roar suddenly sounded. With a sneer at the corner of Jiang Shang's mouth, he stepped forward in the void. The terrifying aura of the Three Absolutes burst out completely, and the bones of the gods howled, detonating a terrifying layer between the world. Waves!
"Kill! Bone Shockwave!" At the next moment, the word "kill" filled my ears, and a terrifying shock wave appeared, blasting out along the void like thunder in a chaotic world, and the terrifying power rolled, as if it disturbed the world, making people tremble. It was an unparalleled and terrifying shock!

"No..." With a roar, Weng Chengxian's expression changed drastically, he was extremely pale, showing a look of horror.He seemed to be unable to imagine that the power of Jiang Shang's blow was so powerful?
"Boom!" A terrifying aura crushed towards him, turbulent void, lawlessness, if this really happened to her, he must have only a dead end, which made his heart tremble, and his eyes were filled with fear and horror!However, he is still a genius of the academy after all, besides the silver light plundering magic weapon, he has other trump cards!

It was a crystal jade slip!

He quickly crushed the jade slip and turned it into a protective light curtain to protect his body, then he turned into a stream of light crazily and fled out of the ring!

In the face of Jiang Shang, whose strength can be called against the sky, he has no way to fight, but to run away!
However, although his idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel!The terrifying shock wave chased across the void, killing and rolling, penetrated the barrier of the space barrier, and ruthlessly bombarded on the protective light curtain, all the spectators trembled in their hearts!
The means of chasing and killing across the void, how is this possible?



At the very next moment, the protective light curtain was blasted, and he rushed with all his strength, and hit Weng Chengxian fiercely. There was a muffled sound, blood spat out, and he was blasted out, causing everyone's hearts to tremble again. , Shocked!

This child is only in the middle stage of Jindan, but he has such terrifying strength, how is this possible, this is simply too crazy!
"Run away? It's really boring." Looking at Jiang Shang standing in the void, he was looking at the fleeing figure in the distance, shaking his head and curling his lips.It turned out that after Weng Chengxian was blown away just now, he was so frightened that he didn't turn his head back, and he didn't want the magic weapon of the heaven rank, so he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

This anticlimactic feeling really made him feel very boring.

And this battle was a crushing victory without any suspense!
"Forget it, it's not bad to earn a handful of heaven-level magic weapons, and speaking of it, today is really lucky, and the harvest is quite good!" The next moment, Jiang Shang smiled again and whispered softly.

In this short day, first Wanzai Hanjing sold 900 million yuan of liquid, and then Taobao, and found a legendary Phoenix tree of falling thunder, which was worth more than 5000 million yuan of liquid. But now, an idiot came to his door and gave him a heavenly magic weapon for nothing. After this and that, it was a huge wealth of nearly 1 million yuan!

Even if it is him, Jiang Shang, it is impossible not to be moved!
This time, I really made a big profit!

(End of this chapter)

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