Chapter 369 Many Treasures
"Since you have no doubts, let's start the auction!"

Master Chi saw that the hot discussion had slowed down a little, and immediately announced the start of the bond sale, and then saw him wave his hand lightly, the light flickered, the light on the auction stage dimmed a bit, and then there were several crackling sounds from the stage. Flying down and flying up, more than ten rays of light came up, with different colors.

The next moment, after the light of the escape light subsided, more than a dozen beautiful female cultivators appeared, standing tall and tall, all of whom had the cultivation base of the golden core realm.

Looking at their hands, each of them was holding a brocade box of different sizes. If it was as expected, those should be auction items!
"According to the practice of previous auctions, we start with all kinds of finished medicines and medicines, then various rare natural treasures, and finally the auction items. Everyone, let's look at the first auction item first. things," Master Chi said loudly.

Immediately, a beautiful female cultivator walked slowly to the front of the auction stage. With a light lift of her jade hand, she opened the jade box in her hand towards the customer, revealing her brilliance, revealing a jade bottle of her own color.

"Everyone, please be careful!" Master Chi opened his mouth and waved towards the brocade box. The sapphire bottle flew out and fell into the air. The bottle cap was opened by the power of spiritual energy. Appearing before everyone's eyes, the next moment, a thick scent of dan spreads slightly!So refreshing!
"This thing is called Huanyin Pill, and it is an eleventh-level heaven-grade pill. I believe that everyone knows this thing, so I won't talk nonsense. The starting price is 30 Yuanye, and each increase should not be less than [-] yuan. , start bidding now!"

"This pill can improve the cultivation base of a monk in the soul altar, and it happens to be useful to me. I must get it, 35 yuan liquid!"

"Sorry, I'm also interested in this pill, and I'm sure I'll get it! I'll offer 40 yuan!"

"Interesting, it's a mere 40 yuan, and you want to bid for this pill. What a joke, you guys better stop being embarrassing, I'll offer 50 yuan!"


With the sounds of bidding one after another, the number of bids began to rise slowly. This elixir is a heavenly elixir, and it is even very useful to the strong in the soul altar, so it is naturally very popular.

Jiang Shang seemed to be interested in this pill. After thinking about it for a while, he added a price: "I will pay 80 yuan!" , all need a lot of spiritual energy as a foreshadowing to be successful, so he naturally does not refuse this kind of elixir of advanced cultivation, the more the better!

"I will offer 100 million yuan in liquid!"

Just after Jiang Shang's voice fell, a slightly weak voice said slowly: "Friend, this pill is of great use to me, please give me some face and give it to me, okay?"

"Let?" Jiang Shang frowned slightly. Although the other party's asking price was already a bit high, he did not lack this bit of primordial liquid. If he really wanted to fight, naturally there would be no problem. He had the financial resources!However, the attitude of the other party is very good, without the slightest arrogance, but revealing a little request. It seems that the other party really needs this Huanyin Pill.

"Forget it, the beauty of a gentleman, I won't fight for this elixir." Jiang Shang then said softly, giving up the competition for the Huanyin elixir.

"Thank you, I'm under Liu Qianjian. If you are free in the future, my friend, you might as well come to my Qianjian residence." The man's voice was a little gentle, and he sent out the invitation, which made the audience feel a little trembling.

"Liu Qianjian? Why, is this person famous?" Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang was slightly surprised and asked Black Eagle.

Hei Ying nodded slightly, and whispered to Jiang Shang: "He is a well-known casual cultivator in the city, with a peak cultivation level of the triple soul altar, good at using a set of sword arrays, extremely powerful, and has killed The number one Zhoutian powerhouse is a genius who can fight across levels and fight against chaos!"

"Oh, so it is."

Jiang Shang nodded slightly, didn't care too much, and smiled outside the house: "I'll be free some other day, I will definitely come to visit."

"Then Liu will sweep the couch to welcome you." Liu Qianjian's voice sounded again, very soft, Master Chi nodded slightly upon seeing this, and announced the ownership of the pill, Huanyin Pill, belonged to Liu Qianjian!
And after the auction of this pill was completed, Master Shangchi on the auction stage sold out all the pills in the brocade boxes in the hands of seven or eight female nuns in one breath.

These elixirs are all heavenly elixirs, ranging from the eleventh to the twelfth level, and are very precious, and most of them are elixirs that can be cultivated diligently. Seeing this, Jiang Shang shot very proudly , snatched at least half of the pills, which surprised many people.

The combined value of these pills must be at least several million!
"Next is the auction of all kinds of rare treasures from heaven and earth, everyone has to watch carefully!" After the auction of those elixirs was over, Master Chi said with a smile. I bought ten wooden boxes with restrictions on them, all of which are all kinds of natural treasures and rare treasures!
Master Chi casually took a picture, and a wooden box was taken by him. When the lid was lifted, it was a blue token!
"This treasure is called the Poison Python Token. It is a top-level magic weapon at the earth level. It is very powerful. If it is in the hands of a friend who is good at using poison, it can even exert the power close to the magic weapon of the sky level. It can be regarded as a top-level earth-level magic weapon." Treasures, the base price is 300 million spirit stones, and each price increase must not be less than [-]!"

Master Chi released the power of this treasure, a ferocious poisonous python roared, and the poisonous gas billowed, the power seemed to shake the land, very powerful!
"This treasure is useless to you, let me give it to the old cripple, 230 million yuan liquid!" A gloomy laugh sounded, and it was obvious from a glance that it was a monk of the magic way.

"Give it to you? Why should I give it to you? I offer 250 million yuan of liquid, and this treasure is mine!" Another person also took a fancy to this treasure, and the two began to fight for it.

After a fierce battle, this treasure was finally won by a mysterious person at a price of 320 million yuan. It must be said that these people were willing to pay, and the price was already much inflated.

Next, one after another, treasures of heaven and earth, or strange treasures appeared, and were auctioned off by everyone at high prices. The scene was very hot!
However, Jiang Shang did not participate in all of these things, because he was not interested in these things, so naturally there was no need to make a move, but Black Hawk made a few bids and bought back a few precious materials. A must for the Earth Feather Sword, it cannot be missed.

The auction of various heavenly, material, earthly and rare treasures gradually reached its climax, causing Master Chi's expression to move slightly. Then, he stretched out his hand and took a crystal jade bottle.

"One pot of the blood of the fairy beast Qingluan, three drops of essence blood, the base price is 500 million yuan, and each time the price increases, it must not be less than 30 yuan!" Master Chi said with a smile.This thing is a real top treasure, enough to make many people's hearts flutter!

(End of this chapter)

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