Chapter 370 Blood of Qingluan!

"The blood of Qingluan?"

There were bursts of breathing sounds at the scene, and the atmosphere became even hotter.Such treasures really ignited the atmosphere of the audience!
"330 million yuan liquid!"

"400 million!"

"450 million!"


The price began to climb sharply!
"First it is the egg of Qingluan, and then it is the blood of Qingluan. It seems that the Seven Star Pavilion has found a secret place related to Qingluan!" Jiang Shang said with a flash of his eyes, squinting his eyes.Qingluan is known as one of the five phoenixes in the heaven, and his blood is pure, which is of great benefit to his phoenix blood!
"This item is a treasure, and its value is astonishing. Those who are not qualified should not come out and show their face. My Zhou family bids 600 million yuan!"

An indifferent voice suddenly echoed in the auction house, causing everyone's eyes to freeze!And they looked over in surprise!

The Zhou family in the southwest city area, one of the six overlord-level powers in the ancient city of Beiming, can they finally sit still? The high price of 600 million yuan has already exceeded the upper limit of most people's bids.

For a while, the scene became silent.

"The Zhou family?" Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang also frowned slightly, his expression a little uncertain.

He naturally wants the blood of the fairy beast Qingluan, but the other party is the Zhou family, one of the overlord forces in the ancient city of Beiming, a behemoth, if he is allowed to compete with the other party, there is no doubt that he will not be able to compete!Do you want to give up?

"I'll offer 1000 million!" At this moment, a lazy voice sounded, breaking the calm.

1000 million yuan liquid, all of a sudden, 500 million yuan was added!
"Shang Xuan, you want to fight with me?" The strong Zhou family was slightly silent, and then his voice rang out coldly.The merchant is also one of the six overlord forces, in charge of the secret realm, the spirit beast ranch, and has very strong financial resources. Among the six overlord forces, it is second only to the Seven Star Pavilion!
"Why, are you scared?" The lazy voice sounded again, but it was full of sarcasm, which made the strong Zhou family cold.

"Huh!" The strong Zhou family snorted coldly, and said coldly: "Since you are so confident, let's talk about your strength. I will pay you 100 million!"

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? One thousand two million!"

"Whether you're afraid or not, you'll only know after comparing! 1000, 50 million!"


The Zhou family, the merchant, and two bigwigs of overlord-level forces collided head-to-head!For a moment, the entire scene was extremely silent, only the astonishing price was still rising. The value of the blood of the fairy beast was astonishing. If the price was not too high and unaffordable, they would definitely not stop!

"It seems that there is some trouble!" Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang's eyes flickered slightly, and his lips were a little dry.

Although this situation was somewhat beyond his expectations, it could be seen that he was not prepared to give up on Qingluan's blood.

"500 million!" In an instant, the price had broken through to 500 million, which was the price handed over by the Zhou family. The strong businessman became slightly silent.

Seeing this scene, the strong man of the Zhou family sneered, and said mockingly: "Why, Shang Xuan, you don't talk now? Just now, weren't you very confident?" Being able to force the other party into silence made him feel very carefree!

"I'm too lazy to be stupid. I spent 500 million yuan to buy a bottle of Qingluan's blood and three drops of essence blood. Is it worth it? Since you want it so much, then you can take it, haha!"

The strong businessman suddenly laughed, which made the strong Zhou family startled, and his expression turned cold.

Yes, 500 million, this price is a bit too high!

"550 million!" However, at this moment, a clear, calm voice suddenly sounded.

The scene was silent for a moment, and the strong businessman immediately burst out laughing: "Zhou Tianping, it seems that even if I don't fight with you, you may not be able to get the blood of Qingluan, haha..." He The voice was full of sarcasm, which made the strong Zhou family's face suddenly change, and he was furious.

"Who are you, you dare to fight with me?" The cold voice of the strong Zhou family resounded in the arena. It was so cold that many people showed gloating looks!
At such a time, he dared to touch the Zhou family's bad luck. Isn't this courting death?What an idiot!Immediately, many eyes turned towards the flying house where Jiang Shang was located, because the voice of bidding came from that flying house!

"What? Do you mean that bidding is not allowed in the auction held by Qibao Pavilion?" Hearing the other party's threat, Jiang Shang twitched his lips and smiled coldly.

Master Chi's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and the billowing momentum was released, and his faint voice echoed in the venue: "I will pretend that I didn't hear what I said before. The auction held by our Qibao Pavilion is naturally allowed to Bidding. If anyone wants to break the rules, then don't blame me, Chi, for being rude!"

"Hmph!" Hearing this, the strong Zhou family snorted coldly, his expression a bit ugly.

Naturally, he could tell that these words were meant for him!

"600 million!" The next moment, the strong Zhou family bid, with a cold voice: "No matter who you are, I advise you to think clearly whether you have the strength to compete with me, Zhou Tianping!"

"I don't need to bother you about this, 630 million!" Jiang Shang said indifferently.

"700 million!" The strong Zhou family said in a gloomy voice.

"730 million!" Jiang Shang didn't hesitate, he opened his mouth and continued to increase the price!
Many people in the field began to gasp, even for the blood of fairy beasts, this price is a bit too high!You know, even the top-level low-grade magic weapon is probably only worth this price, it's really crazy!
"730 million? Huh, can you take out such a huge amount of Yuanye? Friends of the Equator, I suspect that this person is here to make trouble. Shouldn't you check him to see if he really has so much Yuanye? !" The strong Zhou family did not bid any more, but suddenly said such words, extremely cold.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. After the bidding is over, we Qibao Pavilion will verify it. The two of you should continue to bid." Master Chi said calmly, unmoved.

Obviously, he didn't think that anyone would dare to make trouble in this place!
"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't bid any more, and I'll see if he can come up with such a multi-liquid solution!" The strong man of the Zhou family became furious, and said such a sentence in a strange way, and he really didn't bid any more!
"What a joke, I can't take it out? It's your Zhou family who can't afford to lose!"

However, at this moment, Jiang Shang's mocking voice sounded in vain, and the next moment, a ray of light shot out, falling in front of Master Chi, Jiang Shang then said calmly: "This is 730 million yuan liquid, Chi Master, verify it!"

(End of this chapter)

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