Chapter 378 Thunder Roar Chariot!

After stepping into the gate of elements made of thunder, there is actually a river of thunder flowing in the void. Above the river, there is a black scorched earth floating, and a majestic cave is located on the scorched earth, with aura flickering , amazing!

"It's the cave of Lei Daoist!" Jiang Shang's eyes were fixed immediately, and without any hesitation, he went straight to the palace!

However, at this moment, there was a flash of spiritual light in the space behind him, and King Cheng and King Xuan quickly appeared behind him. They first caught a glimpse of the scorched earth palace, and then saw Jiang Shang's figure who was about to plunder, and their expressions changed suddenly. Launched an attack on him, intending to stop him!
Jiang Shang's eyes flickered coldly, obviously he was already prepared!

The next moment, his body flitted strangely in the void, escaped the attack of Cheng Wang and the two, and flew into the palace at high speed, causing the expressions of the latter two to change suddenly!
"Chase! We must not let him take away the thunder chariot!" Cheng Wang's face was cold, his blood-red eyes were full of sternness. They had waited for nearly a hundred years, and the treasure thunder chariot must not be handed over to others!Even if he offends such evildoers, he will not hesitate!

"Boom..." King Xuan didn't say a word, a terrifying force surged out of his body, and he rushed towards the palace in a flash, with astonishing power!

Looking at Jiang Shang again, after entering the palace one step at a time, a smoky thundercloud suddenly appeared in front of him, amidst the roaring and thundering, an illusory figure appeared in the void in vain. Automatically, his face is close to middle-aged, with a majestic look!

"This is..." Jiang Shang's face changed slightly, he took a few steps back, and looked on coldly!
After the fairy-like man appeared, he quickly displayed his aura, shot a thunderbolt and landed on the wall of the palace, and immediately, the whole palace sank with a rumble!

The next moment, a thunder light suddenly appeared, as if it was the key to open the void, a knife flattened the thunder land suddenly appeared, the light shook, and Jiang Shang's eyes shrank suddenly, his expression was pleasantly surprised!

On the flat ground of thunder, there is a ferocious giant sitting in the center with majesty. Its hideous appearance is full of sharp thorns, its color is pitch black, like cast iron, full of power!And in the center of the densely packed thorns, there is a thorn that is the biggest, as thick as a person, with a sharp cold light shining on it.

And this is only the upper part of it, the lower part is actually a black wood with a blue light, cast into a carriage platform, and there are four huge reels underneath, majestic and majestic!
"Roar!" But these are not the point, the point is that above the thorn, there is a ferocious soul, with a head as big as a bull, shaped like a triangle, with a single horn and a blue back, releasing tyrannical power, like a beast soul, It was extremely ferocious, and the roar shook the sky and the earth!
"Is this the soul of Thunder Roar?" After seeing the ferocious soul, Jiang Shang shrank his eyes and let out a gasp in surprise. The sky is full of thunder, the second roar is dark, the third roar is earth-shattering, possessing a terrifying devouring power, comparable to horror!
He never imagined that the weapon soul sealed by the thunder car turned out to be Lei Hou, this is really crazy, isn't it?

"Look quickly, what is that? Is it the magic weapon of the thunder chariot of the Thunder Laneman? Come on, let's take it!" Two dark qi escaped and rushed to it. When King Xuan saw the powerful thunder chariot, he immediately Surprised eyes, want to take it!
In the blink of an eye, King Xuan's entire body became extremely tall, and the shadowy light filled the ferocious claws, which was very terrifying, piercing the sky and flying towards the Thunder Car!

"Looking for death!" Jiang Shang sneered directly when he saw this, this thunder car sealed such a violent thunder roar weapon spirit, if he wanted to subdue it so easily, he really wanted to die!The next moment, he quickly backed away, because he understood that there was a good show to watch next!

"He actually retreated? No, King Xuan is careful!" Seeing Jiang Shang retreating quickly, King Cheng was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed suddenly, and he shouted at King Xuan.

Only then did he realize that this Thunder Car might be in danger!
"Roar!" The thunder roar weapon spirit, which was already very violent, became even more ferocious at this moment, the thunder surged, and amidst the turbulence, the entire thunder car trembled!

"What? Impossible, what is that?" I saw that the trembling thunder car, the biggest thorn in the center of the upper part, suddenly condensed a terrifying thunder light, which condensed into a ball and burst out. A terrifying beam of light blasted straight at King Xuan. It was terrifying and astonishing!

"No..." The terrifying light beam bombarded the giant claw, and the latter was directly exploded. Because of this moment of carelessness, King Xuan lost an arm and fled crazily, regretting it too late!
"Roar!" The Leihou weapon spirit roared, as if it wanted to launch an attack. At the moment of roaring, countless fine iron chains like arms suddenly appeared on its body, releasing a terrifying cold air, suppressing the seal, and penetrating the entire Leihou body, suppressed it severely, and locked it on the chariot!
"Boom..." But the thunder roar weapon spirit was not reconciled, and struggled crazily. Suddenly, the whole scorched earth trembled, as if it would collapse at any moment.

"Damn it, my arm!" King Xuan held the severed arm in pain, his pale face was full of cold anger, his eyes burst out with cold light, and his arm was blown up just by meeting him, it's unimaginable , this mine car is actually only a semi-finished product, it can be called terrifying!
"It seems that you have no luck to get this thing." Seeing the other party's miserable condition, Jiang Shang smiled coldly.

King Cheng's eyes turned cold when he heard the words, and Jiang Shang said with a cold face, "Even if we can't get it, do you think you can get it?"

"What do you think? Do you want to try and see if I can get this treasure?" Jiang Shang said coldly as if he had heard the other party's subtext.

Even if the two opponents were in their heyday, he was not afraid, not to mention that one of them was seriously injured at this moment, so he had nothing to be afraid of. If you want to make trouble, come and try it if you have the ability!

"King Xuan, do it! Kill him first! As long as we deal with him first, we can always find a way to subdue this treasure!" King Cheng made a decisive decision and said coldly.

"Kill!" The next moment, the word "kill" filled his ears, King Cheng's tall body swelled, stepped out of the void, yin energy billowed, a terrifying claw covered the sky, and crushed towards Jiang Shang fiercely, leaving nothing behind. The room is completely holding the mentality of lore!
Immediately, the entire void was filled with yin and thunder!

After seeing the power of this treasure, it is even more impossible for them to give up this treasure!This unfinished thunder car must belong to them!

(End of this chapter)

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