Chapter 379 Fighting Two Corpses!
"You actually did it directly. It seems that you won't give up no matter what you say. If that's the case, I'll send you on your way." Jiang Shang sneered unabated.The temperament of the whole person has changed greatly.

"King Xuan, do it, don't give him a chance!" King Cheng suddenly felt something was wrong, his expression was ugly, his eyes flickered with coldness, and he yelled at King Xuan who was in the distance.

"It's late, since you all don't want to give up, then don't go!" However, at this moment, a sneer laughter sounded in the void, and Jiang Shang was full of spiritual energy, and the bones of the gods were spinning wildly. With the howling of absolute power, his whole body released a terrifying aura of bones, bursts of thunder and sword brilliance!
Standing in the void, Jiang Shang, with fluttering long hair and long robes, looks like the most respected demon god in the ancient demon world, surrounded by thunder and sword light, and the endless magic power overwhelms him.

"Boom!" Jiang Shang's whole body began to grow bigger, like a giant covering the sky. He had no magic weapon, but he had a pair of terrifying fists, and he rushed towards the enemy with his bare hands. .

"Damn... kill!"

Cheng was already horrified in his heart, he did not expect that Jiang Shang was actually a strong body refiner, you know, he is recognized as the most difficult existence at the same level, it makes people tremble!

But at this moment, the arrow is on the string, and he has to do it, because he has no way to retreat. The next moment, the billowing yin qi condenses into a long yin qi knife in the void. The terrifying beam of light was galloping, blatantly cutting towards Jiang Shang, it was extremely terrifying!
"Looking for death!" Jiang Shang's huge body stepped over, and his whole body erupted with surging blood, like a bloody dragon, extremely terrifying, and radiant, his flesh and blood were cast like molten iron, full of strength, and the speed was incredible, " With a sound of "Peng", he caught the long knife of Yin Qi with his bare hands, clenched his five fingers tightly, and crushed it with all his might!

Yin Qi surged in the void, and the long knife of Yin Qi was crushed abruptly. Jiang Shang's body was filled with white light, and his bones were dense.

King Xuan, who has been seriously injured, is naturally his best target!

"Peng!" His punch was so fast that it was almost unbelievable. This punch hit Xuan Wang's tall body fiercely, and the hurricane suddenly rose, and he suddenly retreated!

"King Xuan!" Cheng couldn't help but exclaimed, feeling cold in his heart for a moment, all this happened too fast, it happened in the electric flint, and he had no way to stop it.And he also understood Jiang Shang's intentions, if King Xuan was defeated by the opponent, his situation would become very dangerous!

"Die to me!" Cheng Wang, who was a bit confused, cast a corpse light in his eyes coldly. When he looked carefully, it was a fist-sized corpse bead, filled with yin, and strangled towards Jiang Shang. go!

At this moment, the huge Jiang Shang seemed to be completely fearless, his body was wrapped in a white ocean, his bones were dense, his eyes were like a demon god, extremely majestic and sharp!He directly waved his bone fist and greeted him.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a terrible huge wave howled, as if there was a river of bones, rolling out with his fist, and directly fell on the corpse bead. Shang's huge body was violently pushed back, and the corpse beads were blasted out, and the void trembled!
"Pfft!" Cheng Wang's tall body trembled, his throat was sweet, and a pool of black blood spewed out, his breath was extremely chaotic!
The corpse orb is a treasure that is vital to life and cultivation. Although it is powerful, it is very fragile. This time he was hit by Jiang Shang's punch, shaking his origin, which naturally caused him to receive a huge impact, and he was almost backlashed. Extremely dangerous!
"King Cheng!" Seeing this scene, King Xuan who was not far away suddenly showed ferocious anger on his face. The next moment, billowing Yin Qi emerged, and a huge corpse bead erupted. The long river of Yin Qi rolled forward and launched an extermination attack towards Jiang Shang!
"Are you going to do your best?" Jiang Shang's eyes flashed calmly, and the next moment, the huge body activated the bone avatar, and the terrifying bone breath roared!

"Since you are desperate, then die to me!" Jiang Shang's dark eyes are cold, his robes are hunting, his long hair is windless, and his aura is terrifying, like a terrifying demon god, he suddenly displayed the supernatural power of the tomb-suppressing demon, Earth-shattering!

It was a big hand covering the sky and covering the sun, carrying the power of rolling ban, it slammed towards the corpse orb, and there was a loud thunder, the corpse orb burst, and the rest of the force was crazily crushed towards King Xuan!

"No..." There was a scream in the void, and it stopped just right. King Xuan's tall body was blasted back, and suddenly exploded, blood rained and scattered in all directions!

Absolute shock, unparalleled shock!
It's unbelievable and heart-shattering to be able to kill a strong person at the peak of the triple soul altar with a mere mid-term golden core cultivation!
And for this result, even Jiang Shang himself is very satisfied. His body has been reborn and completely transformed. It is comparable to a top-level magic weapon, flawless and powerful.His body is worthy of being his strongest support, this tyranny is simply shocking!
"A helper died. Although you didn't suffer any injuries just now, but if you are alone now, will you be my opponent?"

Jiang Shang seemed to be talking to himself, but at the next moment, his eyes suddenly swept to King Cheng, the corner of his mouth sneered, and his eyes were cold!

Ye Fan showed a bright smile, and said softly: "Shall I send you down to reunite with him?" The other party is unwilling to give up the magic weapon of the thunder chariot, which is already doomed, and they will become enemies. Since they are enemies, there is nothing to say Yes, kill without mercy!

"Do you really think you can kill me? How dare you!"

King Cheng said coldly and angrily, but panic flickered in his eyes. Jiang Shang was able to kill King Xuan, which made him unbelievable and quite ups and downs!

"Whether I can kill you or not is up to me, not you, isn't it? Besides, it's not difficult to kill you. There won't be any accidents in World War I!" Jiang Shang smiled calmly, eyes Unrestrained self-confidence emerges in the eyes!

King Cheng was shocked and angry, surprised that the other party was so confident, and angry that this was Jiang Shang's contempt for him, which made him unbearable!

The next moment, his aura was thunderous, and Yin Qi was rolling around, and he said in a cold voice: "A mere golden core is so terrifying. If you grow up, who else in this world can suppress you? Forget it, today I will do an absolute The matter of destruction, strangle you in the cradle!"

"A matter of extinction? Kill me in the cradle? Don't dream, do you think you are the corpse king? Even if it is only half a step away, that is a big difference. Today, you have no chance of winning!" Jiang Shang Xin was slightly concentrating on the inside, but on the surface, he sneered indifferently.

Whether the opponent is threatening or intimidating, or he really has this trump card, he knows that he must concentrate on it and not take it lightly!

(End of this chapter)

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