Chapter 395 Untitled
"Zhou Zhonglie, do you really think that you can do whatever you want when another strong Earth Immortal is born in your Zhou family? Don't forget, even if there is another strong Earth Immortal in your Zhou family, it will only be two years old. It’s just a human, and it’s worse than our Vulcan Academy!” In the void, another terrifying strongman stepped forward, it was the ancestor of the Vulcan Academy’s Heavenly Soul, the land immortal strongman!
And after hearing his words, the light and dark forces in the entire Beiming ancient city were startled, they couldn't believe it!

The Zhou family gave birth to another strong Earth Immortal, which is not good news for them!

"Crazy Chu, old man Tianhun, do you really think my Zhou family is easy to bully?" Zhou Zhonglie, an Earth Immortal powerhouse of the Zhou family, changed his expression when he heard the words, and shouted coldly!
"Huh!" The ancestor of Tianhun snorted directly, and said without hesitation: "The ancient city of Beiming has its rules, and the affairs of one generation belong to one generation. If your Zhou family wants to break the rules, just try! Vulcan Academy will not hesitate to fight!"

There are hidden rules in any place. It is impossible for the elders to intervene in the power of the same level and the rivalry among the same generation, because on the road of genius, some people are destined to be trampled and killed. It is because of their own incompetence, no wonder others, And if the elders can't compete with each other, then it is obvious that there will be chaos. Therefore, such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen, because it is against the rules!
Just like today, the Zhou family actually dispatched a strong Zhou Tian to deal with two mere golden cores. It is no wonder that Chu Fengzi and the ancestor of Tianhun would make a move, because this is obviously against the rules!
"Hmph! My Zhou family will never forget what happened today!" Zhou Zhonglie was speechless, set up a terrifying spirit cloud, and chose to leave angrily. Today, their Zhou family lost two Zhou Tian experts, and Still died in vain, and the loss was heavy!

"Jiang Shang, I'll be waiting for you at the Beiming Grand Competition! This time, I, Chu Zhongtian, will definitely defeat you!"

Chu Zhongtian also left with Chu Crazy, but before he left, he left such a sentence for Jiang Shang!

Beiming Grand Competition, let's fight again!
"I have won against you three times, and this time, there will be no exception!" Jiang Shang said with Chu Zhongtian's voice circling in his ear, clenching his fists slightly.

An old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time appeared and became stronger, which made him feel very excited!

"Little guy, let's move forward bravely in the future! As long as you are still a student of the academy, the Vulcan Academy will protect you from the wind and rain!" A gentle old voice came to Jiang Shang's eardrums, making him startled for a moment, and then It gave birth to the color of emotion!
"This disciple will definitely live up to the grace of the academy!" He murmured softly, making a solemn oath!

The kindness of dripping water should be repaid by the spring, and the academy gave him the favor of sheltering from the wind and rain. This kind of love is enough for him to remember in his heart and never forget it!

At the same time, three days later, a voice came from the Vulcan Academy. The ancestor of Tianhun personally issued an order that the Vulcan Academy will never recruit Zhou family disciples again. In addition, all Zhou family disciples who have entered the academy will be expelled. ,Surprisingly!

Patriarch Tianhun is one of the three strong earth immortals of Vulcan Academy, no one will doubt his words!

But his decision shocked the entire Beiming ancient city. This decision is undoubtedly a declaration of war between the two families!The Zhou family immediately became angry. As a power at the overlord level of the ancient city, this kind of thing is simply a shame to them, an extreme shame. It is their wish whether their disciples can enter the Vulcan Academy, but the Vulcan Academy Openly announcing that they will no longer recruit disciples of the Zhou family, it is infuriating and shameful!

On the other hand, the other forces watched the excitement happily, while silently thinking about the meaning behind it. It is impossible for the Vulcan Academy to make such a decisive break for the sake of a three-jue body. Obviously, there is something else hidden about this matter!

Perhaps, the Zhou family was planning something rebellious, and happened to be discovered by the Vulcan Academy? !
But all of this has nothing to do with Jiang Shang, because his current strength is too low. The game between these top forces has nothing to do with him, and he is not qualified to worry about it yet!

A few more days later, in Jiang Shang's academy residence, he was sitting cross-legged on top of a boulder, his breath flowing smoothly and calmly, surrounded by the power of the rolling road in front of him, slowly constructing a mist shadow tower , Pavilions, terraces and attics stand up, patchwork, with mountains, rivers, and ups and downs, just like a real world.

This is obviously the second realm of Wuying Tower, the realm of the tower!
The so-called towers are extremely substantial, and what they pursue is a real world, not an illusory scene, which requires extremely strong manipulation!

And after a long time of practice, he finally reached such a height!
"Although the secret method of Wuying Tower is simple, it is full of profound principles. It seems that my realm of will will also break through!" Feeling the change in his power, Jiang Shang couldn't help but slightly rejoiced.

Each stage of the realm of will is divided into low-cost, middle-level, and high-level. Even if you only break through this small level, it will be a huge change, and the power will double!

"The next moment!" Jiang Shang waved his hand away, and put away the vision of the foggy shadow tower in the sky. The next moment, he took out a piece of black iron, and there was a billowing breath on it, which was very powerful. Obtained from the Red Desolation Secret Realm, the fragments of the day-level magic weapon!
"This thing should not be a fragment of an ordinary low-grade magic weapon. If it can be reused, there may be a pleasant surprise!" Jiang Shang held the magic weapon fragment and murmured in a low voice.

He likes the attack magic weapon of this treasure very much. It attacks and kills invisible, silently, and it is impossible to defend against. If he can ask the master craftsman to make a shot, this treasure may be able to surprise him!
"It seems that I have to trouble Senior Fitz, he should know a certain master craftsman." Jiang Shang followed in a low voice.

He decided to ask Fitz to introduce him to a master craftsman to see if this fragment could be refined again!With Fitz's current status, he should know the right person!
As for why a master craftsman is necessary, it is because only a master craftsman can forge a heavenly-level magic weapon. An ordinary craftsman probably cannot handle this fragment of a heavenly-level magic weapon, and he probably cannot satisfy him.

After all, if he only wanted an ordinary low-grade magic weapon, there would be no need for him to work so hard, would he?
"Whoosh!" The next moment, Jiang Shang touched the mustard seed, and suddenly a ray of light flashed, and a gleaming message appeared. He whispered a few times to it, and the message flashed and turned into Asuka drew a line in the sky, flew out of the college, and flew towards the inner city of the ancient city!

(End of this chapter)

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