Chapter 396 Finding the Master Refiner
A day later, a ray of thunder and water, like a rolling river, flew out of the Beiming Immortal Palace in the inner city, and flew towards the outside of the city.

And on a certain mountain outside Beiming City, a man in a black robe was sitting cross-legged on top of a boulder, his eyes were closed tightly, and his whole body was shining with turbulent light. This man was none other than Jiang Shang. After receiving Fitz's reply, he came here, planning to meet Fitz here.

Because according to Fitz's reply, the master craftsman did not seem to be in the ancient city of Beiming.

However, just to be careful, at this moment, he still released his powerful spiritual consciousness, covering the surrounding area for miles, all under his spiritual consciousness, no matter it is in the sky, or in the barren mountains!
After all, he has offended a lot of people now, especially the Zhou family who suffered a lot before, so they must regard him as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, so it's better to be careful!
And just like that, about half an hour later, the scorching sun reached its highest point, and Jiang Shang, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly moved his eyes and opened his bright eyes.In the sky in the distance, there is a long river of thunder rolling towards this side quickly.

"Boy Jiang." Just as the river of thunder came, a familiar voice sounded, it was Fitz.

I saw it floating in the sky quickly, with a flash of light between its three claws, and threw out seven purple-red mustard seeds, and said with a smile: "It's just right, I brought you Yuanye too, no more, no less, exactly 7000 million yuan liquid."

"Yuanye also brought?" Jiang Shang suddenly became excited, took the mustard seeds, his eyes narrowed into a suture, 7000 million yuan liquid, this is not a small number!

But in the next moment, he suppressed his excitement, handed out a mustard seed, and smiled at Fitz, "Senior Fitz, this is a bonus for you!"

"Dividends?" Fitz was stunned when he heard the words, a little dumbfounded: "I said, you boy, when did you learn all these tricks, take them back, this is your own treasure, don't give it to me."

"Senior, what you said is wrong. Without you, I wouldn't be able to get this multi-component fluid. Just treat it as hard work. Senior Fitz, you should accept it." Jiang Shang smiled and shook his head.

The next moment, he handed the mustard seed to Fitz, and then said with a slightly stern expression: "Senior Fitz, the matter I asked..."

"I do know a lot of refining masters, but they are all low-level refining masters, who can only refine low-level magic weapons at the heaven level. I guess, there is no way to meet your requirements. If this is the case, then only that person , I can help you!" Fitz accepted the mustard seeds and said softly.

Then, he took out a roll of jade slips, shining brightly, and said: "Take this thing, go to the barren land, and find a man named Wang Xuan, he is a middle-level craftsman, It is amazing to be able to refine a powerful middle-grade heavenly treasure! With his ability, it should be enough to help you!"

"I can refine a middle-grade heavenly treasure!" Jiang Shang's eyes lit up immediately, and he knew that this was the person he was looking for!

He immediately took the scroll of jade slips, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Senior Fitz!"

"There's nothing to thank. Oh, by the way, that guy has a bit of a bad temper. Remember to bear with it." Fitz reminded with a strange expression when he suddenly heard something.

But all masters of this kind of skill have more or less eccentricities or bad tempers. Thinking back then, he was not less angry with that guy, so naturally he has a deep memory, and he reminded him that he would never forget that guy's bad temper. Better bear it!

After all, there is something to be asked of him, and there is no way.

"I see. Is that Master Wang in the barren land? What area is it in?" Jiang Shang nodded immediately, and asked again.

The barren land is the junction of the three major regions in the north. It can be said that the area is very vast. There are three main cities and 72 acropolis. If you don't know the exact location, it will be very troublesome to find it. !

"I'm really not sure about this, but with his name in the barren land, it shouldn't be difficult to find him. Just go and have a look!" Fitz replied.

"Is that so? If that's the case, this junior will leave. I want to set off now, to the barren land ahead." Jiang Shang nodded and said again.

Fitz said slowly: "Go, but remember to come back early, that matter may really find you..." Jiang Shang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. egg?
"The Great Elder has already taken action in person, intending to use the Thunder Phoenix Wood to hatch the eggs of the green luan, but so far, the results have been minimal, so I have already informed the palace, several ancestors of what you said that day. We already know..."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and said seriously: "Now tell me honestly, the method you mentioned before, you said that it will hurt you a lot, so what exactly is it referring to?"

"It's my phoenix bloodline." Jiang Shang was silent for a while, and finally said slowly: "I used to be a coincidence, and I once got a secret method, which can awaken the power of life in the true spirit by using the method of refining bloodlines. , self-rebirth, and Qingluan and Phoenix blood belong to the same source, this method should be effective!"

"The method of sacrificial bloodline?" Fitz paused after hearing the words, and fell silent. If it was this method, it would indeed cause great damage to him as he said!

Because sacrificing the bloodline means completely burning the bloodline without reservation, which will cause a huge impact on the foundation of the caster, and even damage the foundation, and the cultivation base may fall!Anyway, if you are a normal person, you will generally not choose to use this kind of secret method, because the risk is too great and it is not worth it!

"I will go back and report the truth." Fitz followed in a soft voice.

It's really hard for him to say anything about this kind of thing, because if the ancestors decide, he has no right to stop it at all, and can only follow orders!So, now I can only hope that this matter will not go any farther.

"The junior will leave first." Jiang Shang cupped his fists slightly, and then the light flashed all over his body, turning into a clear rainbow, and swept towards the distance, and it was more than twenty feet away in an instant.

"The method of refining blood? This is really troublesome." Fitz stayed where he was, shaking his head, showing helplessness.This method will indeed cause huge losses to the caster, but Xiangong will not care so much. If they really need it, there is no doubt that they will find Jiang Shang.

The next moment, Fitz left with a headache, and just after he left, a phantom appeared faintly between the cracks of a rock not far away, faintly visible, his body stiffened like a demon.

"Desolate land? It's just right, you dare to offend our Zhou family, that's where you will be buried!" Mo Zong's figure flickered slightly, and flew directly into the distance at an extremely fast speed!

(End of this chapter)

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