Great Demon

Chapter 59 Retreat

Chapter 59 Retreat
Although these two powerful forces did not erupt, they were stalemate in the air bit by bit, and the terrifying aura they emitted caused waves in the magic circle.

After Jiang Shang's swordsmanship, the Dao of Bone, has at least undergone a qualitative change in the power of his sword light. Originally, it was impossible for this sword to push back the huge sword light, but now it has clearly gained the upper hand. Understand the huge changes brought about by breakthroughs.

A cultivator's comprehension of Tao is the root of his strength, and any other collection of exercises and secret arts are obviously secondary things.

The obvious examples are Gui Xiao and Jin Long. They all practice Wan Jian Jue, and there is only one sword whirlwind, but why they are the overlords of the Outer Sect and suppress everyone else is because they have two Seed way.

The more the cultivation path goes to the later stage, the horror of comprehending multiple ways will be manifested, which is completely like a gap like a gully.


The tug-of-war in the sky has gradually come to an end. The huge sword light was defeated, and the power of Jiang Shang's sword was also exhausted.

No winner!

Yan Tong's face was gloomy, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes: "You actually broke through?"

He has never fought an enemy with two kinds of Dao, and naturally he has not experienced the terrifying gap. The opponent's two Dao are only in the ordinary perfect state, but it is even stronger than his perfect extreme sword way, which is simply incredible. appalling thing.

"What? Are you scared?" Jiang Shang showed a sneer, and said mockingly: "This is not over yet, do you want to admit defeat?"

Although it was just a close fight just now, his heart is full of confidence at this moment. Even if he doesn't use the power of the Bone God Rune, he can still defeat the opponent openly. This is the realization of the horror of the two ways. place.

"Admit defeat? You're dreaming!" Yan Tong growled ferociously with a face full of humiliation in a similar scene.

If he wants Yan Tong to admit defeat, even death is impossible.

"Senior brother Yan Tong, senior brother Jiang Shang, please listen to Lingyao." At this moment, Li Lingyao stood up and persuaded softly: "This is just a sparring contest, why are you two so serious? Also ask the two senior brothers to give Lingyao some face, how about treating this battle as a draw?"

Seeing the situation intensified, she finally couldn't help but stand up. If something happened, even she couldn't bear the responsibility.

"Hmph!" A gleam of joy flashed in Yan Tong's eyes, he pretended to snort coldly, and said to Jiang Shang with some guilt: "Since Junior Sister Lingyao is pleading for you, then I will let you off for Ta."

This was a step down, and without giving Jiang Shang a chance to speak, he walked directly off the ring, making it clear that he had a guilty conscience.

After seeing Jiang Shang's terrifying strength, he obviously didn't want to make any more mistakes. Although they were about the same now, it was only a matter of time before Jiang Shang surpassed him, so don't provoke this kind of monster again.

"It's a joke, it's really hypocritical." Jiang Shang sneered and walked off the ring.

He really has no way to do anything to the other party, and it's meaningless to continue this battle, so it's better to just end it.

"Brother Jiang, you are so powerful that even Yan Tong is no match for you. I think your outer sect will be invincible!" Bai Qiaoxian came over and said excitedly, his eyes full of admiration.

Jiang Shang, on the other hand, was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You really think those people are not human? Anyway, those guys are a whole level higher than me, and their cultivation base can crush me to death! How can I be invincible?"

His current strength is at best innately extreme, and it is far from being invincible in the Outer Sect. After all, the Outer Sect still has many monstrous innate creatures. If they try their best, they should be able to match or even defeat even the Golden Core experts. Now he is still far behind.

Of course, if he enters the innate, no one should be able to stop him.With his terrifying background, it would be very scary to enter the innate strength.

"They're not in the same realm as us, of course I won't take them into consideration!" Bai Qiaoxian said eloquently.

"You really are..." Jiang Shang shook his head, and then said: "I'll just take a step ahead, this banquet is meaningless, I'd better go back and practice."

"What, Brother Jiang, are you leaving?" Bai Qiaoxian was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said, "Senior Sister Lingyao asked me to bring you a message just now, she said that she wanted to invite you to the private room for a private gathering after the introduction of the banquet. get together."

This is something that many people dream of, but Jiang Shang directly shook his head and said: "Forget it, I'm not interested, I'd better go back to practice, and contact me if there is something else."

After speaking, he left directly.

"Why did he leave?" Li Lingyao, who was watching from a distance, was taken aback, and immediately walked towards Bai Qiaoxian: "Brother Bai, why did Brother Jiang leave?"

"Um, this..." Bai Qiaoxian looked a little embarrassed, and then said in a low voice, "Senior Sister Lingyao, don't be angry, Brother Jiang said he was bored and wanted to go back to practice, so..."

"Cultivation?" Li Lingyao's pretty face was stunned, and some small grievances welled up in her heart. Why don't you practice cultivation?
"Senior Sister Lingyao, don't be angry. It may be that Big Brother Jiang has just made a breakthrough and needs to go back to consolidate. He probably didn't reject you on purpose." Seeing this situation, Bai Qiaoxian found a lame reason and explained to Jiang Shang.

As for the culprit, Jiang Shang, he had already left the Qingxin Pavilion and headed back towards the Baicao Peak area.


The sword lights of the three sword qi cyclones in Jiang Shang's body have now been stored to seventy, that is, they all add up to 210, which is not far from the limit, so he is going to retreat and sprint, and try to spend one or two In a year's time, I will practice Wanjian Jue to the acquired extreme.

The normal way of practicing Wan Jian Jue is to rely on the old sword light to split, but it will take a long time, so there is no need for such a delay.

So he was going to use a tricky method, that is, to use primordial liquid to assist in cultivation. This is pure aura condensed in the first place, which is completely applicable to various cultivation methods, and Wanjian Jue is no exception.

However, Jiang Shang didn't have much primordial fluid in his hand, so he definitely didn't have enough for retreat, so he simply left the Underworld and returned to Baicao Peak to withdraw 5000 yuan fluid before entering the closed-door retreat.As the first talented disciple of Baicao Peak, he still has the right to receive some primordial liquid.

Heng Zizhou has long made up his mind to train Jiang Shang with all his strength, so let alone 5000 yuan, even 1 yuan or 2 yuan, he is equally willing.

It was only because Jiang Shang didn't need that much, so he only withdrew 5000 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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