Great Demon

Chapter 60 The Dilemma of Bei Xunzhou

Chapter 60

The distant Blue Snow City.

In the central area of ​​the city, in a magnificent courtyard, a handsome man in a yellow robe was drinking a cup of fragrant spiritual tea, but his fingers were trembling slightly, and his face looked a little helpless ,anger.

This person is Bei Xun Qianzhou.


And at this moment, he suddenly crushed the teacup with all his strength, and said angrily, "Those ungrateful bastards, my father was so kind to them when he was alive, but now they all come here to add insult to injury when my father is dead, it's really disgusting. "

It turned out that after Jiang Shang left, the Beixun clan started a war with a large clan in Lincheng. Both sides were powerful clans with equal strength, so the war was very stalemate.

And as the war continued to escalate, the final decisive battle came as scheduled. Both sides sent Jindan strongmen to choose a desolate place to fight, but his father Kita Xun Chino unfortunately fell in that decisive battle.

Originally, the fall of his father should have allowed the clan to take care of him, because he was the son of a hero, but something happened unexpectedly.

Kita Xun Chino left behind a mysterious ancient map, and this news was leaked by others.

This is a big event. The ancient map left by the Jindan strongman obviously contains secrets. Not only the strong outside the clan, but even the strong inside the clan are tempted to occupy this ancient map.

That's why Bei Xun Qianzhou was so angry, because his situation was really not good.

"There is no way to do this. Everyone knows that the master left an ancient picture, and the master was a golden core powerhouse before his death. The treasures left behind must be of great value. How could those greedy guys miss it?" Beside him, Uncle Qing said helplessly.

Ever since Bei Xun Qianye died, he has been following Bei Xun Qianzhou. He is an innate extreme powerhouse, and he can be regarded as a deterrent force, otherwise someone would have started to grab it.

"It's okay to hand over this ancient picture, because I can't understand it at all, but it is my father's relic, so I am unwilling!" Bei Xun Qianzhou said angrily.

"Actually, it's not that there is no turning point..." At this moment, Uncle Qing suddenly said, "Young master, didn't you help a person back then and entered the Sky Splitting Sword Sect? Although he didn't know that he was in the Sword Sect But if he is willing to show up, coupled with the old servant secretly intimidating, it should be enough to dissuade those people."

For these mortal clans like them, the disciples of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect have an extraordinary deterrent effect, and even Jindan experts are unwilling to offend them.

"You mean Jiang Shang?" Bei Xun Qianzhou was taken aback for a moment, and murmured hesitantly: "Although there is indeed such a thing, does he still remember me?"

At the beginning, I was just doing it easily, with small favors and small benefits, and there was not much help from the other party at all, and after so many years, the relationship has already faded, and there is basically no contact between the two parties. Is the other party still willing to help him?
"Forget it, let's try it." Holding the last sliver of luck, Kita Xun Qianzhou sent a message.


Jiang Shang's retreat this time lasted for a full year, and his primordial liquid was exhausted, but he got his wish. The number of sword lights in his body reached [-], successfully breaking through to the acquired limit.Of course, this is only the realm of Wanjianjue, and has nothing to do with his own realm, after all, he is majoring in the Bone Nine Heavens Map.

After Wan Jianjue reached the acquired limit, his strength would naturally increase. If the Bone Nine Heavens Chart was not considered, he would be able to stabilize the innate mid-stage. If coupled with the Bone God Rune, he should be invincible under the Golden Core.

Of course, this is only for ordinary situations. Some monsters with innate creatures naturally have the strength to defeat him.

And just when Jiang Shang finished consolidating and was about to go out to practice, he received a message from Bei Xun Qianzhou, and his face showed a slight surprise: "It turned out to be Bei Xun Qianzhou, did he encounter trouble?"

The message didn't go into details, it just mentioned that he wanted his help, but this kind of thing can be guessed, otherwise he wouldn't have found him, after all, they haven't seen each other for several years, and it's definitely not the case for ordinary things mouth.

"It just so happens that I'm out of customs too, so it's not bad to go back and have a look." Jiang Shang said to himself.

He always remembered what happened back then, so since the other party asked, then this favor must be done, and he has to help beautifully, and return the love back then.

Jiang Shang immediately left the cave and went to Baicao Palace to meet Nuo Yan and tell him what he was going out of.

"You want to leave the sect? What's the matter?" After Nuo Yan heard it, he asked in surprise: "Generally speaking, disciples of the day after tomorrow are not allowed to leave the sect. What's the important thing for you?"

This is a means of protection, after all, the acquired disciples are too weak.

"Master is like this. Something happened to a friend of mine and he wanted me to help him." Jiang Shang replied, "Because he has been kind to me in the past, so I want to go back and help him."

"So that's the case, I know." Nuoyan nodded slightly, took out a token and said: "This is my elder token from Baicao Peak, no matter which branch of the city it is, you can recognize it, if the matter is too big , if you can't handle it, you can go to those branches to find helpers, even if it's for the sake of friendship, they should also help."

He didn't stop Jiang Shang, because there was no need for it at all, and if it aroused rebellious thoughts, it would be worth the candle.

Each city branch of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect will be guarded by a different number of Jindan powerhouses, and this is also the biggest reliance for the disciples to go out.Otherwise, how could those Jindan powerhouses outside the sect be so afraid of the disciples of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, because the real reason is here, they have backers.

"Thank you, Master." Jiang Shang thanked the token gratefully.

Nuo Yan just waved his hand, and then his expression suddenly became formal: "Teacher, let me ask you one thing, has your Tao reached a breakthrough and consummation?"

He had only heard the news before, and didn't know whether it was true or not, so he wanted to confirm it.

"Yes." Jiang Shang naturally admitted: "My swordsmanship and the way of bones have reached the usual perfection."

"It turned out to be true?" Nuo Yan took a deep breath, and said with a deep sigh: "Your talent is simply shocking! Even Ghost Owl and Jin Long are not as good as you. Our Baicao Peak has really found a treasure this time."

Jiang Shang is only 21 years old now, and Jin Long, the ghost owl back then, did not raise his comprehension of Dao to the usual perfection until he was at least 25 years old. Jiang Shang can almost blow them away!
Moreover, Jiang Shang has one more sword cyclone than them. When other conditions are equal, the difference between one sword cyclone and two sword cyclones is even greater. From this point of view, Jiang Weilai will definitely surpass them and become a foreigner. Zong is another undisputed powerful overlord.

When the time comes, they will naturally benefit from Baicao Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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