Chapter 660 Gathering in that star field!

"I didn't expect it to be like this. That peerless figure actually sat down. This is simply a huge disaster for the blood soul! It's unbearable!"

"Blood Soul was originally superior to the three major families of Shencheng, keeping pace with Jialan Temple, but now, I am afraid that it will encounter catastrophe!"

"I heard that countless heroes have already rushed to that chaotic area, and even many young supreme beings from outside the region have appeared. Their combat power is extremely terrifying, and it seems that something shocking is about to happen!"


Just a few days after the peerless figure sat down, there was a dangerous signal at the border between Jiuxiao and the chaotic area. Many ancient powerhouses, contemporary heroes, and even young supreme beings from outside the region appeared there Star Field, this is definitely a big deal!

However, it didn't take long for the matter to pass, and the border between Jiuxiao and the chaotic area unexpectedly came out again. There was an ancient strongman fighting with the supreme from the outside world. All injured, unimaginable!
"The ancient powerhouses and contemporary outstanding people from the world of gods came together, as well as the powerful young supreme from outside the region, and they appeared there at the same time. Obviously, something happened!"

"They came for the strongest divine potion, and it has been confirmed by the news that the blood soul still retains the two drops of the strongest divine potion from back then, which attracted the young supreme beings from outside the domain, and the older generation is also jealous !"

The world of gods shook, and the news surprised countless people.

Obviously, so many ancient powerhouses, contemporary heroes, and young supreme beings from outside the territory appeared at the same time, vying for the area beyond the nine days and the chaos, they must be seeking something, looking for something, and it is impossible to appear for no reason.

And this confirmed news has dispelled everyone's doubts. The strongest divine potion is indeed worth causing such a big storm.

"That old blood soul is dead? The strongest divine potion..."

Even Jiang Shang, who successfully broke through to the second level of Zhou Tian and broke through, showed a look of extreme surprise after hearing the news, but he frowned a little.

Because in his opinion, it is impossible to attract so many people with just two drops of the strongest divine potion. This scene is too big!
"Big news, a biqilin walked out of the Jialan Temple. Although its cultivation is only at the second level of Zhou Tian, ​​its divine power is so unimaginable. It fought with an ancient fairyland second-level celebrity, and even killed it. Kill it, the world of gods is shocked!"

And just after the next day, an unfathomable news came out that a second-tier celebrity in the ancient fairyland actually fell, and the murderer was the Bi Qilin of the third-tier Zhou Tian, ​​who turned countless people into petrification!Exclaimed sluggish!
What a rebellious slaughter this is, even those ancient powerhouses are sweating coldly, contemporary heroes and young supreme beings from outside the region are also speechless, this kind of record, even if the peerless emperor returns to his youth, it seems difficult to achieve !

"Bi Qilin, is it the Qilin holy beast that the old profiteer said? It has already reached the third level of Zhou Tian, ​​and the speed is really fast!" Jiang Shang frowned when he heard the news, and murmured.

"Master, the bloodline talent of the Qilin family is terrifying. It is stronger than our Qingluan family, second only to the real dragon and the colorful phoenix. Moreover, it is a heterogeneous Bi Qilin, which should not be underestimated. It can be compared to the supreme divine body of the human race!" On his shoulder, there is a strange little thing. Its small body surrounds the surging holy flame, its big eyes turn around, and it is serious.

In the vast expanse of heaven, the bloodlines of the most terrifying immortal beasts are real dragons and colorful phoenixes, and the unicorns can follow closely behind, and they are unparalleled. This is enough to explain many problems, and it is very clear.

Because even Qingluan, known as one of the five phoenixes in the heaven, can only be ranked in the top ten of the bloodlines of immortal beasts. It can be seen from this that the bloodline of Qilin is really against the sky!

"Comparable to the supreme divine body of the human race? Then, little boy, tell me, how many times do you have to transform the Biqilin of the third level of Zhou Tian before you can defeat it?" Jiang Shang patted Xiaoguai's head and asked softly.

The cultivation method of the divine bird Qingluan is different from the conventional ones. After their bloodline reaches adulthood, they continue to advance in a metamorphosis way, baptizing and growing!
Just like the current Xiaoguai, who has completed three nirvana transformations, his combat power is beyond the charts, he can slaughter the first level of the fairyland at will, and he is not afraid of the second level.

"One, two, three of the different kinds of biqilin in Zhoutian's third layer... Xiaoguai should need at least four transformations to defeat it easily." Xiaoguai wrung her little finger and answered seriously.

"Does it take four transformations to defeat?" Jiang Shang was a little surprised when he heard that Xiaoguai was already so strong after three transformations, not to mention the fourth transformation. The heterogeneous Biqilin, the blood power is really a bit strong!

However, he also noticed the word "easy" that Xiaoguai said, and the meaning of these two words should mean that the strength of Zhou Tian's three-layer heterogeneous Biqilin is probably between the three changes and the four changes of the divine bird Qingluan. In the meantime, it is estimated that he has just entered the second level of the fairyland, which is about the same as him now!

"Big news, big news, a monk who chanted scriptures came from outside the territory. He was the same as that biqilin. He was only at the third level of Zhou Tian, ​​but he was bloodless. Demon, it's too amazing to take it as a Dharma protector and follow it left and right!"

But another astonishing piece of news came out, beyond people's expectations, the world of gods was completely boiling, and there were even more astonishing news!

"Hiss, it turned out to be them. The three princes of the Yinpeng clan are young supreme beings in a world far away from Xuanyuan. I have been there before. They are extremely violent, but their strength is against the sky. They once slaughtered a clan in an ancient star field! "

"Isn't that the king of the copper ant clan? It is said that he has already stepped into the second level of the fairyland. When he was young, he also surpassed his generation, and it has continued to this day. He is also so powerful!"

"There are also the ancestors of the three major families in Shencheng, and the guardian gods of Jialan Temple. They all appeared. No, isn't this battle a bit too big?"


Later, more and more terrifying characters appeared, causing many people to wonder, this is wrong, even two drops of the strongest divine potion, it is impossible to lead to such a battle!
In this way, until half a month later, a piece of shocking news finally came out. It turned out that in the base camp of Blood Soul, there was actually a plant of magic medicine—Bodhi root, which was the legendary god——Bodhi tree It is said that the seeds can reproduce the sacred tree!

"What? That's impossible, right? That's the legendary seed of the divine tree, whose value is already immeasurable. If the divine tree can be reproduced, the great sage will be moved!" Even some people who have retreated for hundreds of thousands of years were alarmed.

"Bodhi root!?" Jiang Shang's chin was stunned, and he was so surprised that he couldn't be more surprised!
Of course he understands the value of such fetishes,
To put it simply, even a hundred drops of the strongest third-level divine potion would probably not be able to exchange for a bodhi root, which is a surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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