Chapter 661 Hunting Ancient Blood
There is a bodhi root plant hidden in the Blood Soul Base Camp. As soon as the news spread, it immediately aroused endless attention. Peerless powerhouses gathered, and the whole world moved!

All the ancient powerhouses, modern heroes, and young sages from outside the territory came here one after another, rejoicing and excited, wanting to compete for this fetish, but they were all blocked from the entrance, and they had no way to go. It was the blood soul who ruled the star field Closed, stick to yourself!

It turns out that the base camp of the blood soul is actually in a psychedelic space of nothingness, between the edge of the sky and the chaos, it can be called the world within the world, rooted in the node of nothingness, and becomes a party of its own!
And as the holder of that realm, Blood Soul naturally has the ability to control it, decisively seal it, stick to it, just like a ten thousand-year-old bastard retracted into a turtle shell, there is no flaw, there is no way to start. !
However, after all, there are so many strong men with terrible backgrounds gathered in the outside world, so of course it is impossible that there is really no way. Just a few days later, a preacher of the Zhenzong sect from a distant world made a voice, saying that he can help everyone Open the way, open the self-proclaimed world within the world, and enter the blood soul base camp.

But he needs five kinds of powerful ancient blood, as the material to open the world within the world, and cast it at the entrance of the void to succeed!

"Five kinds of powerful ancient blood? What level of blood is qualified to be called powerful?" Someone raised a question, saying that this range is too broad. For powerful ancient blood, what is powerful ancient blood?

"The blood of the most powerful beasts in the heavens, such as the unicorn beasts, the bird clan, or the powerful races in the ancient legends of the demon world, their blood is counted." The voice of the sect master made everyone relax. Take a sigh of relief, if this is the case, the conditions are not too strict, as long as everyone works together, they can get together.

"It takes five kinds of ancient blood to open the formation seal, is that true? Why am I a little restless?" However, Jiang Shang was a little skeptical and felt a little uneasy.

Because even if he has the inheritance of the demon ancestor, he has never known such a weird method of opening the formation seal. On the contrary, some big demons in the demon world in the legend often make such battles, devour powerful ancient blood, and strengthen their own body !
"Forget it, don't take out the blood of yourself and Xiaoguai, just go hunting, there should be many people who think the same as me." Jiang Shang finally made up his mind and decided not to take out the blood of himself and Xiaoguai. The good blood, but to go hunting, there is a hunting area outside Jiuxiao, it is estimated that it is busy now.

"Look, it's actually a blue luan divine bird, its blood is definitely enough to meet the requirements of ancient blood, come on, everyone besieges and kills him together!"

And when Jiang Shang and Xiaoguai just entered that area, it aroused the excitement of many people present, and their divine power surged into the sky.

Although they have been squatting there for several days and have seen several powerful races, their blood is still not as good as the ancient blood.

But now, a divine bird, Qingluan, appeared, which can be said to fully meet the requirements of the ancient blood, which naturally made them boil and besiege greedily!

"Hand over your divine bird blood, and I will spare you from dying, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!" This is a terrifying devil tiger like an ancient magic mountain. It has three heads and two tails. It is too huge to be seen. The shape is ferocious, overlooking the common people, and the dark scales release a palpitating magic light, frightening, it is the peak of a fairyland, extremely terrifying!
"Master, they want to snatch Xiao Guai's blood. They are all villains. Xiao Guai is going to teach them a lesson!" The little guy became serious and angry. He spewed divine fire from his delicate mouth and burned the sky, instantly sweeping the whole world. The flow of people in the vast void was burned to ashes, making countless people terrified!

This little guy the size of a fist is too scary and amazing, right?

"Qing Luan, who has undergone three transformations!?" The gigantic Demon Tiger was also surprised, his expression suddenly changed, making it ugly.

He was originally a member of the ancient demon clan with a heaven-defying inheritance, so he naturally knew many secret histories and secrets. He understood how strong the three-changing divine bird Qingluan was.Talent against the sky!

"I was reckless before, let's exchange our respective blood, and enter the middle realm of the square world together." Mohu changed his mind, and wanted to exchange blood with Xiaoguai, and enter the middle realm of the blood soul together.

"What? I wanted to snatch it just now, but now I want to bow my head. There is no such a good world in this world." However, Jiang Shang stood up with a sneer and disagreed.

"What are you, dare to talk to me like this? Court death!"


Perhaps it was because Jiang Shang didn't show his strength, so the Demon Tiger didn't take him seriously and treated him indifferently.

And at the next moment, a black light like ink flickered, cut through the void in an instant, as fast as lightning, stabbed towards Jiang Shang, pierced the sky, the terrifying momentum was daunting, and countless people trembled!

And this is just one of its tails, which is used as a weapon but possesses such terrifying power, like a cold long spear, it arrives in front of it all at once, with a fierce aura.

"Master, danger!"

Xiaoguai shouted nervously from the side, and immediately wanted to use his supernatural powers to rescue him, but Jiang Shang stopped him with a smile, and said with a light smile, "It's okay, it's a small matter."

"Go away!" At the next moment, Jiang Shang punched out directly, the fist surrounded the divine pattern, his body was full of taboo brilliance, and collided with the tail of the long sword of the devil tiger, as if the god iron was clanging , shattered the void, and raged endlessly.

"Hiss, that is the power of taboo divine power. Could it be that he is the legendary taboo body?"

"It's him, it's him, the taboo body from Xuanyuan Beiming, it is said that he has successfully broken the way, he is comparable to the supreme god body, and looks down on the younger generation!"


Many people in the hunting area trembled, almost petrified.

For them, the legendary Heaven-Defying Taboo Body is like a mythical existence. Once there was a Three Absolute King, and Xuanyuan Supreme was terrified when he beat it. This shows that it is a super terrifying physique!

"Forbidden Body!?"

The Devil Tiger also felt a little numb and his head was swollen, and he only felt in his heart why he was so unlucky, bad luck against heaven!

Although this kind of physique is unique to the human race and is extremely rare, it has created many terrible achievements in the heavens and worlds, and created a dark era!It's frightening, it's not inferior to the top fighters of all races in the world, damn it, it hit the iron plate again!
"Hand of Huang Tian!"

At this moment, Jiang Shang, who was surrounded by the terrifying divine patterns, yelled in vain, and cast a powerful magic technique, covering the sky and the sun, and the vastness of the yellow sky. The four lines of truth, the power of the gods is extremely terrifying, and it is about to be played, and the void is in turmoil!
"Wait, I am willing to surrender my blood, let's stop fighting!"

But at this moment, the primordial demonic tiger retreated, and chose to hand over its own blood, which was crystal clear and brilliant, releasing the immortal divine splendor of primordial demonic nature.

"Running really fast!"

Jiang Shang watched the gigantic demon tiger leave quickly, but he didn't chase after it. He just mocked and put away the blood of the ancient demon clan left in the void, which caused many people present to roll their throats, envious, but But he didn't dare to speak out, for fear of suffering a catastrophe, he regretted it too late!

(End of this chapter)

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