Chapter 681 The Great Enemy Gathers!

In the divine formation, Jiang Shangzhen sat cross-legged, surrounded by a strong divine light at this moment, and endless blood energy condensed into silkworms, just like Nirvana, and the gods of the gods emerged.

Obviously, what happened at this moment has exceeded his previous expectations, and even ran counter to his previous wishes. What he originally wanted was to break through to the third level of Zhou Tian, ​​but now, the power of the magic potion has been completely suppressed. The body has been absorbed and transformed, most likely to be promoted...


An extremely terrifying divine power gushed out from his body, it turned out to be the divine power of the Tomb Suppressing Demon God's hand, leaping to the sky, piercing through the universe, the giant hand paralleling the black tombstone!

Then, the Bone Land and Huang Tian appeared at the same time, one prostrate at his feet, the other hanging above his sky cap, ups and downs, with turbulent divine light, like an unfinished pure land, the chaotic world is hazy.

"What the hell is going on inside? This blood is so strong that even my body is trembling." Xu Chongyun murmured while standing in the void, looking at the divine formation under his feet from the outside, with a dull expression.

His body seemed to sense the changes in the divine formation, and he trembled slightly, which made him feel a little unbelievable and unbelievable.

You know, his body is at the ultimate level of the top-ranked heaven, and his blood energy is still suppressed at this moment. This is a bit dreamy, like in a dream!
"A lot of people have already rushed here. If he doesn't come out, he might die!" Bi Qilin said indifferently from the side, wanting to stand by and watch?

"What do you mean by that?" Xu Chongyun asked in a daze.

"Do you think I will help him? I don't have that much leisure time. At most, I will only act as a deterrent. As for how long it can be delayed, it has nothing to do with me!" Bi Qilin said indifferently, sounding a little heartless!

"You...not good, I feel some terrible waves, someone is coming." Xu Chongyun wanted to say something, but suddenly his face changed, his eyes looked towards the distant void, and he felt some strong waves The appearance of a terrifying air mechanism means that a peerless power has appeared and is approaching!

Hearing the words, Bi Qilin's eyes flickered, and he raised his head to look at the distant Xingyu, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, surrounded by divine power, his eyes glowed with divine power, emerald-like divine power emerged, extremely terrifying.


But at this time, a roar came from the end of the distant star field, and the fluctuation split the sky, earth and clouds, and a terrifying black dragon appeared in the field of vision. beast!

"It's that big bug, is he the first to arrive? It's really interesting." The corner of Bi Qilin's mouth curled into a taunt, and he actually looked down on the other party, because he knew very well that the other party could never be a pure-blooded black dragon, just a black dragon. It's just a hybrid ferocious beast, barely called a dragon, it's not in his eyes!


The black dragon from the Nether Sea let out a loud roar, and didn't say much. He was the first to attack, and spewed out a horrifying black dragon flame from his mouth. The extinguishing flames, frantically attacking and killing them, are extremely terrifying!
Xu Chongyun glanced at Bi Qilin, and found that the other party had no intention of making a move at all. With a flash of his eyes, he simply went up alone.

After all, he has already made a certain choice, and this situation naturally requires him to face it!Can't back down!
"Go back to me!"

Like a giant spirit god in the black tower, he uttered a shout that trembled in the sky, his blood energy leaped to the sky and earth in an instant, and a giant black hand protruded from it, the breath was so terrifying that the sky would collapse. Go forward and slap the black dragon fiercely!


This palm slapped the black dragon's head fiercely, and it was blown away abruptly. The head split open, and cold blood spilled out, making the latter's eyes turn blood red, which was extremely frightening.


He spat out a trembling demonic sound, and a black dragon claw appeared outside Jiuxiao, descending from the sky, the dragon scales shimmering with divine power and shimmering light are still wrapped in dragon flames, as if a black dragon is falling into the sky. The meteor, with its incomparable aura, actually tore Xu Chongyun's palm apart, staining the sky with blood!
Obviously, this was an evenly matched collision. The two people who fought each other paid the price, got injured, and began to retreat slowly, confronting the void.

"Get out of the way, my target is not you!" This was the first time the black dragon uttered a voice, but it was as cold as a devil walking out of hell, making the nerves in the bones tremble, the scalp was numb, and the soles of the feet were cold .

"You think you can get the magic potion just by yourself? How naive!" Bi Qilin said, with aloof and mocking expression.

"What? You want to do it too?" The black dragon turned into a middle-aged man with flying black hair, his eyes were as dazzling as lightning, and his body was surrounded by extremely terrifying divine power. shortage!

This is definitely a super terrifying alien powerhouse, at least reaching the middle queen of the second level of immortality, equal to Xu Chongyun's realm, and his power is extremely terrifying.

"Do it? I don't have that idea. Look up at the sky!" Bi Qilin smiled when he heard this, and suddenly raised his finger to point to the sky. Terrible auras appeared one after another. This time, not one came, but many.

"Damn it!" The black dragon turned around and looked extremely ugly, and cursed in a low voice, but his heart sank, showing a dignified expression, and Xu Chongyun did the same!

"Where is the magic potion? Where is that waste physique? Get out! Hand over the treasure of the magic potion, and I will spare you! Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!" This is obviously an extremely arrogant guy, who dared to speak like this, And it was a strange face that hadn't appeared before.

He is tall and tall, wearing an ancient cyan iron suit, filled with immortal brilliance, strong physique, full of explosive power, and his eyes are as bright as stars, but with a kind of incomparable arrogance, as if the whole world Not in his eyes, he himself is the real god!

"Hiss, it turned out to be him, the Yin God King who ruled the world of gods 3000 years ago. Wasn't he slaughtered by the old blood soul monster? Why is he still alive and has reached the extreme of Immortal Er?"

Xu Chongyun recognized the origin of this person. He turned out to be a demon from the World of Gods 3000 years ago. He was killed by the blood soul because he offended him. But I didn't expect that he was still alive, and he became the ultimate strongman of Xian Er, no wonder he dared to be so crazy...

"Have you all come..." Bi Qilin didn't pay attention to him, but cast his gaze to the distance of the interstellar, where all those 'friends' from before have come, all of them are not bad, it's really lively.

(End of this chapter)

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