Chapter 682 The Last Minute

In the west, the blood corpse of ten thousand years stepped forward like a god of the underworld, and the whole body released a billowing blood evil spirit, which moved the sky violently, pierced through the sea of ​​clouds, and trembled extremely.

Due to the south, a black shadow covering the sky and the sun appeared. The huge crimson body was full of streamlines, and there was a surge of divine light, which made it full of power. Yu burst, extremely frightening.

There is no doubt that it is the Copper Ant King, and behind him there is a huge creature like ice crystals, surrounded by terrifying and bone-chilling cold air, stepping on the stars, lingering with divine power, making this world It has almost become a pure land of ice and snow, and the bones of the frozen people are trembling, which is extremely terrifying!
In another direction, Feng Yuan also appeared with the Purple Gold Lieyang Pot, just like a scorching Sun God, the temperature of that weapon would almost burn the sky and the earth, the unparalleled suffocation feeling is frightening!
These are the group of people with the most terrifying strength, and not only them, but many other creatures have also come, but their cultivation base is not strong, Xianyi or simply Zhou Tian, ​​did not wreak havoc or fight for supremacy strength, so I can only watch it from a distant area, let's just join in the fun, maybe I'm waiting for an opportunity...


I have to say that Jiang Shang's retreat this time was too noisy. Even if it was covered by a magic formation that deceived the world, there were still terrifying divine powers emerging. Animals pulling carts... This is definitely an extremely terrifying scene, which shocked everyone present!

"You still want to break through? Dreaming!" The Yin God King was the first to charge forward, his face extremely proud and cruel.

He actually wanted to disturb Jiang Shang's promotion at this critical moment, break his hope of promotion, and deal him a heavy blow with vicious intentions!
"I can only stop one!" Xu Chongyun said, and rushed towards the Yin God King, launching a big collision. It was like a comet colliding with Xingyu, causing terrifying waves, one after another flying across the sky , Shaking the countless stars, it is trembling.

And this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he took out a peerless fierce sword, everyone immediately felt a feeling of destruction, the body and bones will be cut open, this sword The murderous intent is too strong.

"He actually took away a fierce sword?" Bi Qilin was surprised, because he left first and did not experience the final battle, but he did not expect that Xu Chongyun could successfully snatch a fierce sword. surprise.

"Well, it's all here."

The Copper Ant King stood in the void, his cold eyes flashing. He came here for the fierce sword and the sword map, and now that they are all here, it is naturally just what he wants!

You know, if you can put them all together, it will be a complete demigod weapon. If he holds it in his hands, he will not be afraid of the three peerless holy lords of the Immortal Three, and he can even face Dacheng Divine Body, which is unmatched against the sky. The temptation is really too great to resist!
"Get out of the way!"

The Yin God King was afraid of the peerless fierce sword in Xu Chongyun's hand, but he still couldn't change his arrogant nature. The cold and evil aura shot up into the sky, and a dragon-shaped beam of light shot out like a dead spirit, piercing through the dead, icy sky.

This is indeed an extremely strong Immortal Two, with a cold body without temperature and a monstrous Yin Qi, like a ghost that appeared from the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, and its divine power was crazily rushing towards Xu Chongyun. The scene was too shocking and indescribable .

"We have so many people here, do you think you alone can hold it?" The black dragon actually made another move, spitting out the World-Exterminating Dragon Flame from its ferocious mouth, but was stopped by an emerald-like divine power , disappeared in an instant, causing everyone's eyes to shrink.

"What? Do you still want more people to bully fewer people?" Bi Qilin also made a move, walking forward with an emerald-like divine light, and also took out that unicorn horn, which was magnificent and pierced through Xingyu. The emerald green power of the horse is all over the sky!
"Son of Qilin, why do you want to protect that guy? Isn't the strongest potion in his hand exactly what you want?" Feng Yuan was a little puzzled by Bi Qilin's behavior and asked.

In fact, the reason why Bi Qilin appeared in their Jialan Temple was for the magic potion of their world. He seemed to be preparing for something grand and needed to improve his cultivation as quickly as possible. But now, Why……

"You came here with such fanfare just to take advantage of others' danger and snatch other people's treasures. Isn't it a bit shameless!?" Bi Qilin ignored Feng Yuan, but glanced at the crowd, sneering like this, the ancient Qilin with one horn Hanging above his head, there was a radiant and immeasurable light hanging down, which was full of deterrent force.

With the blood of a different species of Bi Qilin, he is really strong, at least he has the strength of the middle and late stages of Xian Er, and if he adds that ancient Qilin strong man's single horn, he will not be afraid of the extremely strong Xian Er!
"It's just a unicorn beast, and it hasn't even reached the fairyland, yet it dares to speak such wild words, it's beyond its control!" At this moment, a cold snort came.

In the distance, a roc bird with a body as big as a silver mountain appeared, its whole body seemed to be infused with terrifying silver water, its divine power was criss-crossed, surrounded by monster aura, rippling with a shocking fairyland aura.His eyes were gloomy and cold, staring at Bi Qilin firmly, full of resentment!

"Oh, who am I to know? It turns out that you are a deserter. Why, do you want to come back and follow in the footsteps of your two elder brothers?" Bi Qilin sneered.

It turned out that the person who came was the third prince of the Yinpeng clan. Everything that happened today was led by him, and unexpectedly, he even entered the fairyland, and his strength increased greatly, which is surprising!
"Follower? You are a little too confident. I have already advanced to the first level of the fairyland. I will slaughter you like pigs and dogs!" The third prince of the Yinpeng clan spoke sharply.

"Hehe, try it if you have the ability..." Bi Qilin was not angry, and mocked.


But at this moment, a roar suddenly came from the void, and the blood corpse of ten thousand years came out from the sky, and three thousand ghost generals roared behind him, like the ghost of a mass grave, shaking the sky, It is surprising that it has spanned the ancient blood river century.

"Get out of the way, our target is him, just the two of you, we still can't stop him!" Wannian Blood Corpse said in a very flat manner.

"We are all here for the magic potion. Although you two are strong, don't make mistakes!" Someone said with malicious intentions, trying to oppress the other party with unmatched power, hiding in the dark and sneering!

"hold head high!"

But at this moment, a clear and melodious phoenix song resounded through the sky, the divine bird roared out from the divine formation, and the whole world was immediately surrounded by endless Qingluan divine fire, the temperature was simply enough to evaporate everything, like a pure land of flames, Incomparably terrible!
"It's that divine bird, Qingluan. Let's kill him and devour his divine bird's bloodline!" An ancient strong man coveted the divine bird's bloodline, and even encouraged him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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