Chapter 707 Appear!

"You forced me to do this, die for me!" Luo Jie held the Taizhen Ge in his hand, with a ferocious expression on his face, and unleashed his peerless divine power, intending to shake Chu Yunxiao into blood and kill this peerless enemy in the cradle Among them, this method is a bit too despicable!

In the distance, in the Longevity Tavern in Tianxue City, Jiang Shang raised his brows immediately, his eyes crackled like a sword in the sky, and said to himself: "The ultimate weapon of the sky rank, is this trying to bully people?"

"Boom! Rumble..."

Terrible thunderclaps of divine power bloomed in the void, among which the ultimate heaven-rank weapon was the most stern, the blue-gray ancient divine power rippling out of Ge Jian, toppled down like a mountain, suffocating, Immortal One and Immortal Two powerhouses All color changes, boundless terror!
I have to say that this kind of method is indeed a bit too despicable. To use such a weapon in the duel of the younger generation, the sky level is extremely high. Opportunity rises.

However, Chu Yunxiao's reaction was also quick, with the phantom of the Big Dipper hanging behind him, and with divine power under his feet, he rushed towards Duan Lingyun and Duan Lingyun in the distance without hesitation, at an extremely fast speed, seeking shelter!
After all, things have come to this point, and the other party has taken out the ultimate weapon of heaven rank. This is a completely unfair duel. The means are too despicable, so there is no need to continue.

"court death!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout from a distance, but it was Duan Lingyun who shot out in anger. Behind him appeared an icy god of the underworld, whose terrifying divine power turned into a mountain and fell down to meet the ultimate weapon of the heaven rank.

And at the same time, a tsunami-like terrifying aura gushed out from his body, as if a Pluto star exploded, oscillating thousands of divine powers, sweeping in all directions.

"Your Yin-Yang Sect really has a face, you have taken out the ultimate weapons of heaven, what? Are you bullying people?" Duan Lingyun directly sent Taizhen Ge flying out, his hair fluttered wildly, and he roared angrily.

"This god of the underworld is still as arrogant as ever! Although it is a little inappropriate to use a heaven-level ultimate weapon, it is not enough to bully people, right?"

"I said, are you blind? It's too despicable for a confrontation between two juniors of Zhoutian Realm to come up with the ultimate heaven-level weapon. It's so despicable. It's embarrassing to throw at grandma's house!"


The violent wind gully completely boiled, and there were many discussions.


But at this moment, a long howl rose into the sky, the power of yin and yang soared into the sky, and a thick cloud of mist appeared, hiding a crooked figure, vaguely, I couldn't see anything clearly, only the eyes were sharp as lightning, The divine light burst out through the mist!Very glaring!
"It's so majestic. It was a fair fight, but it was blocked by some people. Why, can't you afford to lose?" The man's voice was very old, and he mocked with a thick sneer.

"There are always some shameless people in the world, and you have taken out the ultimate weapons of the heavens, so you have the nerve to say it's a fair fight?" Ao Xin came forward riding a golden dragon, and sneered.

"It's just a weapon, it's just a foreign object. Don't you allow others to use it if you can't take it out?" The old man was obviously well prepared, and he opened his mouth like this, making Ao and Xin speechless. cold.

And at this moment, Jiang Shang suddenly had a flash of light in his palm, and summoned a Zhu Xian sword, crossed the void, and appeared in the center of the battlefield in an instant, surprising everyone present!
Such a person who appeared out of nowhere held a terrifying weapon in his hand. The sword energy was simply too terrifying and frightening. It also surprised many people. They didn't know which side he belonged to and who he would attack. .

"Take it to play with him." Jiang Shang directly threw the Zhuxian Sword in his hand to Chu Yunxiao, and said calmly with a kind of intimidating force in his words.

Maybe it's because he didn't show his true face, Duan Lingyun and Ao Xin didn't recognize him, they just glanced at his back in amazement, feeling a familiar feeling in their hearts, as if they had seen him before!
"Hiss, the ultimate heavenly weapon?"

Chu Yunxiao took the Zhuxian Sword in a daze, then gasped suddenly, and said in surprise.

"What? That turned out to be a heavenly ultimate weapon?"

"Who is this comer? He took out such a weapon casually. It's extremely heavenly, it's too amazing!"

"I estimate that this person is probably old with the Seven Star War Body, and now he is here to help his disciple out!"


In the distance, those spectators were also stunned. They didn't expect things to turn around like this. Someone came to stand in for Chu Yunxiao and took out another ultimate heavenly weapon!
"Presumptuous, who are you? What are you? How dare you meddle in the affairs of our Yin-Yang Sect? Are you courting death?"

"The Seven Star War Body has gone astray and is about to become a thing of the past, hiding in the dust of history, but you forcefully stand out for its disciples, and you don't know how to advance or retreat!"

Two elders of the Yin-Yang Sect at the level of Immortals stepped out and spoke harshly to Jiang Shang, their faces were disdainful!

Jiang Shang stared blankly, didn't bother to say nonsense, turned around and slapped out, the palm quickly turned into a Baizhang mountain, as if falling from the sky, weighing more than [-] jun, making everyone present change color!

The hundred-zhang holy mountain fell, and the sound of clanging shook the sky, full of suction, and directly locked the two guys, and smashed down fiercely, blood spattered, and screams were ear-piercing!

But the sound stopped soon, because the two people were directly crushed by the Baizhang Mountain, and they were crushed into meat. The whole process was extremely fast and destructive. The first two had no ability to resist!
"It's just a waste that is inferior to two ants. How dare you speak loudly in front of me, you really want to die!" This is Jiang Shang's mocking voice, a little indifferent, maybe he said it specifically for others to hear.

"This guy, don't you think..." Duan Lingyun looked at Ao Xin, and said in surprise, as if he had guessed something.The latter also nodded, his eyes flickered, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"My friend, are you going too far?" At this moment, the old man hidden in the thick fog spoke, his tone seemed to be extremely unfriendly, full of indifference, cold and heartless, and full of evil spirits!

A terrifying aura soared into the sky, shaking the sky, revealing his identity. He turned out to be a strong Immortal Lord, with an incomparably powerful aura that made people tremble backwards.

"It's him, the living fossil of the Yin-Yang Sect. It is said that he has entered the level of the Immortal Lord in 5000 years, and he is now unfathomable!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing the old man hiding in the thick fog of origin.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? If you want to seek death, I can make your wish come true!" Jiang Shang glanced at the other party with a sneer, dismissively.

With his current strength, not to mention that the opponent is only an ordinary immortal, even if it is the ultimate immortal, it is difficult for him to feel any fear!Unless it is Xiansan, now, only that kind of Xiansan's peerless holy master is qualified to pose a threat to him!
(End of this chapter)

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