Chapter 708 Strong!


In the dense fog, the old man opened his eyes angrily, and shot out a blazing aura, piercing through the void, and slashing at Jiang Shang's head.

He has spent 5000 years in the realm of Xianer alone, and he is only one step away from the ultimate. Relying on his merits and good luck, he can look down on all the young supreme beings, but at this time Jiang Shang despised him, and he was angry on the spot.


There was a long howl from his mouth, and the lingering yin and yang divine power was as frightening as a tsunami, rolling towards the front one after another, and a sharp spear appeared in his palm, the tip of the spear was cold, and it swept towards Jiang Shang's head , the intention is obvious!
"It seems that you really want to court death?"

With a flash of Jiang Shang's eyes, the move was simple and direct, and the palm of his hand turned into a big hand covering the sky and the sun, pressing forward, with an extremely terrifying momentum, which made everyone present look pale!

The sharp gun was broken by the big hand, a tragic breath emerged in the void, the spiritual light splashed, and the wreckage of the sharp gun fell into the sky, it was amazing!

"Pfft... No! This is impossible!" The old man in the thick fog panicked and roared angrily, he couldn't believe that he was defeated so easily, and even his weapon was broken, which was simply a shame. There is no way to accept it!

"Tangtang Immortal Er, it's really disappointing that he only has this strength." Jiang Shang said to himself, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but these words felt different in everyone's ears, just like a stormy sea!
You know, that is a genuine Immortal Lord, who has spent 5000 years at the Immortal Level, and has achieved good fortune, but now he is regarded as too weak and disappointing, which makes everyone stunned Yes, almost dreamy!
"You, who are you?"

In the thick fog, the old man finally recognized the situation clearly, and asked tremblingly, wanting to know who Jiang Shang is!
"The name is not important. The important thing is that you have already shot me. Do you still want to live?" Jiang Shang said calmly, but the content of his words made everyone tremble. Could it be that he still wants to kill me!
"Don't go too far..." The old man in the thick fog blushed, his body trembled, his veins protruded, and he felt an extremely huge humiliation, and said angrily.

But at the next moment, his voice was interrupted by someone. Someone came out from a dark corner with a fierce aura and a stern face. He was wearing an extremely ancient armor of the sages, and there was a divine flame beating between his brows. There is a single horn on the frontal bone, like an ancient god!

"Hiss, it turned out to be him, one of the top ten battle kings in the Samsara Sea. It is said that he has reached the ultimate realm of Immortal Er. In this era when Immortal San is difficult to emerge, he is basically invincible, and it is difficult to find an opponent in the world."

"It's surprising that such a person came forward in person. I once saw another reincarnation sea battle king with the same name as him. He faced the three Immortal Lords alone. He was unafraid and even severely injured One person repelled the other two, and he was unharmed, almost a myth!"


The expressions of all the people watching changed. They didn't expect to attract such a huge figure. One of the top ten battle kings in the Sea of ​​Samsara is a well-known powerhouse in the restricted area of ​​life. No one dares to provoke him!
"Brother Kun..." Even the old man who was arrogant before, now he became honest and blushed, said.Kun is the name of this reincarnation sea battle king, very unique!

"Who are you?" The war king obviously ignored the old man's meaning, but swept his indifferent eyes towards Jiang Shang, condescending, his eyes were condescending, his tone was a bit unfriendly, and his voice was very harsh.

"Step aside."

However, Jiang Shang didn't care about the terrifying power of the other party at all, and he spoke indifferently, which made everyone present stunned for a moment!I thought I heard wrong.

You know, the one in front of him is the ultimate reincarnation sea battle king of Xianer, the famous invincible existence under this starry sky. At this moment, he is still fearless, shouting at others to get out of the way, obviously intending to continue to kill the old man .

This kind of behavior immediately caused an uproar, because this is really too arrogant, so bold, don't you take an extremely strong Immortal Two in your eyes?Does he have the qualifications?
"Uncle..." Even Chu Yunxiao, who was far away, was nervous at the moment, and his palms were even more sweaty.You know, that is the reincarnation sea battle king powerhouse, who has climbed to the legendary immortal two extreme, even if his master comes, he can't beat him!

"It's okay, just keep reading and you'll find out." But Duan Lingyun's expression was actually very relaxed, without the slightest pressure, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a lingering surprise hidden.

Could it be that this guy has grown to be comparable to Xian Er after so many years of disappearance? Impossible?

"It's really daring to dare to do this."

In the distance, everyone opened their eyes wide, because Jiang Shang actually moved at this moment, ignoring the war king, and walked towards the old man indifferently, causing a commotion.

Throughout Xuanyuan Boundless Land, no one knows the horror of the three life forbidden areas, and they are unwilling to provoke them, but now some people don't care at all.


The war general Kun finally let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction, his eyes were like cold beams of light in the dark, projecting on Jiang Shang's back, and said coldly: "It seems that you really don't take me seriously?"

"Why, you want to stop me?" Jiang Shang finally stopped, looking back with indifferent eyes, but the whole person's aura is quite different, like a demon god who came out of the demon world, looking at the nine heavens and ten earths, making the reincarnation sea battle king They all narrowed their eyes and became surprised.

"It's so daring to say such things to Brother Kun, do you really think that our Yin-Yang Sect and the Sea of ​​Samsara are air?" The old man in the thick fog encouraged, wanting to arouse the murderous intent of the King of Samsara Sea Battle, and jointly kill them!

"The Yin-Yang God Cult has formed an alliance with me in Samsara Sea, so you can't attack him, at least in front of me, no!" The general finally spoke again, but the content of the words made people startled, because the words sounded When you look up, it always tastes like showing weakness!

"That's why we don't have to talk?"

However, Jiang Shang's attitude was still strong, and he turned into a Taoist body and made a gesture of invitation to the opponent, holding a Zhuxian sword in his hand, and said: "Let's go, let's go to the other side to fight, don't delay me work on the body!"


"What is that? Two bodies that are exactly the same, could it be that the Dao body can only be cultivated from the legendary scriptures of the Great Bible?"

"This is definitely a guy with a history that reaches the sky, and the power behind him is unparalleled, probably better than the seven superpowers, and even the restricted area of ​​life. No wonder he dares to ignore the sea of ​​​​reincarnation so much. It turns out that he has such a reliance!"

"The point is, he actually wants to fight the Samsara Sea Warrior King with his Tao body. Does he really have the qualifications to act like this? That is the ultimate powerhouse of Xianer, almost invincible under the starry sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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