Chapter 727 Immortal Execution Sword Shows Its Power!
In the void, the chaotic air flow has already burst open, chaotic qi and blood run through the sky, and the extreme aura is vibrating, releasing an immortal and dazzling brilliance, which makes people unable to look directly, and their breathing is still.

"No, how could you have a complete set of demigod soldiers? It has never appeared in Xuanyuan's history at all, it is absolutely fake, and it is not a special soldier..." The Scarlet Wolf King shivered coldly, his eyes were terrified, and his whole body was red. His hair stood on end, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness, and he couldn't lie to himself!

As the peerless Holy Lord of Langshen Mountain who has used demigod weapons several times, it is impossible for him to be unfamiliar with this heavenly power, which is enough to shatter the void, sink the earth, and evaporate the ocean... This is indeed a set and a half A divine soldier, extremely powerful and mighty, he can't lie to himself!

"A complete set of demigod weapons that don't belong to Xuanyuan. This chance is really against the sky. Could it be that he once pried open the fairy grave of a foreign emperor?"

Countless people trembled and felt terrified. They didn't expect such a change in this battle. The appearance of a set of demigod soldiers that did not belong to Xuanyuan would inevitably cause shocking waves and storms, and the scarlet wolf king would be the first among them.


In the void, the aura of the four Zhuxian swords was really too tragic, as if the Nine Nether Ground Clothes was opened, the sword aura struck like a wild beast, rolled straight up, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the void was torn apart.


The red wolf king of the third level of immortality was directly unable to resist, his body was pressed by the sword pressure, and he would bend down and kneel on the ground.

This is an indescribable and indescribable terrifying scene, it is too shocking, the immortal three peerless holy masters are so powerless, it is too embarrassing!

"No, I'm not reconciled..."

The four Immortal Execution Swords and the array of swords released immortal light, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, forcibly crushing the Scarlet Wolf King, bending his waist and knees, he couldn't bear this kind of divine power, every bone in his body was exploding Loud, crackling!

The boundless sword energy floated between the heavens and the earth, tearing everywhere, laws everywhere, and even surrounded by terrifying visions, such as the giant hand covering the sky, the tombstone, the yellow sky, the land of bones, etc., which alarmed all the people who were fighting fiercely outside the territory. People, the primordial spirit is in turmoil!

"Fourth, let me go!"

The White Wolf King chose to forcefully receive a return of divine power, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were cold and stern, and his eyebrows were ferocious. He wanted to take over from the Scarlet Wolf King to fight against the demigod soldiers. The divine power is rushing to the distance, it seems to be calling for something, it is disturbing!

"He is summoning the bone of the wolf king, hurry up!"

The Great Elder appeared right after him, fought hard with the White Wolf King, violently shook the sky, tore apart the universe, trying to delay the arrival of the demigod soldiers!


However, although the White Wolf King only interfered with the Zhuxian Sword for a moment, the Scarlet Wolf King seized this opportunity, spewed out a mouthful of divine blood, surrounded his huge body, and turned it into a beam of boundless light, soaring into the sky, wanting to escape!
"Want to run? You have no chance!"

With a sneer on the corner of Jiang Shang's mouth, he yelled at the distant starry sky in vain, "Little boy, do it!"


I saw an infinite and terrifying flame aura soaring into the sky, as if the legendary flame god came to the world, built a divine pattern, condensed into a formation, and blocked the void for a full [-] miles, and everyone was swept away. If you come in, you can't escape!

"hold head high!"

At the next moment, a divine bird formed entirely of blue flames appeared in the void, as huge as an ancient mountain, surrounded by huge flaming dragons, it was like a god of fire coming to the world, and the heat wave was overwhelming!

I saw the huge flaming claws protruding from its belly, directly piercing the sky, burning everything, submerging the area where the Scarlet Wolf King was, and forcing him to escape at all, it was simply despair!
"Hiss, this is one of the strongest foundations of the Xia family - Li Tian's Great Formation, which is said to have been passed down to the 20-year-old ancestor Li Tian. Someone saw the origin of the Heaven Sealing Flame Formation, gasped and said in horror.

It turned out that in order to prevent the enemy from escaping, Jiang Shang had arranged for Xiaoguai to enter the Hanging Island secretly, and formed a magic formation with the Xia family's two immortal masters, hiding in the dark, ready to intercept at any time!

After all, the little guy was born to be the supreme flame god bird, and this magic formation is based on flames, complementing each other and combining with each other, which is enough to explode the fighting power against the sky. It is estimated that it will take at least two immortals to join forces to break it, and It's not that easy yet!

"Get out of here! Break me!"

The Scarlet Wolf King, who fell into despair, finally went crazy, turning into a streak of red boundless light, a billowing heat wave, like a river of flames hanging down, and he fit in with the Dao!
"There is a treasure furnace with the will of the ancient sages, please help me out of trouble!"

The crazy Scarlet Wolf King is indeed very strong, as if he has gained power in prayer, he controls the ultimate weapon of the sky - Vulcan furnace, as if he wants to smash the formation sealed in the void, as if he is opening the sky Same, it's amazing!

It has to be said that this level of power is really extremely terrifying, and he even touched the back of Xian Sanzhong, but he obviously chose the wrong target of the attack, completely exposing his back to the Zhuxian Sword, and the murderous intent struck!

In the void, Jiang Shang's cold and stern voice finally sounded, full of naked killing intent, which made the red wolf king and the white wolf king change their expressions, and the latter roared ferociously, "Dare!"

"Then you can see if I dare!"

Jiang Shang completely ignored the threat of the White Wolf King. With a long howl and a bang of divine power, the void was torn apart, and the four fierce swords below were vibrating. The killing breath was strong, and the heavens and ten earths trembled!Qi Qi slaughtered and attacked the Scarlet Wolf King, with sword energy sweeping the sky!

"No! Baolu save me!"

The scarlet wolf king's eyes were terrified, and he tried his best to return the Vulcan furnace. Flames like fairy feathers emerged, emitting terrifying scorching divine power, burning the void, melting everything, and the temperature was frighteningly high!
However, although it is a weapon of the ultimate level of the heaven rank, it is still too weak under the complete Zhu Xian sword. There is an insurmountable and terrifying gap between the demigod weapon and the ultimate rank of heaven, and there is no way to compare it, and it cannot be resisted. !

"Peng! Peng!"

Two of the four Immortal Execution Swords slashed fiercely on the Vulcan Stove. One sword cut it in half first, and the other damaged it even more severely, turning it into pieces!Scary!

"This is the ultimate heavenly weapon, it broke so easily!" Everyone's scalps were numb, and their whole bodies were trembling. How could they resist this power?It was as if the ancient supreme had been revived, sweeping away everything!
"Peng! Peng!"


The remaining two Immortal Execution Swords pierced straight through the Scarlet Wolf King, killing him into a blood man, flying obliquely like a scarecrow, paralyzed, his body almost split in half!
It has to be said that a complete set of demigod weapons is too terrifying. Even if the holder is only in the Zhoutian realm, it still destroys a heaven-level ultimate weapon and severely wounds a celestial three peerless holy master. It can be called the power of the gods!

And at the next moment, the dilapidated body of the Scarlet Wolf King suddenly exploded, and the blood mist filled the sky. It turned out that the Great Elder made up a knife and killed him completely, making the Scarlet Wolf King behind him go crazy!

"Despicable and shameless thing, I will destroy your entire Beiming EMI clan!"

The incarnation of the White Wolf King roared furiously, with murderous aura penetrating people!

I have something to do today, so let’s update it first, make it up tomorrow, and see if I can add another chapter when I see it.

(End of this chapter)

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