Chapter 728
The incomparable Scarlet Wolf King was slaughtered just like this. He possessed the cultivation base of the third level of the fairyland, a peerless holy master, but he still fell under the complete sword of Zhu Xian. One can only sigh.

Under this starry sky, Xian San, who has almost stood on the top of the mountain, is really, really hard to lose his life. It is difficult to have two or three people in ten thousand years, unless the Dacheng God King or the Peerless Emperor It is only possible to make a strong sweep by making a personal move, and the posture will be crushed!
But no matter what, the Scarlet Wolf King has already fallen, causing heavy losses to Wolf God Mountain.

After all, even if they are one of the seven superpowers of Xuanyuan, they can't have too many immortals, at most four or five, which is already piercing the sky, and there can be no more!

"What identity, what status, in the end it's still a weed, not as good as others!" Someone muttered to himself, his eyes flickering.

But right now is not the time to be dazed, after all, the Scarlet Wolf King is dead, and the White Wolf King might go crazy!


"Please come and help me destroy the enemy!"

Above the void, a boundless majesty of the demon god rushed up, turning into a round of black sun, shaking the sky, and even directly tore Li Tian's formation, opened a big mouth, the divine power was vented outward, and a summoning formation was established. The bridge of Yuanshen link!


At the next moment, the void buzzed, and it was torn up like a rag, making a whistling sound, and a big earthquake occurred, which was horrifying!
I saw a huge black wolf spirit pouring over the distant and endless starry sky, like an ancient monster galloping into the sea, the howling wolf suppressed the sky, manifesting a black galaxy hanging in the nine heavens, rolling and Hitting the ground, splashing ripples, it can be called incredible power!
At this moment, everyone present was shocked. Looking from a distance, the black divine power soared into the sky, and the wolves roared turbulently, as if a wolf god came to the world proudly, threatening the nine heavens and ten earths, shaking the eight wildernesses, and watching the world with disdain!

An unimaginably vast divine power appeared, covering the entire hanging island in an instant, making people paralyzed to the ground!
Countless people are trembling, their souls are trembling, their bodies want to kneel down uncontrollably, this is completely involuntary, as if there is a terrifying divine power dominating them, instinctively full of fear!

"Extreme power, it's a demigod soldier!" Everyone was shocked, dumbfounded, their eyes trembling, and they couldn't say a word at all.

Although, this was already expected, but when it actually appeared, the wolf god mountain... the wolf king god bone, everyone still couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Because the significance of this is really amazing, just like the original Beiming war, when the demigod soldiers came to the world, the level and level of the war will rise sharply, and more people will die if the extreme power is fierce!

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying wave surged in the starry sky outside the territory, and a destructive force was actually being generated, surrounding a surge of samsara divine power, completely submerging him, and all beings trembled!
"Hiss, this is... self-explosion!?" Everyone present changed color, guessing the terrible scene that was about to happen!My heart trembled!

"It's him, the peerless Holy Lord of the Xia family ten thousand years ago. I guess he probably only has this chance to be alive. His lifespan has dried up, and he wants to drag someone to be buried with him!" Someone saw through the real situation of the destruction scene. , eyes trembling, horror said.

How terrifying would it be for a celestial three peerless holy lord to explode himself?Most Dacheng God Kings are unwilling to take the lead, let alone peerless Holy Masters of the same level, most likely have only a dead end!
" think about it clearly, if you dare to drag me to die, none of you will live today, all of you will die!" Sai Li, the king of the second battle of the Samsara Sea who fought against Xia Moxie, Stubborn, with cold eyes, roared.

"Old man, I'm about to die, why are you thinking so much, don't struggle, and bury me!" Xia Moxie smiled lightly, her body glowing!

A terrifying force that destroys the world appears in the world, completely like a raging storm, flooding the world, disturbing the void, even the vast and boundless outside world is shaken, almost the end of the world.

All the people who are fighting are thrown out, it is difficult to continue to fight, otherwise they will be involved in disaster, this storm is really terrible, and the outside world will be destroyed!
"Do not……"

The screams of the Samsara Sea Second Battle King stopped short, because the terrifying force had already encircled him, his body was shattered, the blood of the gods was splashed, and the soul was almost shattered and torn to pieces.


However, at the next moment, the power full of destructive nature turned into a magic knife, the crushed mountains trembled, trembled outside the territory, and slashed on the primordial spirit with a bang, cutting it in two, completely emptied it, the primordial spirit Annihilation!

"Die! Accompany me, bury..."

Xia Moxie finally managed to squirt out the flames of divine power before making a temporary stop, and burned the primordial spirit of the Second Battle King of the Samsara Sea to ashes, completely annihilated, and nothing was left.

And after he finished all this, his face turned into aura with serenity, disappeared little by little, drifting into the void, as if he had never appeared again, the Xia family was sad!

Countless members of the Xia family wept loudly, and the ancestors who had guarded the Xia family for tens of thousands of years went away, and in such a way, at the cost of their remaining lives, they died together with the enemy, which made them feel uncomfortable and lose control of their emotions.

"Two more died, this is Xian San..."

In the distance, the hearts of all the people watching the battle were trembling, their scalps were numb, and they couldn't imagine that this would be the result.

These are two peerless holy masters, and they died together in this way. This is a huge loss for both the Xia family and the Samsara Sea, which is unbearable!

But at this moment, a wave of extreme wolf god power soared into the sky, turning into a black demon sun, shining on the stars, and even directly blocked the way forward for Jiang Shang and the great elder, and the demigod soldiers cut across , the extreme divine power sealed the sky in an instant!
"Both of you still care about others? Die for me!" The White Wolf King held the wolf king's bone and made a move, his brows were ferocious, and his aura was soaring to the sky. That divine power was really terrifying!

"Quick, lend me the demigod soldier!"

Even the Great Elder's expression changed at this moment, unable to resist the White Wolf King who held the wolf king's bone, he turned around and roared, borrowing a weapon from Jiang Shang!

Without any hesitation, Jiang Shang immediately took out the Immortal Executioner Sword and the Sword Formation in his hand, turning them into two beams of light, which crossed to the Great Elder in an instant, and were grasped by him, releasing a horrifying aura.
"Go quickly, leave this area, and tell them not to come near!" The elder immediately sent a voice transmission to Jiang Shang, telling him to leave this area, and telling others not to come closer!The farther the better!
After all, he and the Scarlet Wolf King are almost three great figures of immortality, standing on the top of Xuanyuan in the lower realm, and now, they are even blessed by the sacred object of demigod soldiers. The power of the gods is beyond imagination. Four and a half saints, even stronger!
(End of this chapter)

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