Chapter 729
Everything outside the Void Territory was plunged into darkness. Two demigod soldiers, the Wolf King Bone and the Immortal Sword, came out at the same time. They were respectively controlled by the White Wolf King and the Great Elder, who were three great immortals. The power was unbelievably brilliant, extremely powerful. Leaked, the dome shattered!

"Damn it, you actually used such holy objects, you can't stay in this area any longer, let's go!"

All the Xiansan who were fighting outside the territory were thrown out, and the area was isolated. Everyone had a completely different appearance, some were unscathed, some were bathed in blood, and some were simply gone. ...Extremely tragic!
This is a great turmoil rarely seen in history. The duel between more than a dozen supreme beings with the combat power of the Immortals is just like hunting. Everyone has their own prey, and at the same time, they are also regarded as the target of killing by others!

"Give me death!"

There was only a roar that shook the nine heavens and ten earths, and Chu Zhongtian, who was bathed in blood, came to the world, like a god of war, directly blowing his opponent to the ground with one fist, dancing blood all over the sky, extremely powerful.

However, perhaps because they had already witnessed the fall of the three peerless holy masters, everyone who watched the battle from a distance seemed to be numb. For Chu Zhongtian, who killed his opponent with a punch - the half-step fairy three, they didn't have much to worry about. Touched, maybe silent attention, or quietly dazed, in various poses and with different expressions!

After struggling to kill the opponent with a punch, Chu Zhongtian spat out a mouthful of blood with a pale face, and his whole body became weak instantly, pale and powerless!
Obviously, although he killed his opponent in this battle, he also paid a very heavy price. At least at this moment, he is completely out of strength and is in an extremely dangerous state. Any Xianyi can kill him!


Almost at this moment, the universe seemed to be destroyed, and a wave of divine power surged crazily, and it turned out to be a fairy three who had been thrown out of the battlefield with a long roar, attacking powerfully.

His original opponent should be Sirius Guteng, but at this moment, it has been staggered, just giving him the chance to kill the genius!


I saw it let out a long howl, the aging body burst out with immortal power, the flames were overwhelming, and an incomparably terrifying flame halberd appeared in his hand, like the most terrifying weapon in the universe, its brilliance burst and swept across the world. Huang, smashing towards the seriously injured Chu Zhongtian, the power is terrifying!

It has to be said that the Three Immortals are really terrifying, as if an ancient supreme was doing it, breaking the rules of the universe, and condensing a blazing halberd capable of melting everything, the temperature is frighteningly high.

And except for the old Holy Master of the Sun God Palace, the other three immortals all turned around at this moment and found their opponents in the previous battle. Their expressions were indifferent and their eyes were cold. The duel continued, and they vowed to decide the winner!
After all, when the war has reached such a level, they naturally can't turn back at all, either you die or I die, otherwise, the only way is to leave home, abandon everything, and escape from Xuanyuan!


"Old man, do you think I don't exist?"

Sirius, who was stepping on the sun, moon and stars, let out a long howl, and there was a trace of a bright and clean full moon behind him. This is the secret technique handed down by the Sirius clan, the vision of the lunar moon.

I saw an infinite silver waterfall falling down from it, directly hitting the back of the old Holy Master of the Sun God Palace, it was an unimaginable blow!

At this moment, Jiang Shang also quickly appeared in front of Chu Zhongtian, transformed into a real bone body, and even blocked the flame halberd with his hands. It was useless to let it burn to the sky, and there was no way to break through!

His physical strength is indeed too heaven-defying, comparable to the extreme level of heaven, even the immortal three peerless lords, it is difficult to break through easily!



The vision cast by the wolf Guteng struck straight down, aiming at the back of the old Holy Master of the Sun God Palace, intending to kill him and take his life!This was obviously a rare opportunity in a thousand years, Xingyu was about to burst from it, and made a very terrifying sound, which made people's heart tremble.

The divine power fell crazily, and ruthlessly hit the back of the old Holy Master of the Sun God Palace, shining the entire sky, and the sound of spitting blood rang clearly in everyone's ears, shaking people's hearts.

"Opportunity! Let's go together, let's kill another one!"

Jiang Shang obviously thought that this was an opportunity, and emitted terrifying divine power all over his body, like a galaxy exploding in the void. It was too bright, and condensed into a terrifying boundless vision. The big hand that covered the sky was parallel to the tombstone. The bones of the earth step on the feet, ups and downs, and the stars will be destroyed!
These abnormal rays of light really condensed into immortal divine power, sending out a trembling clang, casting a huge cage of divine power, sealing it, and completely bringing it into a desperate situation!Make it change color!
"You ants, get lost!"

The old Holy Master of the Sun God Palace let out a roar, his aging face became hideous, he wanted to break through crazily, his breath was violent, and three black holes of flames circled in front of him, that was simply an aura to destroy the world, the law was too amazing up!
This is the scene of the three immortals going crazy. It is really terrifying. The endless flame power condenses into a black hole, a maelstrom like a storm, and all kinds of flame gods roar in it, burning and burning everything, which is terrifying extreme.


"Hurry up, I can't hold it for long!"

However, Jiang Shang endured it abruptly, shouting crazily to keep the vision cage from being shattered.


Sirius Guteng shouted loudly, and struck again, with terrifying demonic power reaching the sky, and a Moon God Knife appeared in his hand, that power overwhelmed the universe, causing immeasurable lights to appear in the starry sky, sweeping all directions, extremely shocking.

However, after fighting continuously for so long, he did seem to be a little tired. Although his divine power was strong, he was not at the peak state before.

"hold head high!"

The little guy also appeared with Li Tian's great formation, and a vast flame divine power emerged from the stars, resembling a bird of the nine heavens, surrounded by fire dragons, containing the full power of several immortal masters and it. The nine heavens are falling down, which is also extremely terrifying!


The Purple-eyed Dragon Bear and Tun Tianpeng also rushed over, cleverly got rid of their opponents, and wanted to kill another Immortal San, which would be more powerful for them!

They all unleashed their immortal divine power, a purple bear fist that was huge enough to pierce the dome, and a black claw that was sharp enough to tear apart the starry sky. They fell almost at the same time, one left and one right, towards the sun god. Going away from the starry sky where the old Holy Master Gong is, the power is against the sky!

"Boom! Rumble..."

And at the next moment, when the three forces were completely gathered, the whole world was overthrown, and the supernatural power displayed by Jiang Shang was also ignited, the sky collapsed and the earth fell, and the world sank.
(End of this chapter)

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