Chapter 739
Outside the Void Territory, there was a dead silence and coldness. The broken and powerful weapons, the remains of the Holy Master who had not yet completely decayed, and crystals of various divine powers formed an extremely chaotic picture, scattered everywhere.


The whole world is erupting with mighty power, and the extreme divine power is shaking. Xia Shenwang is fighting two great enemies alone. This is an unimaginable pressure.The Immortal Fourth Half Saint is invincible in the world, and is the most terrifying existence under the starry sky. He can pluck the stars, catch the sun, and destroy the stars.

"Die! Xia Wushang, this is your burial place!"

The body of the lord of reincarnation is combined with the eternal knife, and the divine power of reincarnation and extreme power show immortal light, just like the great holy light in the dark night, turning into infinite divine power, and actively attacking the king of Xia.

His own strength is already invincible in the world, and now he has a helper, who is also extremely terrifying, naturally unscrupulous, and there is no more scruples at all!


However, Xia Shenwang was still not afraid in the slightest, holding the virtual Huangtian Seal with extreme power, it was misty, cut through the cold and dead starry sky, and formed an invincible divine glow. It's like the Unparalleled Emperor is resurrected.

"Um! Uh..."

This is a super terrifying scene of the duel, which aroused endless visions from all the heavens to prosper, ghosts crying and gods howling, and the wind howling in the sky.

"Don't forget about me!"

However, this is not destined to be a fair contest. The Nielonghuang turned into an ancient blood sun and set off like a comet, blooming with infinite half-body mighty power and extreme divine power, making people tremble, cold and dead. The blood is bright.

It was a figure shrouded in endless evil blood, with a majestic posture and majesty, holding a blood-colored pot in his hand, which was extremely powerful and invincible in the world. thread.

"Hiss, I didn't expect it to be him, the supreme ancient emperor of Nine Dragons - the Nielonghuang! This time, two life forbidden areas have come out together, and they are all involved!"

"Also, look, the blood pot in his hand is the immortal weapon handed down from Jiulongyuan—the Blood Dragon Pot, which is also among the demigod soldiers. It is so powerful that it can break the sky!"

"That's right, this is the legendary weapon handed down from ancient times, which is said to have been stained with the blood of the Great Emperor!"


In the distance, everyone started to tremble. They didn't expect that the two life-forbidden areas would attack together, and they were also carrying demigod soldiers. This was simply a catastrophe!

Jiulongyuan is an unparalleled and terrifying restricted area of ​​life. Since ancient times, it has shaken the world with ferocity and power, and until now, it is extremely prominent.And those who are qualified to bear such prestige, their background and strength will naturally stand in the way, which is extremely terrifying.

For example, Nielonghuang, this is a real immortal four and a half saints, qualified to overlook the entire Xuanyuan, and can be called an invincible super peak existence in the lower realm. A very bad omen, even a bit mean!
In fact, in the past history of Xuanyuan, this kind of big event actually rarely happened, because everyone is trying to avoid it, the impact is too great, and the consequences are unpredictable. , it is very likely to cause chaos in Xuanyuan!

"This is really troublesome..."

Zhenwu Jianjun, Tianyao King, Cangmingtian, Jinlongwang, Zijin Taoist, etc. were all frowning, their temples ached, because this matter was completely beyond their control, and it was still expanding. They don't know what to do.

Even though they are respected as the Empresses of the Third Immortal High School, they also represent several powerful forces in Xuanyuan, but facing such a decisive battle, they are still too powerless and have nothing to do
"Haha, hahaha..."

The king of the first battle laughed unscrupulously again, without any scruples.

The supreme ancient emperor of Jiulongyuan came out with the blood dragon pot, the ending is almost doomed, the god king must die, there is no hope of surviving.

"damn thing!"

Jiang Shang was so angry that he couldn't bear it any longer, he took out the Zhuxian Sword and rushed to the Dragon King of Jiuchuan, gritted his teeth and said, "I implore seniors to make that dog shut up!"

"Presumptuous! What are you? I can crush you with just one finger..." Wang Meng of the first battle in Samsara Sea was shocked, and said with a stern voice.

He was not the opponent of the Dragon King of Jiuchuan in the first place, and if he added a demigod weapon, it would be even more impossible to block, and he would probably be killed. This made him start to panic, surrounded by divine power, and his eyes trembled.

"as you wish!"

The Dragon King of Jiuchuan seemed to be furious, and he directly took the four Zhuxian swords and soared into the sky, with a fierce aura, he plundered the enemy viciously, with unrivaled majesty!

"Jiuchuan Dragon King, don't be impulsive, the two ancient emperors are in front, there are too many variables!" However, the Great Elder actually stopped him.

Although the two ancient emperors are fighting against the god king, no one can guarantee that one of them will be born suddenly and turn against them. When the time comes, he will lose his wife and lose his army. The demigod soldier will probably fall into others It's too bad a deal!

After all, the fourth and half saints of the Immortals are really too terrifying, with infinite power, they don't have the capital to take risks!


The Dragon King of Jiuchuan cursed angrily, but he knew that the Great Elder was indeed right. In today's situation, if he is not a semi-saint, he still lacks a deterrent force, and there are too many variables!

"Why, don't you want to get rid of me? Why don't you hold back and don't take action... You're such a fool, wishful thinking, I don't think you guys should leave today, anyway, it doesn't matter where you go, it will be your catastrophe in the end! Hahaha !" The king of the first battle laughed unscrupulously, making his teeth sore and his eyes grim.


And at this moment, there was an aura of extreme horror, falling from the sky, and the super showdown in the fourth half of the fairyland started, it was like destroying the world, life and death duel, the dome was pierced.

This can already be said to be a supreme battle, everyone has the strength of an unparalleled emperor, reaching the peak, the three figures turned into three eternal divine lights, sweeping the world, and the battle reached the stage of frenzy!

Whether it is the lord of reincarnation or the evil dragon emperor, they are really that kind of super terrifying existence. Looking down at Xuanyuan, one of the three or two immortals and four and a half saints remaining in the three major restricted areas of life, is famous in nearly a thousand worlds. The ferocity deters the world.

And with such terrifying two supreme beings teaming up, even if it is a Dacheng God King, there should be no way to resist it, only regret and hatred, after all, the level difference is too much, there are two great realms, there is no match for the gap!

However, the reality turned out to be that Xia Shenwang hadn't been defeated yet. He used the virtual Huang Tianyin to display all kinds of forbidden techniques. The power of the gods was unbelievably terrifying. The sight is amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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