Chapter 740 Unrivaled God King!

"Xia Wushang, I know that you have another dharma body that can also borrow infinite power from the scene of the yellow sky, but so what, do you really think that your power alone can be endless? Impossible, falling is Your only fate, there will be no accidents!" The Lord of Reincarnation said ruthlessly.

"It's pointless to argue with him, let's talk about the facts, kill!"

The long blood-red hair of the Nielonghuang was scattered, and even the pupils were blood-red, extremely deep, lingering with wisdom light, with a roar, a piece of meteorite was blown to pieces, leaving a brilliant void.

"Hiss..." Everyone trembled and didn't know what to say, they all gasped, such a terrifying scene made them tremble, their faces were snow-white, and their scalps were numb.It is indeed the most supreme supreme under the starry sky, who can basically sweep the world!


The Lord of Reincarnation let out a long howl again, the gloomy, icy eyes contained the divine power of destroying heaven and earth, every time the Eternal Saber was slashed out in his hand, an area of ​​the extraterrestrial starry sky would be cut off, completely cracked, and turned into a black hole.

However, Xia Shenwang didn't care about anything at all, the virtual Huangtian seal in his hand seemed to have millions of divine powers in every shock, picking up stars and destroying stars, and the ultimate emperor's divine power and eternal knife in his hands, as well as the blood dragon pot. , shot out an incomparable and turbulent glow, and the heavens and the earth rumbled, as if the world was destroyed!

Obviously, this super decisive battle has reached a stage of intense heat. Genfa can't describe how terrifying this scene is, the stars are shattered, the chaos is violent, and the void is pierced... It's like a scene of great destruction.

"God King..."

But the hearts of Jiang Shang and others are still sinking at this moment, because they have all heard the words of the Lord of Reincarnation, a person's power cannot be endless, there will always be a time to dry up!
The Lord of Reincarnation is invincible in divine power, and the Evil Dragon Emperor is also unstoppable in courage. Both of them are super terrifying supremes at the level of the fourth and half saints. God, there is only one way to fall!
"Xia Wushang, why don't you sacrifice your dharma body to try, maybe there is still a glimmer of life." The Lord of Reincarnation mocked and spoke ruthlessly.


Jiang Shang and others scolded angrily, knowing the scruples of the god king.

The so-called dharma body may still be able to play some role when facing the weak, but if the opponent is a very strong enemy, and the number still occupies an absolute advantage, then it is completely a burden, and most of them will become the nourishment of the opponent, devouring them to death.

"It's shameless, to besiege and kill one person with two half-divine weapons, and pretend to be the fourth and half-sacred supreme!" Jiuchuan Dragon King gritted his teeth, his scales stood on end, hating himself for not being able to help!

"Didn't the Dacheng God King still have a dharma body? It can be sacrificed together to become the nourishment of the two great ancient emperors, hahaha..." The king of the first battle laughed unscrupulously again, and his voice was extremely harsh.

"Finally desperate?" The third battle king also stepped out, sneering: "I am the lord of the sea of ​​reincarnation, invincible in the world, and I have the help of the evil dragon ancient emperor, and I am absolutely invincible! You all obediently prepare for me to be destroyed Come on, I have a companion on the road to Huangquan! Hahaha..."

"You two, the overall situation has been decided, how about we keep a close eye on it, and wait until the two ancient emperors return victoriously, and celebrate with their blood?" Yin Yang God Sect Immortal San also said.


"Give me death!"

The Nielonghuang shot again, with a roar, the endless blood light all over his body condensed into a sky-high killing, and the meteorites turned into dust, which was extremely terrifying. The blood-red eyes projected terrifying power, and the blood dragon pot was even more shining , the extreme divine power blooms!

Xia Shenwang moved the virtual Huangtian seal with a blank expression, and collided with the bloody blood dragon pot, splashing out ripples, bursting out aurora, and a big collapse scene outside the void, which was surprising.

"Damn it, why is your divine power getting stronger and stronger? This doesn't make sense at all. Why is it like this!?" However, the Lord of Reincarnation suddenly let out a wild roar, which made everyone's faces stagnate.

The power of the god king is getting stronger and stronger, what is going on, what happened?

Suddenly there was a shock from outside the void, and the dome changed violently. A super terrifying power of the god king emerged in the void, and a light and shadow came out from the body of the god king. Seal, shining out the extreme divine brilliance.

"Dharma, dharma body...but why is it so strong?" The lord of reincarnation changed color.

"You, you..." Nie Longhuang stared at Xia Shenwang, and was also horrified: "You have broken through? You have reached Xiansan!?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar immediately, and everyone present was stunned. Dacheng God King broke through and reached Immortal Three, what kind of concept is that!It's just a horror!
Immortal One Divine Body is called Half-Step God King, Immortal Two Divine Body is called Dacheng God King, but what about Immortal Three?Unparalleled God King, that's right, God's power is against the sky, unrivaled invincible!
Even the supreme beings known as the unparalleled emperors in the legends are actually only stronger than the Dacheng God King, and they are not really invincible. Way to accommodate.

In fact, every divine body that has successfully transformed into an unrivaled god king must leave the lower realm and go to the upper realm within ten years.

Because their level of strength is really terrifying, and they are incompatible with the laws of the lower realms, so they must be excluded, otherwise it will affect the balance and cause chaos!
"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to come here to die by myself? I just borrowed your power to transform, thank you very much." Xia Shenwang stepped out of his body, standing upright, with a majestic posture, and mocked.

"You..." The Lord of Reincarnation immediately felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a dead child, and his face was as ugly as it was.

The Nielonghuang also had a very bad complexion, extremely ugly.

He really didn't expect that such a change would occur in a matter that was originally a sure thing, and the Dacheng God King would transform into the Unrivaled God King, unrivaled and invincible, there is no solution at all!

"My dear, you actually transformed into a peerless god king. That is a truly peerless existence in mythology, even stronger than the peerless emperor!"

"This is simply a shocking reversal, almost a dream. I actually witnessed the birth of an unrivaled god king. This life is worth it. Even if you die, you will have no regrets, and you will die with peace of mind!"

"Looking at the long river of history, even from the establishment of the Xuanyuan Dynasty to the present, a full history of more than [-] years, I have never heard of anyone who can really transform into the unrivaled god king, because it is too difficult, comparable to becoming a god king. The difficulty of the Eternal Great Sage."

"It seems that the era when the last unrivaled god king was born was at the end of the ancient era. He ran amok and pierced everything!"

"This is simply No.1 for more than [-] years. It has created a miracle. It's amazing..."


(End of this chapter)

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