Chapter 817

In the miniature world constructed by the Black Dragon Cauldron, just a giant black python possesses a strength close to that of Xian Er.

Except for Jiang Shang and Chen Guantang, everyone was in the city, so countless beasts gathered around the city, flying and roaring, full of evil spirits.

In addition, there is an even stronger black flood dragon. Every time it roars, it will shake the sky, causing the void to collapse and shatter.These black flood dragons are all close to the level of ordinary immortals, extremely terrifying and extremely mighty.

Not to mention, those outrageously powerful black dragons!

With so many ferocious beasts gathered around the city, many young supreme beings who rushed out of the city suffered a lot of casualties in an instant.

As many as dozens of people were directly killed on the spot, and were torn into pieces by the fierce beasts rushing up, blood was scattered in the air, and the thick bloody smell permeated, which was somewhat unbearable.

The black land in front of the city gate absorbed a huge amount of blood and became soft and muddy like a swamp.The strong bloody smell made the countless beasts become more and more violent.


"Death to me!"

The sound of shouting and killing shook the sky, and one after another divine light practiced, using magic and secret techniques, strangling the beast.

This battle was also extremely tragic. Some people's merit points increased sharply, while some people disappeared from the world forever, with both body and spirit destroyed.

As a super young supreme, King Jinpeng and others are all supernatural beings at the level of peerless arrogance, and they will definitely not mix with a group of mobs and kill fierce beasts.

These super monsters, including Chu Zhongtian and others, all stood on the city wall, watching silently, their thoughts and postures were surprisingly consistent.Accumulating merit points, now is not the best time to make a move, maybe you can wait a little longer.

As a result, the black graveyard thousands of miles away seemed much quieter at this moment.

Chen Guantang, this extremely weird guy, not only can make many powerful people ignore his existence, but he can also do so in the face of fierce beasts, which is amazing.

At this time, Chen Guantang sat cross-legged on a black stone in a leisurely posture, with his chin resting on one hand, his eyes flicked across the shining formation from time to time.He had enough patience to wait for the moment when Jiang Shang broke out, anyway, he was used to it.

In the past half a day, he has left several times, and each time he was able to bring back a terrifying beast.

From the black giant python at the beginning, to the gray dragon after that, and even to the last few gray dragons, the strength of the beasts captured has become stronger and more terrifying each time.

At the end, those gray dragons had already reached the level of Xiansan, and there were quite a few of them, four or five, but they were still thrown into the formation by him.

"This is almost the same... No matter how powerful the guy is, I probably won't be able to subdue it. With the help of the broken Nine Dragons Lock Immortal Formation, these beasts should be able to degenerate even more. Taboo body, can you crack it? People look forward to it!"

Chen Guantang was talking to himself again, as if he was used to this kind of state of talking to himself alone, he was a little bit crazy.

The light above the formation flickered more and more frequently.

He is not worried at all now whether Jiang Shang will be trapped to death in the formation.

He has seen all the changes in the Nine Dragons Locking Immortal Formation during this period of time, and he is more and more determined in his heart. This is a strong and terrifying opponent, and he is worth fighting.

Looking at the flickering formation, Chen Guantang muttered to himself again, and murmured: "I look forward to the moment when you step out of the formation. At that time, I will compete with you in the strongest state! But don't Let me down!"


Time passed quickly, five days passed in a flash, and the battle outside the city was still in full swing.

After going through the brutal baptism, the surviving young supremes have significantly improved their combat effectiveness and become more and more tyrannical.

A few of them even achieved a breakthrough in the battle, and their strength was promoted to the peak of Immortal One level, approaching Immortal Two!
However, such an excellent and eye-catching performance did not win the envy and admiration of the other young lords. Almost everyone looked at them with jokes and sympathy.The young supreme being who was the first to emerge, of course, became the target of some attacks.

Someone who is a super young and supreme powerhouse has already started to do it.

And this person is Du Tianlun, a genius and evildoer from the hidden sect in Xuanyuan Great World!

Those young supreme beings who performed outstandingly have become the targets of his persecution.In just three days, seven young Supreme Beings who broke through in the battle were persecuted by him.

Among the seven people, there were only two slick guys who were good at changing the direction of the wind. They made jokes and made all kinds of unequal jumps. They escaped, but Du Tianlun scooped up all their merit points.The other five people all died tragically and were directly killed by him!

Many people were ashamed of his behavior, their naked eyes were full of sarcasm, and they shook their heads in disdain.

As a top powerhouse among geniuses and evildoers, it is shameful to do such a despicable behavior. In addition, when everyone thinks of the previous behavior of this person interrupting Jiang Shang's comprehension of divine magic, it is even more disgusting in his heart , extremely disdainful.

However, although this person has a bad character, there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, he is really powerful, so powerful that no one speaks out to stop him, allowing him to wreak havoc around and act recklessly.

As a result, the already chaotic world of the Black Dragon Cauldron became even more chaotic now, full of killings and rivers of blood.



On the black high hill, the magical jade tablet suspended in the air has been put away by Chen Guantang.

Following a burst of intense glare, Chen Guantang got up with great fighting spirit, and retreated far above the sky, surrounded by fairy clouds, and the atmosphere was transcendent!
The moment he has been waiting for for a long time has finally arrived!
The earth roared and shook violently, a wave of flames swept across the four directions, and the terrifying demonic energy was torn out crazily, causing the last layer of the formation to shatter immediately, turning into bits of streamer, tearing apart the void, blending into the chaos, and dissipating.

The next moment, a figure in a black robe appeared, his eyes glowed with an extremely cold and stern brilliance, and his body carried a huge momentum as if a demon god had come in person, strode out, and suddenly rolled endlessly!
"It really is you!" Jiang Shang's icy voice resounded through the world, causing changes in the situation, and the sun, moon and stars dimmed.

"Hahaha..." Chen Guantang looked up to the sky and laughed maniacally, and shouted: "As expected, he is the guy I, Chen Guantang, can break my Nine Dragons Lock Immortal Formation. You, taboo body, are qualified to fight with me Already!"

Jiang Shang glanced over with cold eyes, and shot two cold lights when he heard the words, but when his eyes passed over Chen Guantang's body, he suddenly froze, a little surprised.

"With such a weak body, could it be that... you are following the method of the immortal Qi training?" He really did not expect that the method of the immortal Qi training, speaking of it, it seems that he has not seen it for a long time.


Chen Guantang snorted coldly, and laughed loudly: "So what about the way of immortals training Qi, are you underestimating me? In this life, I only practice the immortal method and the way of heaven, and it is difficult to find opponents in the sect! I have reached the level of immortal Qi training!" I just don't know if you are qualified to let me go all out, let's fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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