Chapter 818
"Come to fight!"

A violent shout, like a thunderclap, shattered the universe and stirred up the wind and clouds!
The wide-sleeved robe fluttered and fluttered. At this moment, Chen Guantang was like a celestial being descended into the world. The bright rays of the sun turned into endless murderous intent, unparalleled in sharpness, soaring into the sky, and his whole body was like a sharp sword that was suddenly unsheathed Show your sharpness.

There was a chilling celestial light in his eyes, and he looked directly at Jiang Shang with a fighting spirit, like a big wave sweeping across the four directions, extremely terrifying.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Shang couldn't help but frowned, his heart felt unprecedentedly cautious, his face became dignified, mysterious and incomparable lines appeared all over his body, and the light was rippling.

Chen Guantang, the guy who claimed to only practice the method of "immortal training qi", at this moment, showed a sharp aura that made Jiang Shang feel deeply dangerous, ethereal and weird.

Looking at Jiang Shang, Chen Guantang suddenly smiled brightly, and a refreshing affinity enveloped the world instantly, making people feel happy.

However, at the next moment, the words that came out of his mouth revealed infinite madness.

"Just the two of us fighting, what's the point? Why don't we have something else..." While speaking, regardless of the slight change in Jiang Shang's expression, he saw him waving his sleeve robe, and a gust of wind swept around him, blowing in all directions.

There was a rustling sound, as if something had been blown off.

"You are crazy!"

Chen Guantang's series of actions seemed to have removed a mysterious object that could block the perception of fierce beasts, and immediately made the flying and roaring beasts in the distance all turn their heads to look over.

Between this piece of heaven and earth, there are countless fierce beasts.The ferocious roaring snake and python, the dragon with billowing black smoke all over its body, and the black dragon that makes people dare not even look at it...

The hundreds of young supreme beings who came out of the city attracted the attention of a large number of ferocious beasts, gathered around the city, rampaging, hunting and killing the young supreme being alone.

But at this moment, it seemed that there was a kind of dark force between the heaven and the earth, which made all the beasts stop moving and turned their heads to look!The place where Jiang Shang and the two are located is thousands of miles away from the city, far apart.But at this moment, Jiang Shang felt that he was locked on by the infinite fierce power from the void!

You don't need to think about it, this guy Chen Guantang must have used a special secret technique enough to attract the attention of all the beasts in the world!

"Damn it, this madman."

Jiang Shang's face was extremely gloomy, he cursed loudly, divine lines emerged, divine light sheltered his body, and the sacredness emerged to the extreme, he wanted to escape.

No matter how powerful he was, he would not dare to be besieged by countless ferocious beasts, not to mention the super terrifying and powerful black dragon, which was comparable to Immortal San's invincibility. If he was involved, it would definitely be a dead end and it would be difficult to break free.How could it make him unmoved?Damn, what a lunatic.

Originally, he always thought that he was crazy enough, but he never thought that today he would meet someone even more reckless and crazy than him,

Go to war amidst the siege of thousands of terrifying beasts?
Is this mental illness?
Jiang Shang cursed angrily and fled to the distance, the divine light of the bones flickered, making him turn into a phantom and go away.


Chen Guantang laughed loudly, and sent out an unparalleled and crazy idea. In a radius of hundreds of miles, infinite fairy lights emerged. He raised his hand and stretched out a finger, pointing at Jiang Shang's back.

Immediately, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the celestial light surged and rolled, and a gloomy white light burst out from the turbulent light with unparalleled sharpness, comparable to the speed of thunder, cutting off the ginger in an instant. Still the way to go.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Shang was furious, the Bone God Rune surged wildly, he waved his arm, and punched it down!
The sky-shaking roar exploded, layers of void shattered, and a powerful tide of energy erupted between the heavens and the earth, engulfing the waves of clouds, sweeping all directions.

The earth collapsed, the mountains collapsed, and the pitch-black soil rolled over, forming a super terrifying destruction area.

Chen Guantang's eyes flickered, he grinned and said, "Where are you going?"

"I killed you!"

Jiang Shang roared angrily, and his figure suddenly swelled, turning into a bone giant standing upright, with mighty power and demonic energy tearing apart the universe.

Chen Guantang stood in the air with a calm demeanor, listening to the monstrous roar from the distant place, with an expression of extreme enjoyment, as if he said to himself: "Don't you think that only in an infinitely dangerous situation can we be inspired? The strongest potential of these people? You don't want to break through?"

Speaking of this, he stared at Jiang Shang with twinkling eyes, and said, "I, Chen Guantang, have been looking forward to a battle with you for a long time! Today, you can't get away!"

Jiang Shang said coldly: "In order to fight with me, you would rather put yourself and your opponent to death?"

Chen Guantang smiled brightly, and said loudly; "This is the motivation, isn't it? In order to survive, everyone will burst out their potential hundreds of times and thousands of times beyond the usual! You and I have experienced this, haven't we?"

Jiang Shang remained silent, standing in the void, facing Chen Guantang far away.

He could feel that behind Chen Guantang's endless madness, there was a strong desire for the strong, for the path of cultivation since ancient times, for the eternal existence, and to dominate the world!
This kind of desire has reached the point of being almost crazy, even he has never been so strong, it can be called stubborn, never seen before!

It is true that what Chen Guantang said is extremely correct from a certain point of view.According to his approach, it is indeed possible for both of them to unleash their unprecedented potential and hit a higher realm!
However, the way of cultivation is to fight against the sky!This is to live longer!If you die, what are you talking about dominating the world and becoming a saint?

Even Jiang Shang, who wanted to go forward indomitably and never leave a way for himself to retreat, was deeply shocked by Chen Guantang's madness at this moment!
This person deserves to be outrageously paranoid. He specializes in the way of training qi. In order to become stronger, he actually did such a thing. How crazy is this!
Chen Guantang's blow just now has already proved to him that he has unparalleled fighting power!A genius monster who is absolutely comparable to Xuanyuan Mingjing and others, so powerful that it is frightening!

Chen Guantang laughed loudly and scolded: "I said that I want you to experience what is the ultimate of immortal Qi training! You can't get away!"

"Roar! Roar..."

Hearing the roar of ferocious beasts like raging waves and tsunami in the distance, mixed with the incomparably terrifying dragon chant, Jiang Shang's face was extremely ugly, but he also showed a look of determination, and he growled extremely ferociously every word Said: "You forced me to do this. Since you can't leave, let's go to war! Let's see who will die here today!"


The supernatural powers of the bones are completely released, and the lines of the gods contain infinite power. The world of bones unfolds from under the feet, sealing the world, and the unparalleled power of the gods sweeps out, with a murderous aura.

Chen Guantang smiled happily, and immediately raised his head to the sky and roared wildly, "What is the ultimate? One thought moves the wind and thunder!"

Suddenly, a terrifying gust of wind blew up, and the storm swept across, like thousands of sharp blades piercing through the void, and the billowing wind and thunder condensed, covering the sky and covering the earth, rushing madly!

(End of this chapter)

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