Chapter 819 Excalibur Heaven Gate Opens!

Chen Guantang stands tall in the sky like a fairy in nine heavens. His transcendent posture, like a fairy guiding the way, attracts the wind and thunder from heaven and earth to gather in the sky, turning into infinite thunder and lightning, and thundering down!

Jiang Shang's face showed an unprecedented solemnity.It's unbelievable that an immortal can cultivate Qi to such an extent!
In today's great era where heroes are fighting for the top, this person actually gave up the advantage of being comparable to a god, and only practiced the way of qi, and he has reached such a powerful state, it's terrible!

Jiang Shang didn't dare to imagine that if this person also practiced the method of conjoining gods and demons, would he have the supreme power to directly crush all the powerhouses of his generation?Terrible indeed!
This is an unprecedented pressure and challenge, not to mention that there are countless fierce beasts approaching crazily. Jiang Shang dare not be careless in the slightest. The bone magic power has been displayed to the extreme, and the powerful bone world emits a gloomy light.

The huge white bone avatar lingers with boundless demon energy, as if an ancient demon god came in person, and his power is like prison.

He didn't wait for Chen Guantang to fully unleash the attack, and directly made a strong attack, triggering wind and thunder, tearing apart Cang Yu, and the aura of gods and demons gushed out!
"Bone Shockwave!"

Layers of white air brought countless crystal ripples, wrapped in an incomparably powerful crushing force, and rushed out at an extreme speed.

With a bang, the majestic demonic energy soared into the sky, with infinite supernatural powers, the earth-shattering roar, and the scalp-numbing cracking sound, across the sky, bombarded on the tumbling clouds !

The thunder exploded, thousands of thunderbolts danced wildly, and the powerful electric light illuminated the world. The shock wave was like a unparalleled sharp sword, directly tearing away the cloudy sky covering the sky. It was unparalleled and unstoppable!
Chen Guantang raised his eyebrows, his eyes revealed endless light, and said in a low voice: "This is what it looks like!"

Before he could launch an attack again, he saw a flash of white light in the distance, and the unparalleled huge white bone body disappeared in a flash, and reappeared in the next instant, directly punching the head, and blasting fiercely!

Jiang Shang knew that if this person kept pestering him, he would not be able to leave even if he wanted to, and he would definitely be surrounded by countless fierce beasts and fall into a certain death situation!

He already had the desire to kill him, determined to kill this person completely!Only in this way can he have a chance to get out of the coming dangerous situation.

Jiang Shang pushed his Bone Avatar with all his strength, as fast as lightning, at the moment when the cloudy sky was shattered, he suddenly moved out, went straight to kill Chen Guantang, and punched out without hesitation.

Compared with all kinds of domineering and unparalleled divine physiques, the biggest weakness of immortal Qi training is defense!
Faced with all kinds of fierce and unparalleled gods, since ancient times, those who specialize in the way of training qi have been vulnerable to a single blow.

And in the endless river of time, there are countless Qi practitioners who were caught by this weakness and killed in one blow!

Although Jiang Shang had to deal with Chen Guantang's powerful combat power with caution, but his defensive power was still an obvious weakness, and it was worth targeting!

Jiang Shang didn't believe that such a paranoid who had always only focused on Qi training and Taoism and supernatural powers would have such a strong defense.Jiang Shang was confident that this punch was enough to shatter Chen Guantang's body on the spot!
However, as a rare paranoid who has only practiced the method of Qi for 10,000+ years, how could he not realize this weakness?
For this weakness, he has made enough preparations.Now his physique can no longer be said to be a weakness, but a trap to lure snakes out of their holes!

There was a piercing chill in the thick bones, but Chen Guantang, who was facing this decisive blow, was smiling and confident.

A powerful buzz suddenly erupted, and streaks of dazzling white light erupted!
Under Jiang Shang's feet, a faint void array suddenly appeared, with magical winding power, it blocked Jiang Shang tightly.

"I'm not stupid, how could I wait for you to come close to me and kill me?" The appearance of the void array successfully stopped the huge fist of the bone avatar.This one-thousandth pause gave Chen Guantang enough time to escape.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Guantang has already flashed to a height of a thousand meters away, standing in the void with his hands behind his back, with a slight smile on his face!

bang, bang, bang...

The continuous roar exploded, and the defensive power of the void array failed to trap the real body of the bones after all. Jiang Shang punched three times in a row, and the bombardment shattered.

"Oh, I seem to have forgotten to tell you. In the starry sky where you and I are, there are formations that I randomly set up everywhere. It may cause you some small troubles from time to time."

Chen Guantang said with a smile: "Hey, who made me so talented and proficient in formation?"

Jiang Shang snorted coldly, took big strides, and charged again.

This time, it was no longer an attempt to fight in close quarters, an unparalleled divine light emerged and soared into the sky.

Suddenly, in the trembling void, a huge ancient tombstone suddenly appeared, and it crashed out with an infinite death energy.What came in parallel with it was a big hand that covered the sky and the sun, carrying the power of ancient gods and demons, shattering the universe!
"That's the trick..."

Chen Guantang suddenly withdrew his smile, and his face became serious.

In the city, he witnessed the tragic death of the ghost-faced ghost spider. The giant hand of the gods and demons and the huge coercion on the ancient stone tablet made his soul tremble!
The terrifying power and the bloody scene have been circling in his mind for a long time.

At this moment, Jiang Shang suddenly used this supernatural power, which made him immediately restrain his laughing expression and deal with it with all his strength!
Such a powerful divine technique easily killed a super young supreme, which shows how terrifying its power is!
Although among them, there must be ghost-faced ghost spiders that are not worthy of the name, and there are also Jiang Shang's abnormal combat power far surpassing his peers, but none of these can erase the power of this kind of supernatural power!

Chen Guantang's cultivation methods are inherited from ancient Qi practitioners. He can easily simulate some rare and mysterious spells and analyze them in depth.

Don't look at his lazy and casual appearance, in fact, when he looks at people, he uses the technique of looking at the breath all the time. He can see the depth of a person at a glance, and even see through the hidden appearance. This is also his unscrupulous reliance.

Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!As soon as it appeared, Chen Guantang was vigilant and attached great importance to it, with unprecedented dignity.

Heavy and vast, the billowing coercion like an abyss like the sea came crashing down.

Chen Guantang opened his mouth and drank softly: "I have the divine sword to open the gate of heaven!"

After the words were finished, the void stagnated, as if the ancient immortals chanted across time and space, with great magical power.

The billowing dark clouds and endless electric light that have not dissipated seem to be solidified in an instant, and suddenly shrink and condense in the next moment, gathering at Chen Guantang's fingertips, turning into a lingering purple sword aura, faintly exuding a sharp aura , directly turning the endless void into fragments!
At the same time, Jiang Shangyang roared to the sky, a huge sound wave pierced the sky, bones arose, thunder rolled, and sword lights soared into the sky!

The powerful divine power of the Three Jue Physiques suddenly erupted, and the big hand that covered the sky and the sun seemed to be blessed with the divine power of the heavens, and it was photographed brazenly!

(End of this chapter)

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