Chapter 842 Desperate
In the last three days, time became more and more urgent, and Jiang Shang and Xiao Jinpeng Wang attacked one after another, but the terrifying black dragon was too powerful, so they could only escape in embarrassment, disheartened.

Of course, the two of them are actually pretty good, because there are people who have worse luck than them, and that is the peerless evildoer from the Fengshen Dynasty outside the territory-Windless!

What this person cultivated was one of the four original magical powers in ancient times. The wind among the earth, water, wind and fire has supreme power and is invincible.Moreover, his speed is also extremely fast, second only to King Jinpeng.

However, such a peerless evildoer was so unlucky that he met a terrifying black dragon, entangled him tightly, and couldn't escape!

"Boom! Rumble..."

A turbulent river stretched forward from the depths of the mountains, passing under a towering mountain peak, and the sound of rumbling water burst out, shaking the sky and the earth.

Feng Wujian stood high above the sky, holding a black and cold iron plate in his hand!The promotion items are not the same, and there are all kinds of strange things, so among the 76 promotion items, there are basically no duplicates of the same items.However, he is very sure that the thing in his hand is an item to assist in promotion.

Because that breath is too obvious, it is impossible to feel wrong.

However, his face at this moment is very ugly, because what he guessed after so much painstaking efforts has become useless overnight. The terrifying black dragon is raging in the miniature world, and everyone has nowhere to hide. Work again.

Moreover, he was also targeted by that terrifying black dragon.

He is very aware of his own strength. Although he can barely kill the Three Immortal Lords, he is still far behind the Black Dragon. He is not at the same level of cultivation at all, let alone counterattack.

In desperation, despite the arrogance in his chest that looks down upon the world, he had no choice but to run away in embarrassment, like a bereaved dog!
What's more, to make matters worse, he was stopped by guys who suddenly appeared at both ends.

Panlong cracks the ground, and flood dragon ascends to heaven!
Among the many powerful monsters and fairy beasts that exist second only to the dragons, the beauties who are born with magical powers of the earth, and the flood dragons that live in water are undoubtedly the top existences!
This kind of terrifying beast with a high level and strength comparable to that of the peak of Immortal Er, would be fine if only one appeared, but if two appeared together on weekdays, Feng Wujian would have nothing to fear.But now he is being hunted down by a terrifying black dragon, and it is believed that the black dragon he has thrown off will come up to kill him in a short while.

The two terrifying beasts couldn't cause serious harm to him, but they could be entangled for a short while, enough time for the black dragon to attack and kill him!

Desperate thoughts emerged in Feng Wujian's chest, but what came out with the despair was unparalleled and tyrannical emotions, which made his eyes suddenly burst into unparalleled divine light, the wind and thunder roared in the sky, and the kamikaze howled!
"Death to me!"

Between the light and the flint, Feng Wujian made a decision quickly!

Now there is only one way, kill!

Killing these two fierce beasts that appeared suddenly, he still had a chance to escape.

Two furious roars, the rolling sound waves exploded, and one was dull and thick, majestic as a mountain!Another high-pitched neigh, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, caused the universe to shake violently.

Beaulieu, who was crawling on the bank of the big river, let out a roar, and the ground suddenly collapsed, the earth turned upside down, and the mountains roared and the tsunami was deafening!
"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

In an instant, the endless soil turned into an unmatched huge earth dragon, standing upright like a king of the earth, twisting its body, roaring, and the giant claws like a mountain peak, grabbed Feng Wujian head-on!Tear the void!

On the other side, the water-sounding dragon is not weak either, with its huge tail flicking, the endless river rushes up to the sky, turning into a huge wave that covers the sky and the sun, it is simply the Dragon Palace of the Sea, when the dragon is born, a crystal clear and terrifying dragon head, Charged out between the huge waves, and crashed into them!


"Death to me!"

Feng Wujian was driven crazy by the desperate situation in front of him, five colors of divine light illuminated the sky, the sky collapsed, and the divine wind roared!

Endless gusts of wind roared in, transforming into various sharp blades, instantly tore apart the attacks of the two ferocious beasts, and went straight to where their bodies were.

"Roar! Roar! Roar..."

Feeling the coming of infinite danger, this super evildoer was immediately aroused to the monstrous rage, and the attack was merciless, with great power!
In ancient times, there were supreme gods and demons with great powers, displaying five-flavored divine winds, shaking the world with ferocious power, unrivaled.According to legend, when this kamikaze appears, the sun and the moon will have no light!The Great Sage bows his head!
Usually monks can only turn the wind into a sharp blade, which is very powerful like a weapon that hurts people.However, there are very few people who can cultivate the three flavors of the wind together and achieve the three flavors of the wind.

As soon as the three-flavored kamikaze came out, the universe was wiped out, and the soul collapsed. Unless it was the eternal sage, peerless and powerful, there was no resistance at all.And the five-flavored kamikaze displayed by Feng Wujian is even more terrifying!Anyone who is injured by this kamikaze will be destroyed in an instant.

This terrifying genius, who was not weaker than the four great gods, finally burst out with unparalleled strength. When he raised his hand, the divine wind swept across him, invincible!
"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The kamikaze passed through, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed, shattering the void.All the surrounding mountains, rivers and land collapsed, and the Taotao River was instantly evaporated and dried up.

Looking at the huge dragon lying on the ground, it was already torn apart by the kamikaze blade, and the blood was everywhere, staining the bloody feet, turning into a pile of bones.

The dragon roaring in the sky was also killed on the spot without exception. After the head was smashed, the [-]-meter-long body was riddled with scars, twitching and writhing continuously, and fell down, smashing a big hole in the ground.

On a normal day, such achievements would have made Feng Wujian very happy, but at this moment he looked back impressively, his eyes were filled with horror, and his aura fluctuated violently.

At the end of the day, a black shadow flashed away, and I saw layers of black clouds being split in the middle by a sharp knife, and the entire sky turned into two halves. A black dragon exuding endless fierceness suddenly rushed out of the clouds Come out, and instantly come to the sky above the windless!

The terrifying dragon chant that shook the sky exploded above Feng Wujian's head, just like the thunderous bells and drums of Buddhism in ancient times, shaking the soul!
With such vastness and majesty, Feng Wujian was momentarily stunned.Previously, he had escaped from the terrifying claws of the black dragon several times, and all of them escaped at the critical moment, and he might be killed on the spot in a moment later.

But now facing the terrifying blow of the black dragon again, the dragon's claws covered with black scales shone with an unmatched cold light, and fell blatantly, which made him feel shocked again and terrified!

so horrible!

Even though his true strength was already comparable to Xian San's limit, facing such a terrifying attack, he still had no strength to resist, and felt extremely desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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