Chapter 843 tragic
He had killed two terrifying beasts a moment ago, but now he was about to face a fatal blow from the terrifying black dragon.

Obviously, his best chance of escape has been delayed, and the only thing he can do now, I'm afraid, is to fight back desperately!

"Kill! There is still a glimmer of life if you die!" Feng Wujian burst out with a desperate blow, the unparalleled divine light was like a sharp sword soaring into the sky, the wind roared, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the universe shook.


As soon as such a thought flashed through his mind, the top of his head was torn and cracked, and the majestic pressure poured down, and the terrifying dragon claws fell down unstoppably.


In the miniature world, the only safe zone that still works is only three left.

Basically all the contestants gathered here, the number has become very small, even almost lowered the line number of '76', all of them are the best among hundreds of millions of geniuses, leaders!

"If you're scared like this, then why are you talking about the fairy road?"

The black shadow in the void was hidden in the dense fog, talking to itself without any scruples, which made many people's faces stiffen and their eyes flicker.

Although his words are very vague, it is easy for the company to understand, that is to say, although the outside is dangerous, the road to practice is extremely difficult. Only by going through honing in countless dangerous environments can we make great progress and move forward bravely!

Facing the danger, having a heart of fear, and being discouraged by the danger, this is not a good thing for them.

This is a choice and an attitude towards the future fairy road.

If this is the case, I will be afraid, what are you talking about about immortality?Maybe you really don't have the qualifications.

call out!
After the black shadow of the void finished speaking, he left the safe zone straight away, and his figure turned into an ethereal phantom, disappearing into the vast mountain!
This scene was undoubtedly very shocking to many young Supreme Beings!Being able to do this, it can be seen that there is unparalleled confidence and courage in the heart of Void Shadow, and there is also a fearless heart that other people can't compare!
Going forward bravely, these four words are easy to say, but if you really want to do it, it is extremely difficult!
The deadly silence didn't last long. These people are all people who dare not show weakness, and they are all peerless geniuses who look down on the world. How can they be willing to lag behind?

There are still three days left in the second stage, and they are very clear about the significance of these three days to Jiang Shang and others. This is a transformation that has turned upside down, and the final training will only make them stronger!Become a real monster of the world!

"Shoot! Swoosh..."

Finally someone couldn't bear it anymore, without saying a word, walked out of the safe zone in silence, and immediately the sky was filled with divine lights, and everyone chose their own direction and galloped away.



The ranking on the gold list no longer changed, as if the candidates to advance to the third stage had been determined.

However, the many powerhouses and holy lords who were onlookers all looked a little dignified and remained silent.

A smile appeared on the face of the god king Xia Wushang, and said: "These juniors seem to be full of confidence, so strong and fierce, so arrogant, they are worthy of the name of geniuses and monsters!"

Chi Xing Patriarch raised his eyelids and said calmly: "The deadline has not yet been reached, and it is not yet known who will be able to advance. In just three days, there are infinite variables hidden."

A gleam flashed in the eyes of the old man of Tianyu, and the old voice sounded faintly, saying: "I have worked hard to prepare for these three tests. Those who can pass the first round must be unsurpassed and look down upon the world. The current number It’s still a little more, let’s see how they perform.”

Several other great powers at the level of holy kings cast their eyes on the golden scroll one after another, looking at the names that shone with infinite brilliance, feeling a lot of emotion in their hearts.


miniature world.

The ever-shrinking miniature world has gradually reduced the scope of activities of many powerful people.

The 150 people who advanced to the second round were eliminated after nearly three months of life and death, and now there are only more than 90 people left, which is a very tragic number.

Nearly [-] geniuses and monsters who survived came out in force, flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, each showing their magical powers, challenging dangers, and tempering themselves!
No one thinks about the so-called 'safe zone' anymore, and the idea of ​​constantly challenging the limit fills the whole mind!
Super evildoers can not be afraid of danger, and geniuses like them who are not far behind can do the same.Of course, they would not provoke the black dragon, because that would be a dead end, meaningless.

Infinite danger has caused many young supreme beings with powerful potentials to soar upwards, chasing super evildoers, unparalleled strength.

And those with poorer talents were torn into pieces, and their gods and bodies were wiped out!
The number of people is gradually decreasing, and the ownership of the promoted objects is gradually becoming clear.However, what happened next shocked many experts.

"Fengwujian is dead!" A monstrous genius who walked out of the safe zone obtained a breakthrough in a short period of time, his combat power increased dramatically, his confidence doubled, and he sneaked into the deep mountain.However, he saw a terrifying scene there, which was extremely tragic and unbelievable!
The super evildoer from the Fengshen dynasty in the void outside the territory, the Feng Wujian with the blood of the ancient wind body, was slaughtered by a black dragon, and the sky was stained with blood.

This is undoubtedly a big shock, not only those geniuses and evildoers, but even super evildoers such as Xuanyuan Mingjing and Xiadang were shocked.Because speaking strictly speaking, Uninterrupted Wind is not inferior to them...

However, although Feng Wujian died, the black dragon also paid a considerable price. One of the dragon's horns was cut off, most of the dragon's beard was wiped out, and there was a huge bloody mouth behind him.

This monstrous genius witnessed a shocking scene, but it also brought great danger!The furious black dragon ravaged the mountain range, devastated it, and it was extremely terrifying. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and ran in time, so he escaped narrowly and brought out this news!
Wu Jiang is dead?
That super evildoer is really dead!
However, just as everyone was amazed, another news came.

Cang Jie from Xuanyuan's ancient family, Cang Family,

Duan Lingyun, who possessed the physique of a Hades king, and Qin Yang, a descendant of the semi-holy king of Beidou Immortal Palace, was so unlucky that he was chased and killed by a black dragon, and fell into a desperate situation, extremely embarrassed.

"Damn it, that fat man..." After Jiang Shang got the news, it was difficult to maintain his composure.He has a very good relationship with Duan Lingyun, it is impossible to watch him fall, even if there is a big fire pit in front of him, he can only bite the bullet and go through it!
Becoming an immortal and becoming a saint does not mean forgetting one's feelings and judging one's nature!There are three thousand ways, each with its own way to become a fairy!
However, in the minds of most practitioners, which one is more important is different.

Of course, he wasn't the only one, Qin Yang, Cang Jie, Duan Lingyun and other acquaintances were ready to come to the rescue after getting the news.

However, they were still one step too late after all. Duan Lingyun and Qin Yang were lucky enough to escape, but Cang Jie from the Cang family of the ancient family, because of bad luck, was entangled by the black dragon and could not escape at all. In the end, on the spot Fallen, blood stained the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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