Chapter 846 The Black Dragon Arrives
The situation was turbulent and the sky was shaking.

Jiang Shang and others stood on the top of the mountain with their hands behind their backs, watching the mountain peaks turn into nothingness under the ravages of the black dragon, collapse and destroy, and turn into endless smoke and dust, flying all over the sky!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

"Roar! Roar! Roar..."

More than a dozen young Supremes teamed up to form an attack formation, continuously releasing waves of terrifying energy, which turned into smoke soaring into the sky, making the black dragon furious, but unable to get close, it kept roaring sky-shattering, and the sky collapsed.

A hundred miles away from Jiang Shang and others, there is a deep cold pool, the water in the pool is extremely cold, exuding a bone-chilling chill.More than a dozen young lords stopped suddenly, flew up at the same time, and landed on the cold pool. Suddenly, the cold air was like a torrent, absorbed by the attacking formation, and rushed to the sky!
A cold light flashed in the eyes of Sancai Shengzi, and he said softly: "Among these people are masters of formations who are proficient in the way of formations! This attacking and killing formation that can drive back the black dragon is incomparably exquisite, and it is not something that ordinary people can do." Under control!"

The other three people did not speak, their eyes stared at the fierce formation, and their expressions became more serious.

The huge cold pool was covered by the attacking formation, and immediately turned into the root of the formation. The attacking formation seemed to take root on the ground, frantically drawing endless cold currents, turning it into a supreme attacking method, rushing to the sky!
"Peng! Peng! Peng..."

The cold current swept across, the wolf smoke burst out, and the whole world suddenly became dark, as if the night fell, and you couldn't see your fingers.The strange wolf smoke can swallow the light, making the world become extremely dark in an instant!

The terrifying dragon's chant resounded through the heavens and the earth, the universe collapsed and shattered, and the turbulent turbulence of the void swept around like a huge wave, with boundless power and power.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, apart from the ten or so young Supreme Beings who were in the formation, Jiang Shang, who stood in mid-air before but now stood in the void, surrounded by divine light, became as eye-catching as stars in the dark night !
In fact, these guys had no intention of provoking the black dragon.

However, after they united quietly, they quickly approached the giant peak along the edge of the wasteland.They originally thought that in this brand new miniature world, apart from the black dragon, there would be no other ferocious beasts.

But when they passed by an ancient mountain, a Panlong whose strength was comparable to that of Immortal Er suddenly appeared, swept across the sky, destroyed them, and launched a frenzied attack on them!
Of course they were a little dazed, but they didn't give in. They rushed towards the Panlong with a sneer and shouted at the corner of their mouths, beheaded it, and gained a lot of merit points.

This is undoubtedly great news, and they don't have to face the terrifying black dragon, and their safety has been greatly improved.After all, the strength of the black dragon is indeed too terrifying. Even if they join forces to form an alliance, to be honest, they don't have much confidence.

It would be best not to provoke such a terrifying existence!

But it didn't take long for them to be happy, a dragon's chant suddenly sounded, piercing through the sky, and instantly collapsing the void, causing several mountain peaks not far from them to collapse and collapse immediately.


The expressions of a group of young Supremes suddenly changed drastically, and they did not hesitate to use their supernatural powers, and jointly set up a large attack formation that had been practiced countless times in the morning!

He didn't want to provoke the terrifying black dragon, but the black dragon came to him by himself!

Among these dozens of geniuses and monsters, there is indeed a peerless genius with the inheritance of an ancient formation!

The large attack and kill formation that everyone jointly used was so powerful that the black dragon dared not approach it.Especially the billowing wolf smoke that soared into the sky, making the black dragon dare not even touch it!

But the situation is just that, the limit of what they can do is just a stalemate with the terrifying black dragon, and they are at a disadvantage!

Attacking and killing the large formation is very powerful, but the divine power consumed is also terrifying, and they can't last long at all.If this situation continues, at most half an hour at most, the big formation they hold will collapse, and at that time, their lives will be in danger.

"Look, there are people there, they are taboo bodies..."

However, someone discovered the traces of Jiang Shang and others, and his eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately ordered everyone to fly towards the place where Jiang Shang and others were.

Facing the threat of death, they couldn't care less!

In the front is the vicious and famous super evildoer, and in the back is the equally terrifying huge black dragon. Choose one of the two, and they choose to move closer to this side without hesitation!Even if this action will cause Jiang Shang and others to be furious and murderous!
Offended Jiang Shang and others, there is still a glimmer of life... But facing the terrifying black dragon, there is only one dead end!
It is obvious which is more important.

Chu Zhongtian suddenly showed a smile, and said, "These guys are really brave, they want to drag us all into the water!"

"Hmph, they are looking for death!" Jiang Shang sneered, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.This group of young sovereigns chose to stay a hundred miles away, killing two birds with one stone!

One is to save their lives, because with the foundation of terrifying divine power, the attacking formation can be maintained for a period of time, and they can also spare time to recover part of their vitality.

The second is to divert misfortune from the east, and reap the benefits!Jiang Shang and the others stayed where they were, and when darkness fell between the sky and the earth, they immediately attracted the attention of the black dragon.He didn't dare to touch the terrifying wolf smoke, but it didn't mean he didn't dare to attack Jiang Shang and the others!

I only heard a terrifying dragon chant like thousands of thunderclaps, sweeping across the sky!The rolling sound waves turned into monstrous waves visible to the naked eye, rolling up the endless spiritual energy between the endless heaven and the earth, rushing towards them.

The huge body twisted and rolled, and the terrifying and ferocious dragon head turned around, roared down, stretched out its dragon claws, and grabbed them fiercely, intending to kill the four of them with one claw!

After the continuous evolution of the first two stages, the black dragon has already possessed a certain amount of wisdom at this time, and the ferocity in the eyes is frightening.

Seeing the black dragon roaring towards Jiang Shang and others, the young supreme in the attacking formation was relieved, but then they became nervous again!

I didn't see it clearly before, I was only focused on frantically mobilizing the formation to resist the black dragon, and I had no time to care about who the four people a hundred miles away were.It doesn't matter if I look at it now, I was almost scared out of my wits!

"Hiss! How come? Chu Zhongtian, Xia Dang, Sancai Shengzi are also there,"

"Damn it, a taboo body is fine, why are the other people super monsters? Could it be that they have joined forces? Damn, this is a big trouble!"

"Everyone, don't panic! The black dragon is so terrifying, I don't need to talk nonsense, even if those guys are super monsters, so what? Most of them are dead ends, and there is no way to spare us trouble!" Some people said this, reassured.

(End of this chapter)

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