Chapter 847 Fighting the Black Dragon!

"Boom! Rumble..."

The terrifying black dragon was still raging, tearing up the sky, but Xia Dang suddenly took a step forward, and the four real spirits appeared behind him, bursting out with infinite divine light. Yin is not weak at all.


I saw his big hand open, his sleeves fluttering, and the four-element divine light converged into a giant palm that held up to the sky, and bumped into the terrifying dragon claw.

Seeing this, Jiang Shang smiled slightly, and followed his eyes to the distance, looking at those guys who moved the disaster to the east, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Brother Chu, leave those guys to you?"


The majestic voice floated in the void, and the bone giant transformed by Jiang Shang stepped on it with strides, and the infinite aura of gods and demons spread. In the midst of the billowing aura of gods and demons, a giant hand covering the sky descended, and what appeared with it was It's an old and ancient tombstone, wrapped in unmatched coercion, falling down!

"Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!"

When he came up, he used the strongest magic spell, and faced the attack of the terrifying black dragon, he unleashed the strongest blow!It was launched at the same time as Xia Dang in no particular order, blocking that terrifying dragon claw!
The giant palm formed by the gathering of the four elephants and aurora collapsed on the spot, turning into pieces of divine light and bursting out.

Compared with Jiang Shang's tomb-suppressing god and demon hand, Xia Dang's magic is undoubtedly weaker.

"All right!"

Chu Zhongtian smiled proudly when he heard the words, his eyes burst into bright light, and with a movement of his body, he passed through layers of void in an instant, and flew straight to the place where the attacking formation was located, as fast as lightning!

The covered sky above the head suddenly split open, as if a pair of invisible hands tore open the sky, and endless starlight descended, just like the Milky Way rewinding and rolling down, the majesty is vast and unstoppable.Qixing's body was released, and six stars like the scorching sun surrounded Chu Zhongtian, exuding a divine light that one couldn't dare to look directly at, it was unparalleled in horror!
"Then I will help you!"

The eyes of the only Sancai Son who didn't make a move were full of fighting spirit, and his aura around him turned into billowing fairy lights, and the lights of three different colors turned into infinite sharp blades, flying towards the sky.

The three-color saint son is like an ancient fairy god, stepping up to the sky step by step, and every step he falls, the aura of his whole body will increase by one point. The sky was opened, and the endless void was shattered.


With a loud shout, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed, and the huge blade formed by the convergence of infinite immortal light and divine light, like an ancient divine sword that opened up the world, slashed straight at the head of the terrifying black dragon!

The wind and thunder roared, and Xianwei was mighty!
At this moment, Sancai Shengzi's blood was boiling with enthusiasm, Taotao's fighting spirit filled his whole body, making his whole body seem to be on fire, and his hands trembled slightly.

Not scared, but excited like never before!

Fighting side by side with the top two peerless powerhouses of Xuanyuan's younger generation, this situation made him almost crazy!

Completely different from the usual stability and indifference, the three-color saint son stood tall in the sky with his long hair flying!

The actions of the Sancai Son made Jiang Shang and the two smile silently, and the next moment the divine light surged wildly, and the overwhelming majestic coercion swept away!
In the blink of an eye, the three super evildoers completed their respective tyrannical attacks, which made the black dragon a little dazed, almost unable to react in time!

The terrifying black dragon roared pitifully, the terrifying dragon claws covered with pitch-black scales that were as strong as diamonds, the fingertips of the claws had been destroyed by the sudden explosion of the tomb-suppressing god's hand, and the blood energy containing the mighty power of the supreme dragon floated into the air !
The invincible and terrifying black dragon was injured!Eye-catching horror!
The sharp blade from the sky came down with a thunderbolt, and the roaring black dragon suddenly felt an unparalleled sharpness above its head, and suddenly landed on top of its head.

The tyrannical bombardment of sharp air actually tore a wound between its two winding dragon horns!

The black dragon's huge eyes revealed endless killing intent, and the cold and fierce air swept out. The whole world was like a raging ocean, as if endless terrifying coercion enveloped the world, which made people feel boundless fear!

The expressions of the three of them suddenly changed, and they pushed their supernatural powers to the extreme, roaring and rushing towards the black dragon!

"Shoot with all your strength! No matter how late it is, it will be too late!"

The three-color saint child once again condensed the divine light of the fairy light, brought a series of phantoms with his hands, and shot hundreds of seals in an instant, and the Qingtian blade that had just condensed above his head skyrocketed again!

The sky collapsed and was divided into two by it, and the huge crack spread rapidly.

A huge and unparalleled phantom of the gods appeared behind the three-color saint child, holding a three-color magic weapon, and instantly merged with the sharp edge of the sky, as if the supreme god king from ancient time and space descended, engulfed in thousands of terrifying murderous thoughts , Chop down!



Hearing this, Jiang Shang and the two roared in unison, and a wave of divine and demonic energy swept across the sky!Jiang Shang's white bone real body swelled and expanded again, and his body of hundreds of feet had truly reached the level of indomitable spirit. The terrifying white bone divine light and divine pattern flew around, exuding a terrifying aura that destroyed everything, which made people tremble.

The big hand of the bone sticks out, the big hand that covers the sky and the sun reappears, and the ancient tombstone also appears in the void, suppressing everything!
On Xia Dang's body, the super four-element divine light suddenly spread out and gathered into a simple long sword in his hand. The majestic and vast coercion descended like an ancient sacred mountain, crushing it, making people frightened.At this time, the sky had already turned into endless fragments, and the waves of the void and turbulent currents shot out in all directions. Huang Tian's power was bounded by infinite force, like the water of the Milky Way that suddenly fell, and frantically merged into the ancient long sword!

The concerted efforts of the three super evildoers finally showed their tyrannical combat power. The terrifying coercion alone turned hundreds of miles around into nothingness and chaos in an instant!

The terrifying scene like the end of the gods and the catastrophe of heaven and earth has long shocked the group of young supreme beings who attracted the black dragon. Everyone stood there blankly, staring at the figures of the three with dull eyes.

They knew that the gap between themselves and super monsters was huge, but no one thought that it would reach this point!
"I..." The black-robed youth was so shocked that he couldn't utter a word.

Suddenly, the turbulent power came crushing, just like the ancient star emperor came to the world, Chu Zhongtian strode forward with endless starlight, his icy eyes swept over everyone, making people feel cold all over, with infinite fear!

As the fiercely famous seven-star battle body of Xuanyuan Great World, although Chu Zhongtian does not have the four great divine bodies, or the taboo body Jiang Shang has a famous name, but that is only in relative terms.

To tell you the truth, as an evil genius who is second only to the ancient perfect seven-star battle body in history, his strength is really terrifying, extremely frightening, probably at least the kind that can be compared to ordinary immortals, and has great potential. One step is like a river!

And since he complied with Jiang Shang's words, it is naturally impossible to let those despicable guys go, and the disaster will turn to the east?How could it be so easy?
Offending the supreme majesty of the super evildoer supreme, how can they continue to live!
"You, what are you going to do..." A young supreme suppressed the fear in his heart, tremblingly, lacking in courage.

(End of this chapter)

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