Chapter 889 Coming
The doubts in his heart have been solved, Jiang Shang no longer entangled in it, but asked again after everyone arrived at Xia's house.

Jiang Shangdao: "Senior God King, I wonder how long you can stay in the lower realm?"

Xia Wushang let out a long sigh, and said: "I have to leave after all, sooner or later. I told you last time that I will go to the upper realm in the near future to join the human race. The human king event is over, so I have no reason to continue stay here..."

Jiang Shang remained calm, but his mind was full of thoughts, weighing the pros and cons.With the departure of the god king Xia Wushang, the Xia family will definitely escape from the world, and he will lose a powerful backer!

Thinking about it now, when God King Xia went to the upper realm, those forces who had a deep hatred against him might not be able to hold back anymore!

Jiang Shangxin said: "This is not a small trouble..."

Just as Jiang Shang was thinking silently, Xia Wushang suddenly asked, "Why don't you ask the disciple of You Yu from the Holy Feather Clan, could it be that you know this clan quite well?"

Jiang Shang was stunned for a moment, then he came back to his senses in an instant, looked at Shang Xia Wushang with a strange gaze, suddenly sweated, scratched his head, laughed dryly, and did not answer.

He did know something about the Shengyu family. In the vast memory of the demon ancestor, there are not only a few, but many memories about the Shengyu family.Even the supreme power of the Demon Ancestor, who dominates the heavens, cannot be ignored. This shows how terrifying and invincible this ethnic group was when they were once tyrannical!

Xia Wushang waved his hand, and said: "Why are you nervous, don't you believe me? We and other cultivators, which ones have no secrets that can't be known? I'm just curious, how much do you know about the Holy Feather Clan? Yes How much do you know about that peerless evildoer who has never been seen through the ages? It is said that that junior is really against the sky, has great prestige in the heavens, and is feared by others."

"No, how could I not trust you, God King, I'm just thinking about things a little fascinated..."

Jiang Shang sneered twice, then restrained himself, and said seriously: "I do know something about this ethnic group. It is said that in ancient times, this ethnic group was originally a small and unknown clan. ...

He paused for a while, and then said: "But by chance, two amazing and brilliant geniuses of this clan, through a magical encounter, each fused with their own flesh and blood a piece of the legendary god—Hunyuan Shi. ​​In the end, these two people evolved to the extreme and became a myth, pulling the family into the ranks of the royal family, and the peak was nearly half an era."

"If I think about it, what Youyu is, like those two old holy feather kings, who fused the Hunyuan Stone with his own flesh and blood to achieve supreme aptitude!" He guessed like this.

"That's true. The Hunyuan Stone has been integrated into the body of that junior, which is the hope of the Holy Feather Clan's rise for nearly a million years. It is highly anticipated!"

Xia Wushang glanced at Jiang Shang in surprise, and reminded: "There is a golden dragon list of ten thousand races in the heaven, you should know it? That You Yu is at the top of the list, you'd better be careful! "

As soon as the words fell, he said again: "In addition, Tiandang and the others will follow me to the upper realm, you..."

Before Xia Shenwang finished speaking, Jiang Shang said: "After the matter of the mythical fairy gate is over, I will go to the upper realm immediately. In fact, I can't wait a long time ago. I can't wait to see what the so-called heaven looks like! "

"It's the best. My Xuanyuan World doesn't have a place to teleport directly to the upper realm. The ancient long road that lasts forever is too long and too time-consuming. I will leave you a starry sky coordinate. At that time, you can Take the Xuanyuan token, and go to the outside world to contact..." Xia Shenwang carefully instructed.After all, this is related to whether Jiang Shang can reach the heaven smoothly, so he has to be careful.

"This junior understands." Jiang Shang remembered Xia Wushang's words one by one, and nodded in response.

Finally, Xia Wushang waved his hand and said: "Okay, I've finished asking all the questions I need to ask, and I've said all the things I need to say. Go back and see them."

Jiang Shang bowed to leave, turned and left.

Xia Wushang looked at his leaving back, and murmured: "The great world fights for the front, the great world fights for the front..."


The news of the coming of the mythical fairy gate can be described as a major event that has caused a sensation in the world of Zhou Tian recently, and shocked the whole world.

And the grand meeting of kings of people and the battle of evildoers from all races outside the territory held to compete for the places of the five immortal sects attracted worldwide attention.

Jiang Shang and Void Beast passed through all the way, experienced cruel battles, and were eliminated tragically. Finally, they won two places belonging to Xuanyuan World, and their fame spread far and wide, shocking many worlds!
At the same time, another peerless battle held in the void outside the remote area also quickly spread the names of the three world-famous evildoers, attracting the attention of all worlds and great forces.

The strongest evil son of the shadow dynasty, the ancient great sect Chunyang Sect, the genius disciple Chunyang Tianjun Yangyun, and the heaven-defying evildoer Youyu from the holy feather clan of the heavenly world, through unstoppable promotion all the way, successfully won the fairy gate Quota, shaking the Quartet!
These five peerless evildoers, in the past, would definitely be the astonishing men who dominated an era, the heaven-defying heroes!

But with the advent of a great era when geniuses emerge in large numbers and heroes rise side by side, countless evil geniuses swarm in the same era. It can be said that it is a grand event for practitioners, and it is also a tragedy for many outstanding geniuses!

Under the brilliance of these super monsters and peerless geniuses, their incomparably outstanding talents are all overshadowed!Especially the powerful posture of Jiang Shang and the other five made even the starry sky feel sad!
Comparing the contemporaries of geniuses with them, they are like the stars compared to the bright moon, like green grass compared to giant trees.

After the end of the epic battle, three monstrous evildoers who shocked the outer world rushed to Xuanyuan World at an extremely fast speed.

However, their arrival made many powerhouses look sideways and feel extremely angry!
The three of them chose the same way of appearance almost by coincidence. When they came to Xuanyuan, they suppressed and killed several Xuanyuan strong men, and they became more fierce and overbearing!
Everyone knows they are standing up!
Let the many powerhouses in the Xuanyuan world, all parties can see their power, their tyranny, and their natural talents!
It's just that such a domineering way of appearing on the stage has violated the bottom line in many people's hearts.

It is true that you are peerless evildoers, and it is true that you are unparalleled in the world, but when you appear on the stage, you make others stand up, this is to slap the Xuanyuan Dynasty in the face!It was also a slap on the face of all Xuanyuan experts!

Immediately, countless strong Xuanyuan became angry, and this monstrous anger swept across the imperial land Zhongzhou at an extremely fast speed, sweeping across the two major lands of the south and the north!
Some grumpy holy masters came out of the mountain one after another, and came straight to Huangtu Zhongzhou!

However, before they felt it, a piece of bloody news came out, shocking and furious!
(End of this chapter)

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