Chapter 890 Big Event

The whole world was shocked by this bloody news!
The Xuanyuan Dynasty and all other forces responded immediately, sending their own masters to lead the disciples to find the real culprit behind the scenes.

Because, following the arrival of those three monsters from outside the territory, more than a dozen sects of different sizes were bloodbathed, and they were completely wiped out overnight!

This is simply a super big event, shaking the entire Xuanyuan, the waves are huge, and it is difficult to calm down.

It's fine if one or two hidden sects and the Supreme God Sect are destroyed without reason. In that case, it is very likely that the two sides have a personal enmity, and the trouble has reached the point of endless death!This kind of thing happens every hundred or hundreds of years, and it is not an exception.

But this time, as many as ten sects were brutally bloodbathed and massacred!

Obviously, this time is not something that ordinary people can do. Even the super holy land can hardly do bloodbath and massacre of more than a dozen sects at the same time!

Behind all of this, there must be a huge force secretly supporting the plan!
Where does this powerful behind-the-scenes black hand come from?How dare you challenge the majesty of the entire Xuanyuan world!

This is simply too hideous!It is impossible to sit idly by, the situation is turbulent!
At this time, Jiang Shang was walking slowly in a quiet manor in the Xia family.Under his feet is a narrow and winding stone path, the ground is paved with blue rocks.This cyan rock looks ordinary, but in fact it is as hard as gold and iron. It is difficult to shake a weapon below the middle level of the general ground level, which is quite amazing!
Jiang Shang casually walked on it, feeling the faint energy aura emanating from the rock under his feet, he couldn't help sighing: "The Xia family is worthy of being an ancient family, which has been passed down for thousands of years. Even such a secluded courtyard has taken a lot of thought, it is really a giant! "

See the truth in the subtleties.Just from the bluestone paved on the ground, we can see the profound background of this ancient family, which is astonishing!
In the depths of the other courtyard, there is a mountain peak, and there are several caves on the mountainside, which also cost a lot of material and financial resources to build and excavate.In the cave, there are currently two people sitting in a secret room, practicing with their eyes closed.

In the secret room on the left, a thin young man was wearing a black robe, sitting cross-legged, with a terrifying aura swelling around his body, like a surging sea tide, with a loud voice.

This person is the Black Eagle who did not follow Jiang Shang to Qishan, but chose to retreat!
However, judging from the aura around him, he has made some progress in his retreat during this period of time. The thick and vast aura shows that he has reached the extreme of the second level of the fairyland, and his strength is powerful!The strong earthy aura filling the secret room faintly reveals a majestic atmosphere, like a king coming, with unparalleled majesty!

In another spacious secret room, there is this demon clan sitting cross-legged on the head of a dragon and the body of a bear. The whole body is full of monster energy and blood.The sound of blood rushing through the meridians was like a big wave washing the sand, and the momentum was terrifying!This monster's body is extremely burly, even if it is sitting cross-legged on the ground, it is still like a hill, majestic and powerful!

And this fierce monster is none other than the purple-eyed dragon bear!

This demon followed Jiang Shang into the True Dragon's Lair, and gained a great opportunity, which increased the purity of the blood in his body to [-]%!
But don't underestimate the purity of this [-]% bloodline, it is enough for him to condense his physique to a terrifying level in a short period of time, and his realm has advanced by leaps and bounds all the way, not as fierce as the second level of the fairyland!
The two chose to retreat, one is to heal their injuries, and the other is because the last time they entered the True Dragon's Lair, a powerful teammate died, and the two felt guilty.After recovering from their injuries, the two practiced desperately, day and night, desperately strengthening their own strength!

Doing this is not only to catch up with Jiang Shang's footsteps, but also to have stronger fighting power to face danger in the future!Not to die!

But now, they are indeed making rapid progress. One has just entered the realm of Immortal Two, and the other has reached the acme of Immortal Two, and both have terrifying fighting power comparable to that of Immortal Third Middle School.

Among them, the purple-eyed dragon bear has shown super fighting power due to the improvement of blood purity. Although it is two small realms lower than the black eagle, it is still comparable to Xiansan, which is not to be underestimated.

On the bluestone path.

Jiang Shang had already heard the news of the two people practicing desperately before he came, and he became more and more sure of the two in his heart, so he couldn't help but secretly nodded.

Xiaoguai followed closely behind Jiang Shang, his steps were brisk, and the expression on his face relaxed a lot.

Before, Jiang Shang talked with God King Xia. He hid under the totem of Jiang Shang's arm and dared not make any movement!
Although he has undergone five transformations and his strength is already comparable to that of the fourth half-sage immortal, it is precisely because of this that he has a deeper feeling for King Xia's strength!

The God King Xia Wushang, the terrifying existence that was in Xuanyuan in the past, put too much pressure on him.Although he knew that King Xia had no ill intentions towards him, but with the transformation and awakening, he restrained his previous innocence and became more honest!

Only when he was alone with Jiang Shang, would he display his original innocent appearance, full of flamboyance.

Growing up means that a person has a better understanding of the world around him, which is a shackle that no one can escape!
Jiang Shang was deeply touched by Xiaoguai's change.Even though Xiaoguai's mind is far from mature now, she still looks very different and completely different.

But at this time, Jiang Shang ignored Xiaoguai's subtle changes, frowning tightly, thoughts racing in his mind.

According to Xia Shenwang's meaning, the date to lead Xia Dang and others to the upper realm should be in the next few days.He had to think about how to deal with the schemes and tricks of those enemies during the period before the mythical fairy gate came!
There is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to prevent a thief!
Once you leave him and leave Xia's house, those who secretly pay attention to him will definitely find out immediately, troubles will come to you in an endless stream, and you can't hide!

Those who don't like him, or who simply have the power of blood and blood, don't care about other things, they just want him to die!

Jiang Shang walked along the path almost subconsciously, and soon came to the foot of the mountain, looked up at the not-so-high mountain, and sighed: "It's easy to hide with a sharp spear, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow..."

But what Jiang Shang is most afraid of is the trouble that comes to the door. At this moment, there is a cold murderous intent in his heart, and he said: "Go ahead! I promise that you will never come back!"

Jiang Shang, who has risen all the way to the present and killed decisively, will never show any kindness to these people!For these people who wanted to put him to death, he had long wanted to kill them!It's just that I haven't found a suitable opportunity before, and I don't have time to pay attention to these guys!
But now it is different, as long as these people dare to show their faces, they will definitely be attacked and killed by Jiang Shang, and there is no room for maneuver!

After the Myth Fairy Gate incident, he was about to leave Xuanyuan for the Upper Realm, and he no longer had any scruples!
With this in mind, Jiang Shang calmed down the messy thoughts in his heart, and said with a smile: "Little boy, let's go. Go and see how they are practicing."

(End of this chapter)

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