Chapter 891 Forms
The moment Jiang Shang walked up the mountain, the black shadow and the purple-eyed dragon bear, who were immersed in cultivation, immediately felt his aura!

The black shadow who closed his eyes and practiced suddenly trembled all over his body, and the majestic and thick earth energy in the entire secret room, like a sea tide returning to the ruins, gathered all of them and merged into his body.Infinite light burst out from his opened eyes, a smile appeared on his stern face, and he said to himself: "It's the palace master!" When the words came out, he had already got up quickly and walked out of the secret room.

At the same time, in another secret room, the purple-eyed dragon bear opened its ferocious mouth, swallowing the endlessly tumbling evil spirit into its belly, a burst of light shone, and a burly man walked out of the light, and said in surprise: "The boss's boss is back!"

After all, he strode out of the secret room.

The two walked out in a hurry, and when they met, they couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, shouted loudly, and came straight to the entrance of the cave.

Jiang Shang met them at the entrance of the cave, looked at the fierce two men with his eyes, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "That's right, I haven't been lazy during this time."

The purple-eyed dragon bear rubbed his head and laughed straight, with a simple and honest attitude, but the occasional flash of light in his eyes showed that he was not simple and stupid.

Hei Ying on the side saluted very respectfully, then straightened up and asked, "My lord, what is the result of the meeting of kings?"

"That's needless to say? Master, of course, passed all the way to the end. He was invincible and won more places in the fairy sect in one fell swoop!"

A slightly immature voice suddenly sounded behind Jiang Shang, which made the two of them stunned.Immediately, I heard the howl of the purple-eyed dragon bear that was almost crying: "Little bird! You actually, unexpectedly..."

Heiying also stared blankly at the divine bird Qingluan, with an unbelievable expression in his eyes, terribly shocked, and murmured: "Damn, what kind of world is this! This little guy jumped up straight after sleeping. Go to the front, even more powerful than the Palace Master..."

The purple-eyed dragon bear sat down on the ground and howled, "I've been practicing hard for a year! I've been practicing hard for a year day and night! In the end, it's not as good as someone else sleeping... It's unreasonable!"

Xiaoguai wakes up from a deep sleep, her strength has increased dramatically, and her mind has matured a bit. How could she not hear the sarcasm of the two of them?
!Immediately, his handsome face flushed red, and he rushed over with a loud cry.Naturally, the purple-eyed dragon bear wouldn't sit still and get beaten, and immediately got angry and retaliated...

Almost in an instant, the mountain where the few people were located was razed to the ground, shaking the sky and the earth.

Jiang Shang and Hei Ying had presciently dodged away at the same time as Xiaoguai jumped over, and appeared high above the sky.

Jiang Shang turned a blind eye to the two guys who were beating in the dark below, but said in a deep voice: "Although this time the King of Kings Conference beat all the heroes and won the seat of the Immortal Sect, there are more and more troubles. Going to the upper realm, we will leave in a few days, and then we will have to leave the Xia family."

Black Eagle has followed Jiang Shang all the way so far, growing up with Jiang Shang, and now looks more stable and powerful.He said respectfully: "My lord, don't worry, as long as they come, Black Eagle will definitely let them come and go!"

Suddenly, a yellow horse flew from the sky in the distance, and a messenger talisman exploded in front of Jiang Shang and the two of them. The head of the Xia family's deep voice came: "Nephew Jiang Xian, come to the meeting hall quickly!"

Patriarch Xia's voice was steady and hasty, as if something important had happened, with a trace of anxiety faintly revealing.

Jiang Shang didn't dare to delay, and strode away in the air.And Black Eagle also knew that the matter was important, so he flew to the ruins below to stop the disgraced Xiaoguai and the purple-eyed dragon bear, and led them to follow Jiang Shang to the palace in the center of the Xia family.

For Jiang Shang, the distance of more than a hundred miles came in a blink of an eye.When he came to the meeting hall, he found that many old guys from the Xia family were also present, and the god king Xia Wushang, Xia Dang and others also arrived first, which gave Jiang Shang a bad feeling.

After a while, when everyone was due, Patriarch Xia looked around at the crowd and said solemnly: "I have summoned you all, and I have three pieces of news to tell you. The situation is urgent, so I won't talk nonsense anymore."

"The first news is that the three super evildoers from the void world outside the territory have descended on the Xuanyuan world, in the central state of the imperial land. Because the behavior of these three people is too domineering and arrogant, it has attracted countless powerful people to gather in Zhongzhou again...the three of them There is a guy who has done a big thing, that super monster thirteen in the outer starry sky, do you know? He was hunted down by the Heavenly Son of the Shadow God Dynasty!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Shang and Xia Dang couldn't help being terrified.

That Thirteen, who was carrying a paper figurine on his back all the time, was so weird and evil, his strength was comparable to that of the Empress of Immortal Sanzhong, and he was actually hunted down?
Back then, the two sides fought several times in the True Dragon's Lair, and Jiang Shang had a deep understanding of Shisan's strength!Didn't expect Thirteen to be beheaded by the Son of Heaven?Doesn't that mean that the Son of Heaven is already invincible?Even comparable to Immortal Four and Half Saints?
It's okay for Xia Tian to swing, because he will go to the heaven soon, and he won't confront this extremely perverted Heavenly Son in a short time.

But Jiang Shang is different. He will enter the mythical fairy gate to win the fairy fate in the near future. It is not good news that there is such a strong competitor!

Patriarch Xia paused for a while, and said again: "The second news, in the past few days, more than ten sects and major sects in my Xuanyuan World have been slaughtered by people, and no one is left behind! The mastermind has not been found yet. The situation critical!"

As soon as these words came out, there were exclamations in the conference hall, and everyone was shocked.

There was shock in Jiang Shang's eyes, and he said to himself: "What a great handwriting! Who is so courageous to do so excessively!?"

Patriarch Xia raised his hand, suppressed the voice of discussion, and said slowly: "The third news, I think everyone is very clear. The king of my clan will leave in three days and go to the heaven. The Xia family will close the mountain and escape from the world. Rest and rest."

This news is not considered secret, many people know about it, but there are still some people who find it difficult to accept and stand up.

A grey-haired elder of the Xia family stood up leaning on a cane, his snow-white eyebrows were frowned, and with a majestic aura around him, he asked, "Patriarch, Xuanyuan is in danger now, how can my Xia family just ignore it?" ?”

This is the true background of the Xia family. The great figure in the ancient dark age, the fourth and half saint of the immortals, has now awakened to protect the Xia family and try to keep it from chaos!

God King Xia Wushang said: "There is no need for clan elders. Someone will come forward to resolve this matter. I am afraid that the mastermind behind the scenes has a lot of history, and my Xia family will not be able to help much if I come forward."

"Really..." The clan elder nodded hesitantly. Although his cloudy eyes were still flickering, he also closed his mouth and did not speak again.

(End of this chapter)

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