Chapter 892 Leaving Xia Family
After a while, everyone left in groups of three or four in low voices.

Jiang Shang was walking on the Qingshi ancient road, his brows were furrowed, his eyes flickered, and he said to himself: "Perhaps, it should be them!"

Obviously, there is only one terrorist force that has bloodbathed more than ten sects and great sects almost at the same time, and can make many Xuanyuan forces unaware!And it came from the void outside the territory!
All over the world, in many worlds, only the Shadow God Dynasty possessed such a terrifying assassination technique. It was able to achieve this level. In one night, without anyone noticing, it wiped out more than a dozen ancient religious sects!
This is really... so cruel!
The Shadow Dynasty is a terrifying killer organization in the extraterrestrial starry sky.

Inside this organization, there are not only five immortal saints sitting in command, but also ten kings of assassins under their command, each of which has the terrifying strength of the fourth and half saints of the immortals, and even a few of them have reached the level of the fourth and half saints of the immortals. Layers, extremely terrifying!
Such an organization of killers with such a strong background is almost invincible in the lower realms, so it is naturally so unscrupulous and not afraid at all.

"The Shadow God Dynasty, the Shadow God Dynasty... If you are really ruthless and collect 'spiritual gods' in the chaos, it will be really troublesome." His expression was ugly, so he said to himself.

Three days passed in a flash.

God King Xia Wushang left Xuanyuan Great World and went to the heavenly realm.

Those who left with him were almost all the supreme beings of Xuanyuan's younger generation, such as Xia Dang, Chu Zhongtian, Duan Lingyun and others were all in this list.

Now that the Xia family has closed the mountain gate and escaped from the world, Jiang Shang and others also left, entered the vast and barren land, and headed all the way to the Holy Land of Beiming!Heiying, Purple-eyed Dragon Bear, and Xiaoguai naturally followed and acted together.

From the mouth of the strong man in the barren land, Jiang Shang and his party learned about the latest situation in Xuanyuan Land, and their thoughts couldn't stop sinking.

The Shadow God Dynasty wants to collect enough "spiritual gods" to assist His Majesty the God Dynasty to break through to the realm of the ancient great sage. This is definitely an earth-shaking event, but it is difficult to stop, because the opponent is too terrifying, and the lower realm is almost invincible , no one can stop it.

And according to the news that came in the past few days, Jiang Shang gradually had a thread in his heart.

To this day, the great sects that have been wiped out by blood all have a distinctive feature, that is, they have a long heritage but no heavenly backing!
If this trend continues, there will inevitably be turmoil and darkness on the land of Xuanyuan.Although these ancient sects and great sects are sheltered by powerful people from the upper realm, their influence in Xuanyuan is very important!

Once these forces are destroyed one by one, it is inevitable to cause turmoil and panic!

Jiang Shang felt helpless at this time, he wanted to kill the thief but he was powerless!No matter how much he possesses a heaven-defying posture, under this general trend, he can't play any role at all!

The actions of the Shadow God Dynasty can no longer be settled by any strong man who can come forward, even if the strong man of the level of the king Xia Wushang takes action, it is also useless.The power of the Shadow God Dynasty is too terrifying. In addition to the top ten killer kings, there are also strong people like clouds!
Who can stop such a powerful existence?

Single-handedly kill, there is only one dead end!
One after another news came, Jiang Shang's face was ashen, his eyes were gloomy, but he had no choice but to watch.

From the barren land to the Holy Land of the North Ming, the distance between the two places is nearly [-] miles.Jiang Shang and his party walked all the way, and finally met the people from the Shadow God Dynasty!

Among the undulating mountains, a hermit sect is located in the depths of the mountains with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

When Jiang Shang and others passed by here, the people from the Shadow God Dynasty had quietly broken through the defensive formation of the Hidden World Sect and entered the mountain gate!

"Run away, they're coming in..."

The sky is full of brilliance, the rays of the sun are shining, and the supernatural powers are boundless, filling the sky and the earth!
The collapsed mountain guard array shone with light, sometimes bright and sometimes dark.The surrounding mountains, rivers and land were all crumbling and collapsing, devastated.

The sound of roaring and killing shook the universe and spread all over the world!In the distant sky, there are dozens of horrific brilliance rushing towards the sky, and the powerful attacking and killing spells burst out before they even get close!

But the elusive killer is extremely fast and quite terrifying in strength.The desperate resistance of the disciples of the Hidden World Sect did not last long, and was soon suppressed by them. At the same time, a large number of sect disciples were killed and injured, and blood flowed like a hell on earth!

The support that came after that also frantically urged their supernatural powers, roaring again and again, fighting each other desperately!
For a while, they reluctantly killed several killers for the sake of stalemate, and the two sides were at a stalemate.

Among the many elusive killers, there was one who was wearing a black shirt, surrounded by a murderous aura, and his cold eyes swept over him, making people shudder!

This person has been standing high above the sky, staring at the chaotic fight below, motionless.

"This person is as powerful as Immortal San, and at the same time he is practicing assassination techniques, so he is extremely difficult to deal with. It seems that this person is the leader of this bloodbath. But why, this old monster of the hidden sect did not appear?" Jiang Jiang A few people were still hiding in the void and did not come to rescue them.

It's not that Jiang Shang is cold-blooded and ruthless, but that he feels that the leader of the bloodbath of the sect should be more than three levels of immortals!
Among these hidden sects and supreme gods, which one does not have old monsters in charge?How could they be slaughtered so easily?

Before you figure out the situation, it may be difficult to protect yourself if you try to save someone!

Heiying looked solemn, and said via voice transmission: "My lord, what does the palace master mean... to capture the leader of these killers alive?"

Jiang Shang nodded, and also said through voice transmission: "That's right. I want to know their next plan! The whole Xuanyuan is full of blood and blood, and they may have to make big moves next."

Hei Ying pondered for a while, pondered for a while, and then thought carefully for a long time, and then said through a voice transmission: "My lord, thinks, is this three immortal killers who haven't done anything all this time, enough weight?"

Jiang Shang thought for a long time in silence, and said via voice transmission: "It should be enough. The third level of immortal cultivation should play a big role in this infiltration into Xuanyuan. Capture it first."

There was a ferocious look in Heiying's eyes, he nodded solemnly, turned around and said to the divine bird Qingluan: "Little bird, follow me! I will borrow your divine fire!"

Jiang is still noncommittal.He wants to know the next plan of the Shadow God Dynasty, but he doesn't care how to find out.

Hei Ying has been with him for so long, and based on Jiang Shang's understanding of him, this time he must want Xiao Guai to kill the body of the three immortal killers and leave behind his soul. He has a thousand ways You can get the memory of the soul of the soul!

(End of this chapter)

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