Chapter 901

The sudden blockade of the killing formation filled the void with an extremely terrifying and fierce aura, and the heaven and earth were blocked and imprisoned by an unparalleled sharp aura. Killer Wang Binghun and many killers suddenly changed their expressions in horror and panic.

Several killers felt the fierce sword energy that could almost kill the soul, and their eyes were horrified. They panicked and launched the unparalleled attack and killing magic in an attempt to break through the blockade.

"Ha ha……"

However, Hei Ying smiled coldly, held a peerless fierce sword, and activated his supernatural powers. The turbulent earth spirit energy surged out, poured into the fierce sword, and suddenly swung the sword out. move!

The imposing Zhuxian sword smashed the murderous cold light like a bamboo, and strangled the killers at the first and second levels of immortality.

Seeing such a scene, killer Wang Binghun's heart tightened and he gasped.

"Damn, this is extremely powerful, and he actually has a demigod weapon in his hand!?" His face was ugly, full of gloomy, livid, and angry colors.It was only a short fight, but Jiang Shang brought him one surprise after another... He had to admit that he underestimated the enemy from the very beginning.

Jiang Shang was holding a simple long sword, and his whole body was full of evil spirits. Because of the influence of the sword picture, his aura at this moment became extremely fierce, bursting with vigor, like a sharp human-shaped sword, sweeping all directions.

The change in Killer King's expression was captured by Jiang Shang. After a little thought, he understood what Killer King was thinking, and said with a sneer, "It seems that you still want to resist!?"

call out!
In the direction of the long sword in his hand, the endless sword light moved accordingly, pouring down like heavy rain, vast and torrential.

chi chi chi-

The endless sword light is like an arm commanding, the fierce sword is directed, killing everything!
Those killers who tried to resist Zhu Xian's sword spirit were like chickens and dogs, and they were wiped out in an instant, and their bodies and spirits were wiped out!
The killer Wang Binghun watched many of his subordinates being killed, but he didn't dare to move.The moment Jiang Shang made a move, the auras of the other three locked him firmly.

With the blessing of Zhuxian Sword Picture, both Black Eagle and Purple-eyed Dragon Bear can display strengths that are infinitely close to those of Immortal Four, not to mention there is also a five-changing Qingluan divine bird holding a peerless fierce sword, that is true fear!
"Die to me!" The killer Wang Binghun felt desperate, his tyrannical aura suddenly soared, his eyes turned into pitch black, like a bottomless abyss, his pale face became extremely ferocious, and his fangs protruded. Terrible!
An ethereal phantom, like a ghost of the nine ghosts, quietly appeared in the void above his head, with a grimace and devil horns, holding a blade of nothingness, tearing apart the sky, aiming at Jiang Shang from a distance.

Jiang Shang suddenly felt a refreshing coolness spread, and the incomparable comfort contained the meaning of killing, which made people extremely dreadful!
"What the hell is this?!" Hei Ying, the little guy and the others also suddenly changed color, their eyes shaking.

Under the blockade of Zhu Xian's sword map and four peerless fierce swords, the Killer King can still display such strange supernatural powers?Could it be that he didn't use all his strength before?

But in a moment, Jiang Shang denied this speculation in an instant, because he had already felt that the anger in the opponent's body was disappearing rapidly, and in nothingness, it turned into a big dragon with a dark breath, all of which merged into the phantom of the ghost .

"Is this guy desperate?" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered and his face changed suddenly.

Don't look at him now has an absolute advantage in the battle, but now the opponent is ready to go all out to worship the Yin God.

You know, after all, he is a four-and-a-half immortal saint!The Xeon exists under the starry sky, if the opponent really chooses to go all out, it will be very scary, very scary, and the danger is huge.

At the same time, within the ancient city of Beiming.

The taboo god formation outside the city was suddenly weakened by several percent, which made many Beiming powerhouses cheer.

Following the order of the prophesied old man, countless strong men flew towards the broken gap, cast all kinds of divine light and secret techniques, and blasted out!

Now that strong support has come, the first task of the people in their city is to break the taboo god formation from within, even if it is to block it with the lives of the strong, it is imperative!
The ones who rushed out of the gap first were a group of elders from the Immortal Palace, each with flying beards and hair, and their robes fluttering, surrounded by unparalleled divine light, flying in the air like rainbow lights, incomparably radiant and colorful.

This scene is exactly the posture of the fairy in the legend, but at this time, no one is in the mood to express emotion.

I saw one by one strong men roaring to the sky, howling loudly, casting the strongest supernatural powers, following the elders of the fairy palace, shouting and attacking!

However, the Forbidden God Formation is the Forbidden God Formation after all, and even without many fairyland killers presiding over it, it is still terrifying, shaking the sky, and leaving behind a large cloud of blood mist.

The active attack of the strong Beiming triggered the automatic counterattack of the Taboo God Formation itself, and the bloody divine light burst out like a wave, sweeping towards it!

"Peng! Peng! Peng..."

The moment the two sides collided, hundreds of Beiming powerhouses were killed on the spot and fell sadly.

The cultivation bases of these powerhouses are all at the level of immortals, and the strongest are also the ultimate immortals. Compared to the terrifying power of the taboo god formation, they are as weak as ants!

Such a rapid casualty rate made many people terrified, and then came the Old Man of Prophecy who came out of the gap, his snow-white eyebrows were tightly knit together, and there was an indelible gloom between his brows.

The prophecy old man flicked his sleeve robe, emitted a tyrannical divine light, and shouted: "Get out of the way, I will deal with this thing." As the most powerful existence in Beiming Holy Land, he has no reason to retreat, and only he can handle such a predicament. Open the breach.

call out!call out!call out!
A series of figures with powerful aura landed beside him, saying in unison: "My lord, no."

These people are the elders of Beiming Immortal Palace, and there are also some old monsters from aristocratic families, and powerful experts from various forces!They are closely related to the Holy Land of Beiming, and they share a common enemy. How could they risk their lives by looking at the old man who prophesied, the last pillar of the fairy palace?

"It's okay, I'm sure."

The voice of the prophesied old man is flat, but his tone is full of irresistible majesty.

Then a surrounding divine light emerged, and the powerhouses only felt an incomparable gentle force, which separated them and squeezed them aside.

It is predicted that the old man strode out, and his figure disappeared instantly in the blood-colored divine light, surrounded by runes, gradually dispersed, and disappeared without a trace!
Outside the Taboo God Formation, within the Heaven-Sealing Formation of the Jade Immortal Sword Picture.Most of the nearly one hundred killers have been killed or injured, only the four Xiansan killers are still stubbornly resisting.Killer Wang Binghun was also covered with scars at this moment, the aura around him had weakened a lot, and the phantom shadow above his head had also dimmed!
Obviously, although he is working hard now, it seems that he is not having a good time.

(End of this chapter)

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