Chapter 902 Catch a Big Fish
Although the killer Wang Binghun is desperate, but the combination of Jiang Shang, Hei Yi, purple-eyed dragon bear, and divine bird Qingluan is too terrifying. Possesses infinitely close to the ultimate strength of Xiansan, and there is also a little guy who has completed five transformations, comparable to a half-sage.

Moreover, their strength has become even more terrifying with the increase of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation!There is only one Immortal Fourth and Half Saint, to be honest, there is no way to compete with it!
Suddenly, Jiang Shang noticed a strange change in the body of the killer Wang Binghun. He was immediately confident and vigilant, and his face changed: "Damn, want to explode?"

"You lowly bastards, die for this king!"

The broken body of the Killer King swelled with a terrifying wave. It was an unimaginable dark divine light, as if rising from the doomsday, releasing the ultimate terrifying power like the dying sun, impacting the world and tearing apart.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he sneered abruptly, and said, "Huh! Do you really think my Zhuxian Sword Formation is just a decoration? It's really stupid"

And while he was speaking, the appearance of Killer Wang Binghun had become extremely terrifying, his whole body swelled into a huge ball, and the dark aura flowed wildly, like the darkness before dawn, the end of the abyss, the black hole in the depths of the universe... ...That scene is really terrifying, it seems that the world will be destroyed at any time, and the era will be recreated!
However, regarding such a terrible sign, Jiang Shang's expression did not change at all, but the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.What he said just now was not trying to scare people.

The reason why the Zhuxian sword picture has the name of "Zhuxian" is not because it sounds very imposing, but because it really has the power of Zhuxian, and it is invincible!

With a big wave of Jiang Shang's hand, the peerless fierce sword in his hand came out. Xiaoguai, Black Eagle and Purple-eyed Dragon Bear also threw out the fierce sword in their hands at this time. The incomparable Zhuxian Sword Art was quickly condensed and released.

Immediately, within the sword map, the terrifying coercion tightened layer by layer, and the violent and raging sword energy flowed freely, gathering in the air to form a sharp sword with divine light, and slashed down towards the killer Wang Li!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

In an instant, the Killer King only felt the place where he was, and the power of the confinement had instantly increased a thousand times, like a terrifying gravitational space, imprisoning everything in an instant and making him freeze in place.



Look at the Yin God summoned by the Killer King's burning blood essence. At this moment, he is being surrounded by the terrifying fierce sword energy. , There are countless cracks!
The body of Jiuyou Yinshen was not a real thing, but it was still cut and torn by the sword energy, and the ghost roared terrifyingly, like thousands of ghosts and Shuras, howling terribly, extremely penetrating!

The arm like a towering giant tree moved, and the indistinct unknown weapon shone with a dense light, facing the coming huge sword light, and blatantly slashed out!

chi chi chi-


The powerful sound of piercing the sky, accompanied by a howling roar of a hell demon god, the nameless weapon and the sword light blatantly collided and confronted each other!


The sharp explosion that made the teeth sour and the eardrums hurt suddenly spread!
Zhu Xian's sword light was unabated, but the Nine Nether Yin God began to disintegrate little by little, his body twisted and struggled, and he roared unwillingly, as if he had seen his end, it was the end!

"How dare you resist when you are about to die?!"

Jiang Shang's extremely cold voice sounded, and a terrifying big hand wrapped in five extreme lines suddenly appeared, and fell towards the Nine Nether Yin God with a bang!

The majestic yellow air swept across the four directions, rolling misty air waves, like splashes that suddenly exploded, shooting in all directions, like a huge wave crashing down on the reefs on the shore, bursting out with a loud roar.The terrifying power of Huang Tian's hand shattered the huge body of Jiuyou Yinshen with one blow.


Below, Binghun, the King of Assassins, felt as if he had been hit hard, his aura languished in an instant, his whole body became lifeless, and he was on the verge of death.

Jiang Shang's face was cold and indifferent, and he said coldly: "I said, it's hard for you to die!"

Suddenly, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly swept out of the sword array.He clearly felt that at the far end of the sky, there were several terrifying auras rushing towards him frantically. The collapsing clouds evaporated the sea and made people tremble.

"Did you finally show up?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Jiang Shang's mouth, then he turned to look at the imprisoned Binghun, and said indifferently: "Sorry, it's useless to keep you now, you can die!"

Before the words fell, the mysterious sword art in his hand was condensed and released again, intending to kill the killer Wang Binghun on the spot!The fierce sword energy once again flooded the entire formation, and it was invincible wherever the sharp edge went.Possesses supreme sharpness, pierces through the void, and destroys all things.

"Shizier dare!"

But at this moment, a cold and majestic voice resounded through the world, and the power of terror and destruction contained in the voice directly shook the world.

"Pfft! Puff! Puff..." Many Beiming powerhouses who had just walked out of the ancient city couldn't bear the supreme pressure of the terrifying voice, were seriously injured, vomited blood, and fell from mid-air.

It is prophesied that the old man has already walked out of the taboo spirit array at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, his eyes frightened, and he raised his eyes to look into the distant void.

I saw three figures like gods appearing in the far end of the sky, surrounded by gray mist, with a terrifying aura, and there were even streaks of dark streamer divine power under their feet, like demon gods, it was terrifying!

"Pay me!"

The leader, dressed in a fluttering black robe, stretched out his big hands, reaching out into the picture of the Jade Immortal Sword with unparalleled tyranny, trying to rescue the killer Wang Binghun!


The space blocked by the condensed sword energy was suddenly crushed by this terrifying hand, and endless sword lights shot out, flying all over the sky.

The two people behind him were not idle either. Without saying a word, they rushed towards the place where many Beiming powerhouses were, intending to kill them with blood.These two are also the Fourth and Half Saints of Immortals, even stronger than Killer Wang Binghun. Just the aura around them can tear apart the sky and shake the universe, which is extremely terrifying.

The moment Jiang Shang heard the voice, instead of surprise, he was overjoyed, a flash of divine light flashed in his eyes, he turned around without looking, and said coldly, "We are waiting for you, the tomb-suppressing demon hand!"

Jiang Shang, who had been waiting for a long time, finally caught the big fish he wanted to catch.

Just as he had thought in his heart before, a mere fourth and half saint is not enough for him to use all, all of his strongest background, and they have to pay a heavy price!
It turned out that the Shadow God Dynasty really had a back trick, but they kept it hidden because they were afraid of Xuanyuan's power, and they were afraid that a careless move would cause a shocking battle, so they hid in the dark.However, no one expected that Jiang Shang would appear out of nowhere and destroy the overall plan, and the other three would be furious.

And these three people are all the killer kings of the Shadow God Dynasty, and the person in the black robe who is the leader is actually a four-and-a-half immortal king, invincible under the starry sky, and there are few opponents.

But they also seem to be in trouble at the moment, being entangled by two equally terrifying Xuanyuan superpowers, one is the invincible half-holy king of Beidou Xiangong, and the other is the Yinlong Daojun of the Xuanyuan Dynasty, both are extremely terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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