Chapter 903

Jiang Shang's plan from beginning to end was to lure the big fish with a killer king from the Shadow God Dynasty, catch them all, and make him pay a heavy price!
However, the appearance of this killer king at the level of the fourth and half sage king was really beyond his expectation.Because the existence of Zhende is too terrifying, second only to the legendary five invincible saints, even in the Shadow God Dynasty, there are probably only two or three people, he really didn't expect to appear here.

It's just that the matter is coming to an end, and he doesn't have more time to worry about it, because the other party's terrorist methods have come to his head, this is not only to save such a single room, but also to kill him, to kill him!


"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

Jiang Shang frantically mobilized the true spirit, and the strongest supernatural power to suppress the tomb was released brazenly. The ancient tombstone and the terrifying hand that covered the sky shot up into the sky.

The violent whistling and roaring, shattering the void, engulfing incomparable destructive power, the hands of gods and demons exploded!

However, even if Jiang Shang used the most powerful attack and kill magic technique, and was unable to resist the terrifying blow of the fourth half-sage king, the gap between the two was too great!
Immortal Fourth Half Saint King, that is the most powerful existence under the starry sky, almost invincible.

However, with the help of his strongest background and the enhancement of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation, he managed to block the opponent's furious blow, and then a cold light shot out from his eyes, and he turned around and swung the ice soul!

Blood stained the sky, and the world was silent.

This is a half-sage of the fourth level of the fairy, but he was cut off by Jiang Shangzhen with a single knife. It is too shocking and unbelievable!

"Junior Wuna, you are looking for death!" The shadow god was furious towards the fourth and half saint king of the immortal, raising his hand was a means of destroying the world, tearing the sky and the sky, the darkness flowed, and attacked Jiang Shang, overwhelming.


"Get out of here!"

However, at the next moment, a roar sounded in the distant void, high-pitched like a dragon's chant, with the coercion that made all things prostrate and worship, rolling in, and arriving in an instant.

A giant silver dragon with its feet on the churning clouds and mist raised its terrifying dragon claws, and grabbed them brazenly!

This blow cut off the killer king's path at the critical moment.On the other side, a beam of Big Dipper starlight pierced the sky, pointing directly at the brow of the killer of the fourth and half sage king.If you don't dodge, you will be hit hard in an instant!

Even if he possessed the invincible strength of Immortal Fourth Half Life, he still dare not take this blow with his head, otherwise he might fall.

As for the other party's killer king, he was single-handedly entangled by the prophesied old man.

Obviously, after going through such a thing, his strength seems to have made great progress, comparable to Xiansi.

As for the other two who came to stop them, there is no doubt that they are the Half-Saint King of Beidou Immortal Palace and the Silver Dragon Daoist Lord of Xuanyuan Dynasty.

"Damn it, these two damned old guys!" The Fourth and Half Immortal King's eyes were gloomy and his face was ugly, but he still refused to reconcile, giving Jiang Shang and others a chance to escape!Escape into the void.

"Master, that person is so scary." The little guy was terrified, and squeaked in Jiang Shang's ear.

The black eagle and the purple-eyed dragon bear seemed to have the same feeling, their eyes were terrified, their bodies trembled, and their faces were pale, as if they had just walked through hell.

"This old guy..." Jiang Shang didn't speak, but his face was a little ugly, pale and bloodless.He used the Tomb-Suppressing Demon God's hand to shake the opponent hard just now, and suffered a dull loss. At this time, his blood was surging!
Looking at the void again, the arrival of the Half Saint King of Beidou Immortal Palace and Daoist Yinlong finally leveled the equal line of strength between the two sides.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The area they are in is extremely terrifying, there is a dark atmosphere intertwined with dragon power, the Big Dipper Immortal Palace and the shadows tear each other, forming a great silence, the void is broken, and it is very depressing.

I saw that their goals were very clear, the Half Saint King of Beidou Immortal Palace locked on the Half Saint King of the Shadow God Dynasty, and Daoist Yinlong was surrounded by dragon energy, and he also directly pulled a Killer King to confront the void.

In the farthest distance, the prophesied old man also stared at the last killer directly, majestic and ready to go!

Neither side dared to act rashly. In the case of balanced strength, once they made a move, it would definitely turn the world upside down, and the situation would never end.Neither the Shadow God Dynasty nor Xuanyuan's powerful parties are willing to see such a result.

"call out!"

However, at this moment, a sudden figure appeared, breaking the deadlock here.

It was a majestic and arrogant young man, with a gemstone inlaid between his forehead and eyebrows, glowing brightly, flowing in darkness, filled with a terrifying sense of oppression, which made people tremble unconsciously, it was terrifying!
"Abyss Death Gold!?" Ji Chang said in surprise when he saw the gem between the man's forehead and brow.

Abyss Death Metal, that is an extremely rare treasure in the Abyss Demon Kingdom, born from the gathering of infinite grievances, the sky belongs to darkness, it is a kind of extreme metal, it has the possibility of casting heavenly holy soldiers, and even detachment, it is extremely cherished, How could it be there?
"It's him, Son of Heaven..."

There was a deep voice, and the identity of the person came from everywhere, it was him, the Son of Heaven.

I saw him wearing a golden robe, with a majestic aura, walking in the dark, the abyss death gold between his forehead and eyebrows released a terrifying brilliance, densely covered with runes, staring at Jiang Shang, and said: "You are Jiang Shang?" His The voice is cold and chilling.

After finishing speaking, he shook his head self-consciously and said, "That's all."


Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang snorted coldly, with a disdainful arc on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "Who am I, Son of Heaven? It's really disappointing."

"What did you say!?"

That day, the Son of God suddenly changed his face, murderous intent appeared in his cold eyes, and the breath of death gold from the abyss was in the air. He looked down at Jiang Shang, as if he was looking at an ant, and said lightly: "It seems that you are very dissatisfied with me. How? My Son will send you on your way!"

"Really? I just want to try your weight. Is it a dragon or a worm?" Jiang Shang took a step forward, completely unafraid.

"and many more!"

But at this moment, the three killer kings yelled and wanted to stop him, but Tian Shengzi changed his face and said solemnly: "Don't come to hinder me from killing people, don't make fun of yourself!"

"What did you say!?"

The three killer kings were furious, their eyes were extremely gloomy, but Tian Shengzi didn't seem to care, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he said: "What? Want to kill me?"

On the other side, Daoist Yinlong and the three were suddenly happy, and they said to each other: "Hehe, interesting. Is there an internal strife?" The three half-sage kings were full of murderous intent, smashing everything around them, but In the end, he didn't say anything and kept silent.


Tian Shengzi snorted coldly, staring at Jiang Shang, and said coldly: "Do it, today, I will use your head to pay homage to the dead heroic spirit of the gods!"

"Wait and see!" Jiang Shang raised his hand to tear the void, and raised his foot to enter it boldly. His voice floated slowly, indifferent to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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