Chapter 906 Shame!

Jiang Shang was a little stunned, he didn't understand why the other party lost so strangely, but then suddenly realized.

What is the Seven Killing Monument?That is the supreme way of extermination that makes many gods and demons extremely afraid!

Even if the Son of Heaven has an adventure, most of them only get a fragment of his picture, only the true biography, so there are many loopholes, and he is easy to be backlashed.

And because of the fierce reputation of the Seven Kills Monument, Jiang Shang reacted too violently... Before he could fully condense the Seven Kills Sword Qi, he was crushed by the Sky Shrouding Demonic Beast, and immediately suffered backlash.

The Seven Killing Sword Qi is fused with the "Yin Nerve" technique, and its power is also extremely terrifying, so it offsets part of the destructive power of the tomb-suppressing god and devil's hand, so that the Tianshengzi can escape from such a terrifying attacking magic technique. Rob!

Figured out the key point, the astonishment on Jiang Shang's face faded away, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, the laughter shook the void, causing a billowing turbulent storm in the void, wreaking havoc endlessly.

In the distance, Tian Shengzi, who had never looked so embarrassed, was not only angry, but also depressed.

"Damn, what bad luck!"

In fact, when he used the Seven Kills Sword Qi, he did not intend to kill his opponent with one blow. After all, Jiang Shang is the most powerful existence among the hundreds of millions of geniuses in Xuanyuan Great World, standing out from countless competitors. Get more places in the fairy gate in one fell swoop.

No matter how much he despises and despises Jiang Shang verbally, he still takes it very seriously in his heart.How could such a peerless genius who is rare in ten thousand years be so easy to kill?

Even if he can defeat Jiang Shang, he has no intention of killing him immediately. For the sake of the dead heroic spirit of the gods, he plans to slowly kill Jiang Shang!

However, who would have thought that the other party's reaction would be too intense. As soon as he heard the word 'kill', he felt as if his tail had been stepped on, and immediately used the strongest magical power to strike...

Outside the void, the six immortals and four half-sages facing each other had a panoramic view of the brief confrontation in the void. Although they were silently facing each other, they did not want to miss the collision of the two peerless geniuses.

Seeing that the two had only played against each other twice, the winner was immediately decided. After being stunned for a short time, the three of Daojun Yinlong burst out laughing, feeling very happy.

Among them, Daoist Yinlong didn't look like a peerless powerhouse at all, holding his stomach, laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

"Hahaha... What a powerful son of heaven! Never seen before, rare in the ages! Hahaha..." The old man predicted that he would not say too vulgar words, and he stroked his beard and smiled happily.In fact, he was already laughing in his heart, but he just held back himself and kept his face.

Even the semi-holy king of Beidou Holy Land had a smile on his rigid and cold face, and he nodded endlessly.

This time, it annoyed the three killer kings on the opposite side.

It was fine for them to be ridiculed because of Tianshengzi's domineering and defiant attitude.

But since he said he was going to take off the opponent's head, you should go for it!As a result, when he went up, he was beaten back by a magical power, and he was injured?
The three killer kings looked extremely gloomy, their cold eyes were flickering, and the murderous intent lingering around them was on the verge of going berserk, shattering the sky and shaking the earth.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The terrifying and cold murderous intent spread throughout the entire world, and many Beiming powerhouses who were nearly a hundred miles away from them felt the chill and shivered endlessly.

The three killer kings, especially the one in the realm of the fourth and half saint kings, have never encountered such a shameful thing in many worlds outside the territory!

Even if what they accomplished was killing, they didn't care about face, let alone what others said, but what happened right in front of them made them instantly angry!

On the one hand, it was because Tian Shengzi failed to kill the enemy but was killed, and on the other hand, he really didn't want to hear the old man's words of prophecy to ridicule...

"What an idiot! No brains!" The three killer kings cursed in their minds at the same time!And revealing murderous intent, tearing Ling Yun apart, horrifying Tianyu!
Feeling the unparalleled murderous intent emanating from the opposite side, Daoist Yinlong restrained his laughter instantly, took a step forward, and the dragon aura shot up all over his body, and he shouted: "Why, do you want to do it?"

At the same time, the old man who prophesied and the semi-holy king of the Big Dipper Immortal Palace showed their coercion calmly, and the sky suddenly shattered into countless fragments, and the rumbling and roaring sound conveyed, turning the world upside down!Countless Beiming powerhouses backed away frantically, their faces full of horror.

The terrifying existence at the level of the fourth and half saints of the immortals, if you don't move, you will be fine. If you move, you will inevitably be turbulent, the universe will collapse, and the world will be destroyed with every move!


The three killer kings snorted coldly, their eyes were gloomy, but they still collected their momentum, gritted their teeth in their hearts and said silently: patience, a little intolerance will lead to chaos and great conspiracy!When my Majesty the God Dynasty is resurrected, I will definitely send troops here to stain the country with blood!

Above the high sky outside the ancient city of Beiming, there are six immortals and four half-sages, with terrifying auras, stirring up the wind and clouds in the world and shattering the universe.

The tense atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and a big fight is possible at any time!

However, the two who fought briefly outside the void also fell into a strange confrontation.However, the expressions of the two were completely opposite, one with a smile on his face, and the other with a bit of embarrassment in anger.

"I'll make you pay the price!" Tian Shengzi was already furious at this moment, the void was once again covered with cold murderous intent, and the endless void turbulence once again rioted, tumbling endlessly.

"Looking for death!" Jiang Shangshen's eyes erupted with divine light, his figure suddenly moved, he strode out, and when he raised his hand, the unparalleled power of the yellow sky gathered from the end of the void, and the five extremes of the ultimate principle shot out , Coercing unparalleled power and influence.

In an instant, a big hand that covered the sky appeared in the endless void, engulfed in rolling coercion, and fell down with a bang!

The Tianshengzi erupted at the same time, with extreme sharpness in the sinister murderous aura, flashes of cold sword light emerged, and a strong and unparalleled killing intent spread.

This time, Jiang Shang already had some understanding of the Heavenly Son's Seven Kills Sword Qi, so he was not afraid, and instead instantly accelerated the speed at which Huang Tian's hand fell!

Layers of void collapsed and shattered, forming clusters of turbulent storms that soared into the sky.Like the terrifying giant hand of ancient gods and demons that destroyed the world, it suddenly fell down, unstoppable, and wiped out everything with unparalleled coercion.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Son of Heaven roared up to the sky, and spit out seven words from his mouth, shaped like the roar of gods and demons, each word was stronger than the last, and in the end, the terrifying power contained in that simple word 'kill' was almost equivalent to that of the third queen of the Immortals The strongest blow!
Two unstoppable magical powers crashed into each other!
The moment the explosion exploded, Tian Shengzi's expression suddenly changed. Just behind him, a blurry figure quietly stretched out an arm, and fell towards his back, as fast as lightning!


The ear-piercing sound of metal and iron clanging came, Tian Shengzi resisted the phantom's blow, turned around and left, raised his hand to tear the void, and escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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