Chapter 907 Sneak Attack
No one thought that Tianshengzi would actually make a feint and escape in an instant...

With such a lofty status and such an unruly spirit, the Holy Son of Heaven actually ran away?

Such a scene not only stunned Jiang Shang, but even the six immortals, four and half saints outside the ancient city showed astonishment.The three killer kings were even more shocked, and immediately turned pale and red, turning into a liver color, and suddenly angry turned into anger, roaring violently!

Daoist Yinlong shook his head, pretending to be regretful, and sighed, "Hey, such a talented person is actually a coward... Tsk tsk tsk!"

The sarcasm in these words immediately caused the three killer kings to go berserk, roaring and rushing over.

Everyone present knew that the confrontation between Jiang Shang and Tianshengzi represented Beiming and even Xuanyuan, and it was a confrontation with the Shadow God Dynasty. face!
It's a good thing now, the winner has not yet been officially determined, the majestic son of the shadow god Chaotian actually escaped? !
Shame, disgrace!
The Shadow God Dynasty synthesizes many worlds around it, and has it ever been in a state of panic and fled?
Two in front and one in the back, the three killer kings roared gloomyly, their icy and unparalleled murderous aura has now become extremely violent, and their power is even greater than before!Where the three of them passed by, the universe was destroyed, the void collapsed, and everything turned into nothingness!
The old man predicted that his snow-white brows frowned, and a bad premonition floated in his heart, but before he had time to think about it, he used his magical powers to meet him.

The terrifying power of the fourth half-sacred level of the Immortal, once it is used, the whole Beiming will be reduced to nothingness!But now I can't care much about it anymore. Since the other party took the lead in attacking, the old man is naturally unwilling to show weakness!

Daoist Yinlong's face turned cold in an instant, and he said contemptuously, "I chose to do it after losing face? The killer king of shit, but mediocre!"

While speaking, an unparalleled coercion soared to the sky, and in an instant it turned into a silver dragon, opened its ferocious mouth, and let out a sky-shattering roar. The majestic and unparalleled coercion swept away, shaking the universe.

The terrifying coercion of the Fourth and Half Saint of Immortals was fully released, and the collision of momentum alone made the world dark, and the sky fell apart.The ancient city of Beiming Holy Land, the majestic and towering city walls, collapsed in an instant, turning into ruins in an instant, dust and broken rocks shot everywhere, billowing smoke and dust rushed into the air.

The city wall collapsed, and the sky-shattering roar was mixed with the exclamations and curses of countless Beiming strongmen, and the figures turned into rainbow lights and flew away towards the distance. The scene was chaotic!
Six immortals and four half-sages are fighting, two of them are terrifying existences at the level of half-sage kings, whoever dares to stay close to watch, escape is the right way!

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the Half-Saint King of Beidou Immortal Palace. The strongest of the three Killer Kings on the opposite side fell behind.

In the endless void, Jiang Shang stood on the spot in astonishment, watching the Son of Heaven turn into a golden cold light, flee away in an instant, and disappeared without a trace.

A peerless genius turned around and ran away in the process of fighting someone?Unbelievable!
"This..." Jiang Shang was quite speechless at the moment.

This battle was originally provoked by Tianshengzi, but this guy actually escaped?
Thinking of this, Jiang Shang's face turned cold, and his eyes burst into an extremely dangerous light. He looked at the direction in which the Son of Heaven was escaping, and sneered coldly: "Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Originally, Jiang Shang thought that the peerless confrontation with the Son of Heaven must be a battle of death!After all, the other party is also a powerful existence that stands out from the countless young supreme beings outside the territory, and he may even be slightly inferior...

The performance of the Son of Heaven made Jiang Shang feel furious.What Tianshengzi said before, Jiang Shang really wanted to change it back intact.

"You are such a waste, you are not worthy of fighting with me!"

Tianshengzi wanted to escape, so Jiang Shang naturally wouldn't let him go easily.With a flash of his figure, the Dao body appeared, and flew into the void in an instant, chasing and killing him.And his own speed is not slow, the figure disappeared in an instant, turned into a flash of lightning, and plunged into the endless void.

But at this moment, Jiang Shang, who was activated in an instant, felt a cold murderous intent approaching for no reason, and before he had time to judge whether the opponent was the Son of Heaven, Jiang Shang let out a wild roar, the divine light was shining all over his body, and the aura of gods and demons inspired him to roll, and he turned around. Palm blasted!
The incomparable divine light gathered together, and in the void above the head, a big hand that covered the sky and the ancient tombstone came crashing down!
"Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!"

Just like the low-pitched sad voice of ancient gods and demons, and like the dull roar of the supreme fairy, the hands of gods and demons covering the sky and the ancient tombstones descended brazenly, unstoppable, and the rolling coercion destroyed everything!
There was a roaring explosion, and the pale and thin palm, with five fingers like hooks, collided with the hand of the gods and demons, and the aftermath of unparalleled power erupted, shattering the void and collapsing the sky.A violent sound wave like a mountain roar and a tsunami swept across.

Jiang Shang's expression was pale and stern, his eyes were filled with horror, and his whole body was covered with scarlet blood...

I thought it was Tian Shengzi attacking from behind, but Jiang Shang felt something was wrong the moment he turned around. The pale and thin palm looked very familiar.Gritting his teeth to force himself to suppress the surging blood, Jiang Shang stared at the pale arm, his eyes flickering.

"Half-holy king... This is the killer king in the realm of the half-holy king! My current power is too different from him! The tomb-slayer god's hand is my strongest supernatural power, but it was blown away by his claws. Incredible!"

The moment the two sides collided, Jiang Shang judged the owner of the arm, and this half-holy king killer unexpectedly jumped down!
"You think I don't exist?"

A flat but icy voice sounded without haste, but it calmed down Jiang Shang's heart, and he backed away calmly, and then backed away.

The voice came from the half-holy king of Beidou Immortal Palace. He didn't expect that the killer king in the state of half-holy king would make a sneak attack at this moment, intending to kill Jiang Shang, a junior genius!

The moment Jiang Shang retreated, a unparalleled sword light pierced through layers of void and fell down, leaving a bloodstain on that pale arm.

Outside the ancient city, the Half Saint King of Beidou Immortal Palace took a step, and in an instant he arrived in front of the Killer King. With a wave of his big hand, the unparalleled sharpness flickered between his palms, forcibly connecting the void and the world of Xuanyuan A vacuum was created, and the palm print landed on the chest of the Killer King, bursting out with unparalleled power!

However, Jiang Shang, who had already retreated to the void in the distance, knew that if it hadn't been for the semi-sage king of Beidou Immortal Palace to rescue him in an instant, he would definitely face the strong obliteration of the pale arm.

I activated the strongest supernatural power hastily just now, but it was no match for someone else's casual grab!With such a gap, if the opponent wanted to kill him, Jiang Shang would have no power to fight back!
(End of this chapter)

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