Great Demon

Chapter 93: The Bully Comes!

Chapter 93: The Bully Comes!

On this day, above the sky of Baicao Peak, eight figures with powerful golden core aura roared from afar, and directly set foot on the top of Baicao Palace.These eight people were Fan Yin from Bawang Peak, and seven other elders who were at the early stage of Golden Core. They came here aggressively after receiving the order from Patriarch Heiyun, and the visitors were not kind.

"Where is the peak master of Baicao Peak?" At this moment, one person received Fan Yin's signal, and his voice was violent and agitated, resounding instantly throughout Baicao Peak, causing many disciples' expressions to change drastically.

In the blink of an eye, three figures appeared in the sky, it was Heng Zizhou, Li Huaxiong, and Zhou Qiguang.

I saw Heng Zizhou's eyes flickering, and he said with an extremely ugly expression: "Fan Yin, what do you mean? Do you want to start a war with our Baicao Peak?"

It's a slap in the face for the other party to come so oppressively, how can you make him, the peak master, not angry?
"Go to war? Are you worthy?" Fan Yin smiled contemptuously, and said with a sinister smile: "I won't talk nonsense to you, now, immediately hand over Jiang Shang to me. Patriarch Heiyun has ordered me to take Jiang Shang went to see him.

"What did you say? Patriarch Heiyun wants to see Jiang Shang?" The expressions of the three in Heng Zizhou suddenly changed, and panic flashed in their eyes.

This is undoubtedly a grand feast, if Jiang Shang goes with them, there will be no good end, so they must not be allowed to take Jiang Shang away!

"I'm really sorry, Jiang Shang isn't in the peak, you guys came at the wrong time!" Heng Zizhou said with twinkling eyes.

"Not in the peak? Are you kidding me?" Fan Yin sneered, and said darkly: "If you stop me from taking Jiang Shang away, it would be disobeying the will of Patriarch Heiyun. The three of you can think about it. what consequences.

The gloomy meaning in his words made the three of Heng Zizhou shudder.Going against the will of the mighty and powerful is a chilling thing to think about.

But even so, Heng Zizhou still said: "Jiang is still not in the peak!"

"Hmph!" Seeing that Heng Zizhou was so ungrateful, Fan Yin snorted coldly with a sullen face, and then roared with spiritual energy infused with his voice: "Boy Jiang Shang, come out for me..."

The terrifying sound rolled, covering every corner of the mountain peak, and echoed.Fan Yin unleashed his powerful spiritual consciousness, and then covered every corner, as long as there was a slight disturbance, he would immediately be aware of it.

At this time, in a certain mountain range in the distance, a black-robed figure slowly appeared in the sky, his eyes were full of coldness.

There was an extremely powerful deterrent in the loud shout just now, so no matter what, he would be awakened. This is an extremely impolite thing, so Jiang Shang appeared immediately. He wanted to see who was so arrogant .

"Not here?" Sensing Jiang Shang's appearance, Fan Yin showed a sneer, waved to the seven people beside him and said, "Let's go!"

As for Heng Zizhou and the others, their expressions were ugly, and their eyes were full of anxiety.Immediately, Heng Zizhou gritted his teeth and said to the two beside him, "Hurry up, let's go!"

The screen turned and came to the distance.

"So it's Peak Lord Fan, what's the matter?" Jiang Shang stared at Fan Yin, and the seven elders behind him, his eyes were thoughtful and cold, and he was obviously extremely angry.He was cultivating just now, but was suddenly interrupted by the roar, and he was naturally extremely angry at this moment.

You must know that he is an innate creature now, and his strength is approaching the strong of the late Jindan stage. Fan Yin is only the middle stage of Jindan, and the next seven are only early Jindan. In his eyes, he is not a threat at all.

"Presumptuous, what is your status, dare to speak to me in such a tone?" Fan Yin sneered directly, and said to Jiang Shang coldly: "Patriarch Heiyun wants to see you, you will tell me immediately Walk!"

"Patriarch Heiyun wants to see me?" Jiang Shang shrank his eyes and refused without hesitation: "I won't go!"

The other party obviously invited him into the urn, how could he be so stupid to die?Obviously, he would definitely not go to this summoning.

"What did you say? Don't go?" Fan Yin seemed to have heard a big joke, and sneered at Jiang Shang mercilessly: "You think we are here to invite you? What a joke, now, immediately, immediately follow me Go, otherwise just violating the will of the ancestors will be enough for you to perish forever!"

"And not only you will die, Baicao Peak will also be implicated, and you will be expelled from the Outer Sect!" Fan Yin glanced at Hengzizhou again, the gloomy chill made people tremble!
The powerful and strong man is the top figure in the sect. No one can resist except those of the same level. That's why he is so unscrupulous, because he knows that no one can stop him.Of course, except for those aloof beings!
"You..." Heng Zizhou's face turned pale with anger, but he was speechless.

Almighty and strong, just this name is enough to deter him, and he has no way to stop him.He didn't expect the other party to be so despicable, a dignified and powerful man, to bully the juniors of the sect so disregarding his status, this is simply a shameless old thing.

But what can he do?Facing a mighty and strong man, he has nothing to do!

"I advise you to get out of here quickly, before my patience wears off, get out of here right now!" Finally, Jiang Shang couldn't help it, and said with dark eyes.

He had already made up his mind in his heart that it was impossible to summon him.

If the other party continues to entangle, they will have to kill all these people, and then defect from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect. Anyway, he has no support and no one can restrain him.

"What did you say?" An evil spirit gushed out of Fan Yin's body, he looked at Jiang Shang and said darkly: "How dare a mere disciple speak to me like this, it seems that I can't do without punishing you, elders, please help me!" I stopped those three old guys, and I personally abolished this kid's cultivation, and then brought him back to Bawang Peak to meet the ancestor!"

Just as he was speaking, the spiritual energy in his body had already gushed out, and his whole body turned into an afterimage, which quickly attacked Jiang Shang.

"Yes, Lord Peak Master." After the seven elders of Bawang Peak got the order, they immediately stopped the three of Heng Zizhou, and even sneered at Heng Zizhou: "You three, how could it be the seven of us?" opponent, please stay where you are.”

"Damn it, get the hell out of here!" Heng Zizhou and the others looked extremely angry, but they were helpless, seeing that the situation was out of control.

But at this time, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and a huge lightsaber struck quickly, accompanied by a roaring voice under the terrifying power: "Dare to touch my apprentice, Fan Yin, you are looking for death!"

"Concentrate swordsmanship, kill me!"

It turned out to be Nuo Yan's murderous attack, and his body was filled with an extremely terrifying aura.

It was the late stage of Golden Core, it turned out to be the late stage of Golden Core, did he really succeed?

(End of this chapter)

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