Great Demon

Chapter 94 Moby Dick

Chapter 94 Moby Dick
"Promise? This breath, how is it possible, you are in the late stage of the golden core?" Fan Yin's eyes flashed suddenly, revealing the color of fear.

Nuo Yan is the most powerful elder of Baicao Peak.Now that he has entered the late stage of Jindan, his strength is even more astonishing. He saw the dark golden lightsaber crashing down, and the terrifying power filled Fan Yin in an instant. This change made everyone stunned.

Nuo Yan actually killed Fan Yin, everyone couldn't believe it.

An elder from Bawang Peak couldn't bear the pressure even more, pointing to Nuo Yan who was coming from a distance, he asked tremblingly, "Nuo Yan, how dare you dare to kill the peak master of Bawang Peak openly, you are not afraid that the sect will punish you ?"

The leader of a peak was killed by someone, and the sect couldn't ignore it.

"Fan Yin, you better stop pretending, get out of here quickly." Nuo Yan didn't care, looked at the cloud of smoke, and said in a cold and stern tone.

A embarrassed figure stepped out of the mist, and it was Fan Yin who said furiously, "Nuo Yan, how dare you attack me?"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you right now!" Nuo Yan's eyes flashed, and his voice was faint.

Fan Yin's eyes trembled when he heard the words, and he said with an extremely ugly look: "How dare you disobey the order of the ancestor? Heiyun ancestor personally ordered us to take Jiang Shang back to meet him. If you dare to stop us, you have to think clearly The price you will pay! That is very heavy!"

"Are you threatening me?" Nuo Yan's eyes flashed, and his voice became more serious: "Now, immediately, get out of here immediately, otherwise, leave everyone here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically, even Heng Zizhou and others were no exception.For a Jiang Shang, does he really want to defy the ancestor?
"Are you crazy? Disobeying the order of the ancestors is a capital crime, a capital crime..." Fan Yin's expression became ferocious, and he roared out of control.He didn't expect that the other party would still be unwilling to compromise after moving out of Heiyun Patriarch. Does this guy really want his life?
"Shut up! It seems that you want to die, so I'll make it happen for you!" Nuo Yan suddenly got angry, pulled out a slender gray sword, and killed Fan Yin, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

And just when everyone was stunned and panic appeared on Fan Yin's face, a group of white clouds suddenly appeared in the distance, flickering towards this side at an extremely fast speed.A vigorous aura emanated from the cloud, followed by a loud shout: "I am the white whale of Baiqiao Peak, please brother Nuo not to be impulsive!"

The white whale of Baiqiao Peak is the master of Baiqiao Peak, a strong man at the peak of Jindan, how could he come here?Everyone is puzzled.

And Fan Yin, as if seeing a savior, shouted for help to White Whale desperately: "Master Bai, come and save me, this person has lost his mind, I suspect he has become possessed!"

At times like this, he never forgets to label others, one can imagine how vicious his thoughts are.

"Peak Master White Whale..." Nuo Yan didn't continue to attack, but looked at White Whale fearfully and said, "I don't know what Peak Master Bai Whale means!"

Originally, Heng Zizhou should have come forward in this situation, but because the opponent's level of strength is too strong, he is the only one who is qualified to talk to him in the entire Baicao Peak, and he doesn't know the intention of the opponent, so he has to stand up.

"Brother Nuo, don't worry, the white whale is not malicious."

White Whale smiled slightly, turned to Fan Yin and said indifferently: "Patriarch Ming Feng has an order that Baicao Peak will be under his protection from now on, no one is allowed to make trouble, and those who violate it will bear the consequences!"

"There is another sentence that needs you to convey to Patriarch Heiyun, that is: 'Come to me if you have anything to do, I, Mingfeng, will be waiting for you at Baiqiao Peak!' This is what Patriarch Mingfeng said. Please tell Peak Master Fan exactly what you said, and you can leave now." White Whale stared at Fan Yin, and said slowly and indifferently.

Fan Yin's expression was a little stiff, and he didn't know how to react at all. After a while, he saw that he did not give up and said slowly: "What Peak Master Bai said is true?"

"If you guys don't leave, don't blame me, Moby Whale, for taking action!" Beluga Whale narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said in a serious voice.

Fan Yin suddenly felt trembling all over, and a terrible coercion came from him, making him breathless. He finally glanced at Jiang Shang with resentment, turned around unwillingly and waved: "Let's go!"

Why did the remaining elders dare to stay, the eight left directly in despair.

Only then did Heng Zizhou and the others breathe a sigh of relief, and they flew up to Moby Whale to sincerely thank him, "Thank you, Peak Master Moby Whale, for your help. If you hadn't rushed to help, this matter would have been troublesome."

"Thank you, Peak Master White Whale, for your help. Disciple Jiang Shang is very grateful." Jiang Shang also flew over and said sincerely.

As soon as the words fell, he thanked Nuoyan and the others: "Master, thank you very much. And Mr. Peak Master, Elder Li, Elder Zhou, thank you all."

If they hadn't acted out of righteousness this time, although he would not be afraid with his strength, it would not be a good thing to be reduced to betraying the sect, so Jiang Shang thanked them with sincere strength.Of course, there is also the Patriarch Mingfeng who thinks highly of him, the other party is willing to offend Patriarch Heiyun because of him, how can this not move him.

"We didn't help you. You should thank your master, and the master of White Whale Peak." Zhou Qiguang said with a smile from the side.

They really didn't help much, so they were embarrassed to say anything about kindness.

"You are my apprentice, it's only natural to help you try, thank you for what I'm doing." Nuo Yan said it as a matter of course, but Jiang Shang was even more moved and didn't know what to say.

And at this time, the White Whale Peak Master smiled, and his tone became a little serious: "Jiang Shang, listen to me."

"Peak Master White Whale, please tell me." Jiang Shang also tensed up.

White Whale nodded and immediately said: "Now Patriarch Heiyun is determined to deal with you, so it is no longer safe for you to stay in the sect. Patriarch Mingfeng means to let you leave the sect temporarily and wait until Qianfeng ranks up." Come back during the competition. At that time, with your strength, you will definitely be able to enter the top [-], as long as you enter the top [-], you will be a disciple of the inner sect, even if Patriarch Heiyun wants to deal with you, it will not be so easy."

The only way to enter the inner sect is to get the top [-] seats in the Qianfeng qualifying competition. Only in this way can one become a disciple of the inner sect.

And the disciples of the inner sect have a high status in the sect, even the powerful and powerful can't easily target them, because at this time other powerful people will definitely take action, and they will not allow a certain person to act recklessly.

But leaving the sect temporarily, Jiang Shang felt humiliated deeply in his heart, and this feeling was really uncomfortable.

However, he can see the overall situation clearly. If he continues to stay in the sect, as long as Patriarch Heiyun intends to deal with him, his situation will be extremely dangerous, because Patriarch Mingfeng cannot protect him at any time. It is a dangerous situation, so leaving the sect temporarily is the best way.

(End of this chapter)

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