Great Demon

Chapter 95 Temporarily Leaving the Sect

Chapter 95 Temporarily Leaving the Sect
"I think Old Ancestor Ming Feng is right. Jiang Shang, leaving the sect temporarily is indeed the best way at present." Elder Li Huaxiong suddenly said: "With your powerful talent, plus the next ten years The experience should be enough for you to grow to an astonishing height. As long as you can show results when you come back, even Patriarch Heiyun can't do anything to you, and other strongmen in the sect will not allow him to act recklessly.

White Whale nodded slightly, and continued to speak: "Patriarch Ming Feng has already made arrangements, he wants you to go to the place of evil ruins."

"The land of the evil ruins? The small world affiliated to the Black Witch Sect?" Nuo Yan was a little surprised when he heard this.

Baizhou Clan, Black Witch Sect, Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

These are the three major forces in Baizhou County. Among them, the Black Witch Sect and the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect are hostile, and the land of the evil ruins belongs to the Black Witch Sect. It is not that the Sword Sect does not have a subordinate small world. dangerous place?

"The most dangerous place is the safest place, and the evil ruins are notoriously chaotic, no one will pay attention to it if you go to an outsider, and it can also play a very good role in experience, Jiang Shang, you What do you think of this arrangement?" White Whale said slowly.

Jiang Shang naturally nodded slightly: "I have no objection."

He knew very well in his heart that since Patriarch Ming Feng had already made arrangements for him, then he didn't need to bother thinking about anything.

Because if the other party wants to harm him, he doesn't need to be so troublesome, he just needs to stand by and watch, but Ming Feng Patriarch Qiu didn't do this, so this proves that the other party has good intentions, and he just needs to obey the arrangement.

"Very good." White Whale nodded slightly, and said to Heng Zizhou and the others: "As for you, don't worry, Baicao Peak has been officially protected by the ancestor, even the ancestor Heiyun will not mess around."

This is a kind of tacit understanding hidden among the sect powerhouses.

If the other party chooses to violate the rules first, Ming Feng Patriarch will definitely not be merciful, he can also directly deal with Bawang Peak, even if the scene becomes extremely chaotic, so if Patriarch Heiyun is not crazy, it is generally impossible to cause trouble to that extent.

"Thank you, old ancestor Ende!" Heng Zizhou naturally said happily.

It is such a lucky thing to be protected by a powerful and powerful person, and it is naturally impossible for him to be unhappy.

"Okay, if this is the case, Jiang Shang will follow me. The ancestor temporarily opened a passage to the place of the evil ruins. If there is a long delay, it will be troublesome if the passage collapses." The white whale said again.

As soon as these words came out, Nuo Yan immediately said: "Peak Master White Whale, can you wait for me for a while, I will come as soon as I go."

After speaking, he turned into a sword light and headed towards his cave. Although the white whale didn't know what he wanted to do, he still waited quietly.

After half a stick of incense, Nuo Yan rushed back quickly, and he also brought back a mustard seed ring.

"Here are the training resources we have prepared for you, which should be enough for you to cultivate to the peak of the innate spirit. I didn't give it to you before because you didn't enter the golden core, but now..." Nuo Yan suddenly didn't know what to say, and directly Throwing the ring to Jiang Shang: "Here, take it."

"Master..." Jiang Shang's eyes were slightly red, and he bowed silently to the promise, Heng Zizhou and the other three, "I will never let you down! In the Qianfeng Ranking Tournament 14 years later, I will definitely climb to the top with the name of Baicao Peak, definitely!"

I will definitely climb to the top with the name of Baicao Peak, definitely!

Hearing Jiang Shang's bold words, Moby Whale couldn't help blinking his eyes, and Heng Zizhou said with infinite excitement: "Okay, okay, okay, just wait for your words, we old guys are satisfied gone."

The disciples under the sect took the name of Baicao Peak to the top. This is what the four of them dreamed about in their dreams. I don't know if anyone cares about their feelings. They have been working hard for this goal.

But now, Jiang Shang is their hope!
"Okay, let's go, don't delay." Nuo Yan said suddenly: "These more than ten years will be your test, don't let me down as a master!"

"Master, don't worry, absolutely not!" Jiang Shang nodded firmly, turned to the white whale and said, "Peak Master White Whale, let's go."

"En..." Bai Xing nodded slightly, and the two of them immediately turned into beams of light and disappeared into the sky.Looking at the place where they disappeared, Nuo Yanze's expression gradually dimmed. His disciple was forced to leave. One can imagine how he felt as a master.

"Old Ancestor Heiyun, I promise to swear here, if I am lucky enough to enter Zhoutian, I will demand you pay the price for what happened today." With a faint light in his eyes, the promise swore in his heart.

After Bai Jing and Jiang Shang left Baicao Peak, they did not go in the direction of Baiqiao Peak, but headed towards the area of ​​a certain unnamed peak.

"Patriarch Mingfeng forcibly grabbed a passage leading to the evil ruins in the void, and this passage is hundreds of miles ahead. Because this is a space node that was forcibly stranded, if you don't use it quickly, it will be destroyed. Crash, so we'd better not delay later." On the way, the white whale said.

After finishing these words, he began to introduce the place of the evil market again.

It turns out that this place of evil ruins is composed of tens of thousands of deserted and dry islands. There are no powerful forces guarding it, except that it is only affiliated with the Black Witch Sect. The order is naturally chaotic. Many villains, demons, and even chased by the three major forces The murderers who have been killed often haunt here.

This is simply an extremely dangerous place, and it is also a place where true strength is respected.

No identity, status, talent, or background is useless here, because if you don't use strength, you will be a dead end, and only strong strength can gain a foothold here.

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but said to himself: "There is such a place!"

This is simply a paradise for experience and growth. If he had known that such a place existed, he might have left the sect and rushed over. This kind of unscrupulous place is really suitable for him!
After more than a stick of incense, they came to a barren valley. The white whale first landed in the valley and landed in front of a black stone wall.

"Open!" With a slight wave of his hand against the wall, a hidden magic circle was opened, and an unstable passage slowly appeared in front of Jiang Shang.

White Whale turned around and said to Jiang Shang, "Go in!"

"Yes!" Leaving only such a sentence, Jiang Shang resolutely stepped into the passage, only to see a flash of light in the passage, and soon fell into dead darkness, and the white whale also let out a long sigh of relief: " Finally fulfilled the order of the ancestors."

Following that, he left here and quickly disappeared.

 Four more, please recommend, collect.


(End of this chapter)

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