Great Demon

Chapter 96 The Land of Evil Ruins

Chapter 96 The Land of Evil Ruins
The reason why the land of the evil ruins is called the land of the evil ruins is because there is a word "evil" in it. The lonely dry island here is filled with yin all the year round. It is the best place for those evil spirits and devils to avoid cultivation, and they They are so powerful that even the three major forces can do nothing to them, so this also makes this place special.

Even the Black Witch Sect who controls it has very weak control over this place, and the demon is the real master of this place.

After Jiang Shang walked into the passage, the scenery in front of him changed drastically, and he was teleported to a different place, which was his destination, the evil ruins!

This is a barren, gloomy and dark island. There are many monsters or human skeletons scattered on the island. The surface of the earth is a dark red bloody color. An oppressive, nauseating feeling.

Jiang Shang looked at all this with a frown, and couldn't help showing a solemn look on his face: "There is such a terrifying bloody atmosphere, it really deserves to be a notorious place of evil ruins!"

Everything in front of me is because of the blood, otherwise it would definitely not be this kind of scene. This is obviously a place full of killings, and it really deserves the evil name of the place of evil ruins.

"Let's go to other places first." Jiang Shang murmured slightly, and flew towards other places carefully.

This seems to be a very barren island, but there are many ferocious monsters living there. He just flew out of a distance of less than 1000 meters, and there was a black shadow in the sky, resounding through the ear-piercing screech. The sound came towards him at an extremely fast speed.

But it was a huge pitch-black magic eagle!

"Innate monster?" Jiang Shang didn't have much fear, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.Because he discovered that this pitch-black magic eagle, although its cultivation was only at the early innate level, was threatening people at the middle innate level. Obviously, its power was much higher than that of monsters of the same level.

But just like this, there is no threat to him at all.

"Jianguang, go!" Jiang Shang whispered.

Hundreds of silver-white sword lights whizzed out, and the powerful force filled the jet-black magic eagle in an instant, blasting it into pieces without hesitation.

"Bold," and at this moment, there was a roar from a distance, a gray-winged demon, holding a sharp spike in his hand, fiercely charged towards Jiang Shang: "How dare you kill my black demon?" Eagle, it is an unforgivable crime, die for me!"

The pitch-black magic eagle is his pet. He sent him to test Jiang Shang, but he was killed by Jiang Shang directly. How could he not be angry.

Just as he was speaking, the Winged Demon had blasted out the magic weapon, and the long nail turned into a black light. With lightning speed, it blasted towards Jiang Shang at a fast speed, and it appeared in the blink of an eye. In front of Jiang Shang's eyebrows.

It only takes half a breath at most, and the spike can sink into Jiang Shangmei's star.

This is simply a mortal ending, and the Winged Demon showed a cruel smile, but the next moment his expression suddenly became terrified, because he only heard a crisp sound, and the spike was, unexpectedly, bounced away by Jiang Shang's body up.


"What a terrifying body..." The Winged Demon swallowed a breath, with fear in his eyes, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

He already knew that he couldn't beat the opponent, if he stayed, he would only die!
"Want to run?" Seeing that the other party wanted to run away, Jiang Shang showed a mocking look. In front of his majestic sword light, running away was a complete joke.


One after another sword light chased out at a terrifying speed, and intercepted the winged demon in an instant, but Jiang Shang did not choose to kill him immediately, but looked at him coldly and said coldly: "I have a few questions If you want to ask you, you'd better not lie to me, or you will know the consequences."

A powerful aura surged, and the Winged Demon trembled all over and said, "Please tell me, as long as I know, I will answer truthfully."

"Very good, the first question." Jiang Shang nodded, and asked with a gloomy gaze: "Is this the place of the evil market?"

"That's right, this is the place of Xiexu." Upon hearing Jiang Shang's words, the Winged Demon immediately nodded and said, "This is the Blood Silkworm Island on the outskirts of the Xiexu, and the strong man who controls this island is named Blood Silkworm Daoist, 50 years ago, he was the peak powerhouse in the early Jindan stage, and now I don’t know if he has advanced.”

He had already guessed Jiang Shang's origin, so he said what Jiang Shang wanted to know, in order to save his own life.

"Blood silkworm Taoist? The early stage of golden core?" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered slightly, and he said to the winged demon: "Besides this blood silkworm Taoist, how many strong golden cores are there on the island? In addition, what other forces are there on the island? What's going on outside the island?"

Since the other party understood the situation so clearly, he was naturally not polite and asked all the doubts in his heart.

It turns out that on the blood silkworm island outside the evil ruins, there are two powerful organizations, one is the blood silkworm palace headed by the blood silkworm Taoist, and the other is the black eagle palace headed by the magic eagle.This magic eagle is also a strong man at the early stage of Jindan, but his strength is weaker than that of the blood silkworm Taoist, so on this island, the blood silkworm palace is the dominant one, and the influence of the magic shadow palace is much greater.

As for the situation outside of Blood Silkworm Island.

Within a radius of [-] miles, there are eleven islands like Blood Silkworm Island. These eleven islands and Blood Silkworm Island are all subordinate islands named Sanmu Island. The real master of this sea area.

As for the winged demon in front of Jiang Shang, it was an innate creature from the Black Eagle Palace.

After recognizing the situation in front of him clearly, Jiang Shang began to close his eyes and meditate. Naturally, the winged demon did not dare to move, but waited quietly in a panic.He knew that if he disturbed the other party again, he might be killed next time.

After a while, Jiang Shang opened his eyes, looked at the Winged Demon and said, "Take me to the Black Eagle Palace!"

"Go to Black Eagle Palace?" The Winged Demon trembled, he seemed to have guessed something, looked at Jiang Shang with trembling eyes and said, "You really want to follow me to Black Eagle Palace!"

"Lead the way!" Jiang Shang's eyes turned cold, and he said in a stern voice.

"Yes..." The Winged Demon didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, turned around and judged a direction, and then saw him say to Jiang Shang: "Please come with me."

The two then headed towards a barren mountain forest, where a stream slowly went up, and a huge mountain peak in the shape of a black eagle appeared in front of them. Jiang Shang stopped and stared at it with flickering eyes. Two figures of different strengths and weaknesses appeared in the sky, and the person at the head was a strong man in the early stage of Golden Core.

"Who are you?" Looking at Jiang Shang whose eyes were twinkling, the man asked solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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