Chapter 933 Immortal Gate, Arrival

All kinds of visions appearing between heaven and earth became more and more frequent.This made all the cultivators, except Jiang Shang and the other five, full of longing and anticipation, but also feeling extremely lost.

Mythological fairy gate, that symbolizes a way to reach the sky!It is even more so that the powerful in the fairyland can lock in advance the heaven-defying shortcut to the realm of the ancient great sage, the peerless fairy fate!
Everyone is not exempt, but they can only watch.

After going through the series of shocking changes before, the strong men in the world and the powerful monks from all sides at this time are full of awe at the mythical fairy gate that is about to reveal the tip of the iceberg above Xuanyuan.

It's not that their hearts have dispelled their coveting hearts, but that before the arrival of the fairy gate, the four silhouettes exuding ancient aura appeared at the top of the sky, separated in all directions, and scanned all the creatures below with cold and ruthless eyes , Incomparable killing spirit, it is frightening!

At this moment, Xuanyuan Tianyu and others who have returned to the imperial city of the dynasty are all standing on the top of the majestic palace, looking up at the sky.

Xuanyuan Tianyu, who was extremely old, was even more rickety and weak at this time, his cloudy eyes showed fear and fear, and he said in a low voice: "I have been telling Qieer and others earlier, absolutely don't have the heart of coveting. I wait for the power of the mortal world, even if it reaches the heavens and the earth, it will not help. To these four immortal slaves, I wait for nothing more than a stronger ants, and I can kill them all by raising my hand..."

Many elders of the royal family of the Black Dragon Dynasty suddenly realized, and looked at the sky with lingering fear, not knowing what they were thinking.

These four figures just stood on the top of the void without any movement, but still carried a terrifying aura that made the creatures of heaven and earth couldn't help but worship them.There is no vigor to traverse the universe, but it moisturizes things silently, quietly penetrating the minds of many strong people, which is irresistible.

The coming of the fairy gate is a rare event in all ages, which shocked the heavens and the world.Prior to this, there were top-level events such as the People's King Conference and the battle of thousands of races outside the region, which were well known throughout the world.

All kinds of strange signs naturally attract the terrifying powers of many worlds, or stand in the void, stepping on the nebula; This eternal event.

Naturally, the series of events that happened in Xuanyuan World cannot be hidden from the eyes of these people.Some expressed deep sympathy, some gloated, and many powerful figures who had a problem with the Black Dragon Dynasty came directly to the imperial city and said something strange, sarcasm, and so on.

After going through all kinds of changes, the Black Dragon Dynasty and the various forces in Xuanyuan will not be furious about it, and they all treat it calmly.

From another point of view, the powerhouses in the entire Xuanyuan world have grown rapidly after experiencing these changes, and they are not surprised by changes.

Even though there were many irritating things that happened, and even a complete break with the Black Dragon Dynasty, it was all over.

The power of the gods and gods is mighty and majestic, and the sound of gods and demons resounds through the nine heavens.

Countless powers burst through the sky from all kinds of visions in various worlds, and thousands of monks formed an army to cross the starry sky!
This is an extremely crazy era, with heroes rising together, evildoers appearing, and geniuses are countless... There are so many things, all of them are just to witness, a scene that will only appear in a million years!
Xuanyuan seems to have returned to the heyday before the distant time and space, when ten thousand immortals came to court and ruled the great thousand!

In the vast and boundless world of the heavens, all the strong come out and come straight to Xuanyuan. This is an unprecedented event!
The star field collapsed, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and countless powerful and powerful people gathered in Xuanyuan World. This is a magnificent scene rarely seen in ancient times!

The entire Xuanyuan world and the surrounding star field seemed to have experienced an unprecedented catastrophe. Countless stars and meteorites were all shattered, and the nebula rioted and rolled endlessly.

Brilliant and incomparable rays of light shone, and terrifying auras raged and spread!
I don't know when bursts of golden light appeared between the sky and the earth, turning into golden petals, floating in the air.There are ancient gods and demons singing from the Nine Heavens, the divine voice bursts out, and the rhythm of the avenue is ethereal and mysterious.

The world of Xuanyuan is distributed in every direction of the earth. There are countless ancient legendary mountains and rivers, and ancient battlefields. There are terrifying divine lights that soar into the sky, and overwhelming terrifying divine power, flowing in all directions, sweeping the world.

The Immortal Gate is approaching, and the void of the entire world is collapsing and destroying at a very high speed, condensing again in an instant, collapsing again in the next moment, and repeating itself.The destructive power caused by such a terrifying vision caused countless unlucky strong men to die on the spot and turn into ashes.

"The nine heavens are opened, and the fairy gate comes to the world."

A huge and incomparable voice came from the nine heavens, and suddenly, a crack appeared in the sky above Xuanyuan, which spread to tens of thousands of miles in an instant, and a huge portal depicting the totem of ancient gods and demons revealed the tip of the iceberg.

The sound spread throughout the world, and the exciting scene caused an uproar in the heavens.

"The fairy gate has appeared, what a majestic scene..." Someone was extremely shocked and murmured to himself.

"The gate of heaven opens, and the fairy gate of mythology appears. This is a heaven-defying opportunity that has been waiting for millions of years!" Someone's eyes burst into frenzied light, with a ferocious and crazy expression.

"It's here, it's finally here!" Some people were already dancing excitedly, almost crazy.

A low groan, like the sound of an ancient demon god waking up, like an ancient spell, containing mysterious and profound power.Immediately, the entire land of Xuanyuan boiled, hundreds of millions of rays of light shot straight up into the sky, and a terrifying sound of thunder resounded through the universe.

The cracks in the sky are getting bigger and bigger, and an incomparably mysterious airflow runs through the sky.That fairy gate full of magical totems gradually fell down, bringing endless pressure, enough to kill everything!
However, Xuanyuan seems to be guarded by some kind of mysterious power, and after experiencing this irresistible collapse and destruction, it is still intact.


An old and old voice came, and the ancient fairy gate, which was halfway down, suddenly opened a huge gap.Looking from a distance, it looks like the Milky Way has fallen into the sky for nine days, forming a road to the sky hanging between the heaven and the earth!

"What are you guys waiting for?"

An ethereal voice came, and the young Void Beast suddenly broke through the void and headed straight for the fairy gate of mythology.

A torrent of immortal energy rushed towards his face, filling the space between the heaven and the earth.Many powerhouses took a deep breath, and immediately felt refreshed, refreshed, and immediately showed ecstasy, greedily absorbing the immortal energy to temper themselves.

You can't enter the fairy gate and snatch the heaven-defying chance, but such a pure and incomparable immortal energy is a rare treasure, comparable to the heaven-defying magic medicine!

Many powerful and strong men shot out one after another, plundering the majestic and rolling fairy energy between the heaven and the earth, and swallowed it into the body with a big mouth.Apart from most of the powerhouses who dare not disobey the prestige of the Immortal Gate, a few people are staring at the Immortal Qi Waterfall hanging between the heaven and the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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