Chapter 934 Crazy
"Immortal Qi! This is the unique spiritual energy of the heavens. It can not only temper the body and soul, but also help me to break through! What's mine is mine!" , Turned into a horse training Xiaguang, crazily gathering immortal energy.

Everyone was shocked, and immediately shot wildly.

Once someone strikes first, there will be chaos immediately, and the chaos will spread to a wider and wider range. In the sky and on the ground, countless strong men are robbing and fighting... How could such an opportunity be missed?

The Void Beast, which had disappeared for many days, appeared at this time and rushed to the fairy gate first, which naturally attracted the attention of the other four.However, Jiang Shang and the others seemed to have discussed it, and they were all unmoved. They just looked at the chaotic scene between heaven and earth with flickering eyes, and their expressions were sarcasm.

Jiang Shang saw a few figures, followed behind the Void Beast, soaring into the sky, and immediately sneered: "Is it impossible for them to be the four immortal slaves? They really want to die!"

The four of them stood in mid-air, lined up, turning a blind eye to the mighty immortal energy coming towards them.

Lan Gu's eyes were playful, and he said softly: "It's really crazy..."

"If you want to do something against the sky, losing your mind is tantamount to courting death." Chunyang Tianjun Yangyun turned his head and looked towards the southeast void with an inexplicable expression.There, there was a group of monks in Taoist robes who stood motionless abruptly, which was particularly conspicuous.


"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

All of a sudden, the mighty flow of immortal energy, like a Milky Way falling to the ground, suddenly burst into billions of rays of light, bypassing the Void Beast rushing forward, cutting the figures behind it into thousands of pieces in an instant, spilling blood across the sky, Terrible.

Several extraterrestrial powers who intended to take advantage of the chaos to enter the fairy gate died tragically in an instant, their bodies and spirits annihilated!
The terrifying Xianwei finally showed its unparalleled killing side. Under such majesty, any creature in the world is like a chicken and a dog, vulnerable to a single blow.

But at this moment, the sky darkened in an instant. A huge body covering the sky and the sun, with the body of a lion and the head of a dragon, was covered with fiery red scales, and his arrogance was overwhelming, like an ancient demon god.

Immortal Qi Xiaguang burst forth madly, but could not break through the defense of its body surface, and the characters of the divine pattern shone with simple and simple light, showing an astonishing defense against the sky!

Another ancient supreme from outside the territory!
He has been asleep for ten thousand years, and after awakening, there is no reason to let him go with such a fairy fate so close in front of his eyes.

"You don't have much life, so why not give it a go!" He roared in a low voice, resounding through the sky.The Ancient Sovereign showed unparalleled ferocity and came straight to the Xianqi Waterfall!

As if responding to his words, the immortal slave standing motionless on the eastern sky suddenly moved, and a cold voice sounded from his mouth: "You humble ant, you are looking for a dead end!" It raised its arms, spread its five fingers, and moved towards Suppressed with a huge body.

This seemingly ordinary blow contained incomparably destructive power, and it was blown away with a forceful palm, the flesh and blood were shattered, and the soul was instantly wiped out!

Jiang Shang suddenly smiled and said: "It seems that other than me, it is more difficult for others to get in than to reach the sky. The Void Beast is already one step ahead, why don't you do it?"

Chunyang Tianjun also smiled and said: "This mythical fairy gate belongs to the opportunity of the five of us. If other people want to intervene, they have to weigh it."

Lan Gu sighed slowly: "What kind of machine front, if you have something to say, make it clear. Don't you just want the Void Beast to explore the way ahead?"

Youyu, the Tianjiao of the Holy Feather Clan, looked indifferent, unmoved by all this, rushed up, moved his feet, and rushed towards the sky.

Entering the fairy gate first may indeed encounter unimaginable dangers, but it also means taking advantage of the opportunity. As the saying goes, good and bad depend on each other, no one can resist the temptation of that kind of peerless, let alone, he is originally The Tianjiao character, the strongest generation of a major race in the heavens, is naturally fearless and has strong self-confidence.

call out!call out!call out……

At this time, the Void Beast that was the first to rush towards the fairy gate had already entered the huge gap in the gate and disappeared.

However, the extremely fast-spreading huge crack had completely divided the sky above Xuanyuan into two halves, and continued to spread towards the starry sky.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Shang and the three looked at each other, and finally rushed out, refusing to give in to each other, showing unparalleled momentum, and rushed to the fairy gate.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

When the figures of the five peerless monsters completely disappeared within the ancient fairy gate.

The vast river in the sky suddenly exploded, turning into boundless chaotic air, shaking the universe, revealing a huge and unparalleled fairy gate, which was completely opened in an instant.

Unparalleled majestic aura swept Xuanyuan, revealing the undulating mountains, gorgeous palaces, flowing springs, waterfalls, fairyland and caves.

The immortal energy that refreshes the heart and soul, possesses many incomparable functions such as tempering the primordial spirit, is even more majestic and powerful, rushing out of the immortal gate in an endless stream, scouring the world, and infecting everything in the world.

"Roar! Go, you must not miss it!" Seeing such a wonderful place in the fairy family, the countless strong men in Xuanyuan were completely crazy, arousing the hidden thoughts of madness in their hearts, and rushed towards the fairy gate fearlessly, intending to enter it .

The miserable fate of those people before did not arouse their vigilance, and even aroused their ferocity and became even more insane.

"Chong Chong Chong! The peerless fairy fate is in front of you!"

"Come on! We must not let a few juniors seize such a heaven-defying opportunity!"

"Fuck me! Anyone who stops me dies!"



The brilliance is radiant, and the brilliance and divine channeling techniques of various colors are like thousands of sharp knives.

Crazy, totally crazy!
Everyone became ferocious, fighting fiercely.The Supreme Lord You had just deflected the dangerous attack of others, and was immediately surrounded by terrifying magical powers rushing from all directions, and the roar shook the sky, piercing through the clouds!
The land of Xuanyuan was completely plunged into riots, and countless strong men rushed out crazily, soaring to the sky.

The various forces in Xuanyuan and many members of the royal family of the Black Dragon Dynasty quietly retreated at this time, arrived at the junction of the Northland and Zhongzhou, entered the ancient dragon gate, and disappeared without a trace.

Above the nine heavens, the four immortal slaves guarding the square sky had stiff sarcasm on their faces, and they looked at the scene below with contempt, and sneered.

These four immortal slaves who are extremely powerful also have a lot of origin.Even the forces they were born in were famous and dominant in the heavens.Now he is reduced to a fairy slave because of greed, and he is forced to guard the fairy gate.

However, after hundreds of thousands of years of punishment, they are about to finish their sentences. After the coming of the fairy gate, they will be able to regain their freedom and return to the supreme heaven.

There is no doubt about the strength of the four immortal slaves. Even from the stone man in the eastern sky, who killed the fourth and half saints with one hand, it can be seen that this is definitely a terrifying and terrifying existence. It is possible to be stronger!

"These stupid guys, do you really think that a large number of people can represent everything? It seems that the scene of a million years will reappear, and the lower realm is destined to decline for a while!" The cold divine thoughts were conveyed among the four , all of them showed cold smiles, extremely cruel and ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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