Chapter 935 Chaos
Just because the mythical fairy gate was completely opened, revealing the fairyland scene inside, it immediately caused violent chaos, and wars broke out everywhere.

At this moment, all the powers and ancient supreme beings of all parties became incomparably crazy, as if the carnival at the last moment of life showed a state of incomparable madness, which was chilling.

However, the five super evildoers who entered the mythical fairy gate are now caught in the first test.

It turns out that the so-called mythical fairy gate and peerless fairy fate cannot be obtained just by entering.

Behind the fairy gate is an extremely vast world, comparable to the northern land of Xuanyuan, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, which is extremely shocking.As far as the eye can see, there are undulating mountains and lofty mountains.In the meantime, there are Taotao in the forest, waterfalls and flowing springs, fairy birds flying and singing, and fairy beasts running and whistling, which is really charming.Immersed in it, unable to extricate myself.

However, when the five super evildoers entered the fairy gate, the scenes they saw were not the same. Although they were similar, they were all different.

Jiang Shang was the third to enter the fairy gate, but he felt in a trance for a while, and his eyes shone with misty brilliance for a moment. When he came back to his senses, there was already a charming scene like a fairyland in the fairyland, which shocked him unceasingly.

Looking at the majestic palace in the distance, among the undulating mountains, there are streaks of rays of light, which are colorful and dazzling.

Jiang Shang was suspicious and did not act rashly.You know, the world inside this fairy gate is full of heaven-defying opportunities, and there must be infinite risks in the dark, so he dare not be careless.

Unleashing his spiritual thoughts to explore the surroundings, Jiang Shang moved forward cautiously, watching any changes in the surroundings with great vigilance. If there was any disturbance, he would immediately stop and concentrate on his guard.

Jiang Shang was not overly cautious with such an appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy.This place is no different from the outside world, it is almost possible to run amok without fear of any danger.This is the world behind the fairy gate, who knows if there is something terrifying hidden in it...

Generally speaking, for the existence of secret realms, relics, and treasures, some natural and earthly treasures will be guarded by very powerful creatures.This is the secret realm of the Immortal Gate, it is always right to be cautious.

Jiang Shang is not so arrogant as to be supercilious. He can fight against the fourth and half saints of the immortals without defeat, but his real realm is the ultimate immortal one, which is much worse than those outside the domain, let alone in a completely unknown place!

Jiang Shang's carefulness was not in vain.But in a short while, he discovered the abnormalities around him.

Here, there are beautiful mountains and rivers, flying waterfalls and flowing springs, and the scenery is pleasant.But in this short period of time, although he moved his steps cautiously, he was also very fast. According to his usual speed, he had already run thousands of miles away, but now he still stayed here and did not go out!

"Illusion array? It's so subtle that people don't notice it!" Jiang Shang's face changed slightly, and his eyes flickered.

Suddenly, he was surrounded by divine marks all over his body, and the dense world of bones spread from under his feet, expanding rapidly.The surrounding scene suddenly resembled a bright moon in the water, with ripples appearing in layers.

Jiang Shang smiled slightly, and murmured: "It's true!" His figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.


At the same time, in the other four different directions of the Immortal Gate Secret Realm, Void Beast and others also encountered the blockade of the phantom array, and they have been spinning around in place, unable to escape.After searching carefully but no trace was found, his face was somewhat ugly.

"Going through many dangers to get to this point, if you are trapped by a phantom array and stop moving forward... you will lose your face!" Lan Gu looked lazy on weekdays, showing a dignified expression for the first time, looking around , muttering to himself.

After contemplating for a long time, a dazed look appeared on Lan Gu's face. He strode forward and punched out with a powerful punch. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind, and the wind and thunder roared.

The illusion shattered like a mirror.

On the other side, the Void Beast's expression moved slightly, a clear smile appeared on the corner of its mouth, and it raised its hand to make a simple and obscure handprint. Cracks appeared in the void in front of it, spreading around in the blink of an eye, and the surrounding fairyland-like scene collapsed and shattered, revealing Original appearance.

"One moment is a wonderful place in the fairy family, but the next moment is a poor mountain and bad water? Interesting."

The Void Beast smiled proudly, and strode into the jungle surrounded by black air and wind.


Yang Yun, known as the Heavenly Monarch of Pure Yang, was standing on the top of a mountain with jagged rocks, looking down at the endlessly churning gray mist, hesitating.

After breaking the blockade of the illusion, he walked along an old stone path for a long time and came here.However, the dull growl from the mist ahead made him dare not move forward easily.

That vague aura made him very afraid.Bitter cold, cold to the bone marrow, completely opposite to the way of the most powerful and pure yang he cultivated, it caused natural suppression, making him hesitant.

And that heaven-defying person You Yu from the Holy Feather Clan in the heavenly world, his speed of breaking the illusion is very terrifying, and his journey is as fast as a bamboo.However, the situation he encountered was different from other people's. The illusions were layer upon layer and endless.

Along the way, he encountered no less than a hundred roads just because of the blockage of the illusion, which made his mood more serious. There is something strange here!

The five super monsters encountered different tests. They were silent and hard to guard against. Illusions, traps, and killing arrays emerged one after another.

The five people walked towards a palace in the distance at the same time, but they felt that they were getting farther and farther away and deviated.Such a scene, such a situation, made their previous mood of breaking the illusion easily become dignified.

However, outside Kanxianmen, the battles among many dying old monsters have reached a fever pitch, and the battles are becoming more and more fierce. Every time there is a roar, a powerful figure will fall into the air!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The violent energy raged around, triggering an unparalleled violent torrent, like a monstrous storm, engulfed with mixed vigor and spiritual energy, and the sound rumbled through the air, causing layers of void to collapse and disintegrate, causing turbulence to flow everywhere.

Unknowingly, the turbulent immortal energy gushing out from the immortal gate has quietly disappeared.The river of immortal energy hanging high in the sky like a galaxy falling to the ground gradually shrunk and finally disappeared without a trace.


"No! How could it be that it disappeared..."

Such a scene immediately caused many terrifying powers to roar in grief, regardless of the dangers around them, and crazily rushed to the place where the fairy gate was.

Immediately, a huge and unparalleled body stood upright.All kinds of miraculous rays of light and terrifying visions, at the moment when many powerhouses cast their supernatural powers, filled the sky and the earth, once again creating an incomparably terrifying scene of destruction.

The land below was completely reduced to ruins, with broken walls and ruins, the mountains and rivers were dry and cracked, the earth collapsed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Inside the ancient dragon gate, many elders of the royal family joined forces to perform the ancient dragon secret technique, completely hiding the dragon gate in the void.The emperor of the Black Dragon Dynasty, with an inexplicable expression at this time, whispered in his mouth: "Let's fight, the world will be smashed, the more people die, the better..."

(End of this chapter)

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